Major Group: Women
IPM UNCSD-19 Thematic Discussion: TRANSPORT Women Major Group
Intervention for Tuesday Morning Session ? March 1st ?
Intervention delivered by: SABINA ANOKYE MENSAH(PhD)-VAM
Mr. Chairman, Honorable Ministers and Distinguished Delegates thank you for the
The Women Major Group is pleased about many points raised in SG report,
including India?s plans to provide roads to rural areas.
Investment in the transport sector often neglects the needs of women and the nonmotorized
poor. Women need to be involved in transport planning at all levels. We
agree with the points on how lack of access to transport seriously impacts women
and community health because women in remote/urban areas are often unable to
travel to health care centers to receive the care they and their families require.
Priority needs to be given to ensuring women have adequate and safe transport to
centers where health care is available.
Emissions is another concern in terms of safety. Previous CSDs have addressed the
issue of fine particle dust and we urge delegates to consider this and other harmful
emissions which are linked to respiratory disease, especially asthma, and heart
disease. Governments need to develop regulations to prevent such exposures.
Governments need to support the development of low-carbon integrated transport
plans which optimize such modalities as walking, biking as well as affordable, safe
and convenient public transport.
Isolation of rural areas leads to a lack of capacity to reach development goals
which impacts negatively on women and their families. It is critically important that
women participate in decision-making processes concerning effective, affordable,
environmentally protective and safe transportation as well as implementation and
evaluation of transport plans.
The idea of sustainability indicators for transportation was raised and we hope the
predicted effects of climate crises are taken into consideration, i.e. rising sea levels
and possible movement of populations away from coastal areas when
transportation routes and modalities are planned. This will ensure sustainable
transport in the future and this needs to be included as part of transport
sustainability indicators.
Intervention for Tuesday Morning Session ? March 1st ?
Intervention delivered by: SABINA ANOKYE MENSAH(PhD)-VAM
Mr. Chairman, Honorable Ministers and Distinguished Delegates thank you for the
The Women Major Group is pleased about many points raised in SG report,
including India?s plans to provide roads to rural areas.
Investment in the transport sector often neglects the needs of women and the nonmotorized
poor. Women need to be involved in transport planning at all levels. We
agree with the points on how lack of access to transport seriously impacts women
and community health because women in remote/urban areas are often unable to
travel to health care centers to receive the care they and their families require.
Priority needs to be given to ensuring women have adequate and safe transport to
centers where health care is available.
Emissions is another concern in terms of safety. Previous CSDs have addressed the
issue of fine particle dust and we urge delegates to consider this and other harmful
emissions which are linked to respiratory disease, especially asthma, and heart
disease. Governments need to develop regulations to prevent such exposures.
Governments need to support the development of low-carbon integrated transport
plans which optimize such modalities as walking, biking as well as affordable, safe
and convenient public transport.
Isolation of rural areas leads to a lack of capacity to reach development goals
which impacts negatively on women and their families. It is critically important that
women participate in decision-making processes concerning effective, affordable,
environmentally protective and safe transportation as well as implementation and
evaluation of transport plans.
The idea of sustainability indicators for transportation was raised and we hope the
predicted effects of climate crises are taken into consideration, i.e. rising sea levels
and possible movement of populations away from coastal areas when
transportation routes and modalities are planned. This will ensure sustainable
transport in the future and this needs to be included as part of transport
sustainability indicators.