Major Group: Women
Interactive discussions: Human settlements and job creation
Submitted by Redwood Mary ?Mary Rose Kaczorowski?
CSD-13, 12 April 2005
If there is no job creation and subsequently no job security for workers, workers,
especially women, cannot pay for rents or purchase homes or land.
1. the women?s caucus recommendation is that there be a gender rights approach to
job creation which should include women?s equal access to credit (as outlined in
CSD-12 paragraph 175) and be recognized as one of the pre-conditions to solving
the issues of job creation.
2. Asking governments to consider grassroots women?s initiatives. For example:
Women?s savings and credit groups in India have mobilized their own savings to
provide loans for one another. These groups are organized into federation that has
the ability to leverage bulk loans from banks.
3. Enable ongoing dialogue with authorities, rather than one time consultations, as
means to addressing both practical and strategic gender needs of women. In cases
where grassroots women have succeeded in bringing about changes in their living
environments it has been the result of ongoing negotiations and partnerships with
local/national authorities
4. In addition to the benefits in having access and control over a financial resource
base, savings and credit groups are also the unit through which women start
organizing to address development issues in their settlements such as access to
electricity, water supply, health care, schools, etc.
5. At Habitat II in Istanbul (1996) it was emphasized that governments cannot
handle problems of human settlements alone, so we are happy to hear that Major
Groups will be welcomed to CSD-13 dialogues
Submitted by Redwood Mary ?Mary Rose Kaczorowski?
CSD-13, 12 April 2005
If there is no job creation and subsequently no job security for workers, workers,
especially women, cannot pay for rents or purchase homes or land.
1. the women?s caucus recommendation is that there be a gender rights approach to
job creation which should include women?s equal access to credit (as outlined in
CSD-12 paragraph 175) and be recognized as one of the pre-conditions to solving
the issues of job creation.
2. Asking governments to consider grassroots women?s initiatives. For example:
Women?s savings and credit groups in India have mobilized their own savings to
provide loans for one another. These groups are organized into federation that has
the ability to leverage bulk loans from banks.
3. Enable ongoing dialogue with authorities, rather than one time consultations, as
means to addressing both practical and strategic gender needs of women. In cases
where grassroots women have succeeded in bringing about changes in their living
environments it has been the result of ongoing negotiations and partnerships with
local/national authorities
4. In addition to the benefits in having access and control over a financial resource
base, savings and credit groups are also the unit through which women start
organizing to address development issues in their settlements such as access to
electricity, water supply, health care, schools, etc.
5. At Habitat II in Istanbul (1996) it was emphasized that governments cannot
handle problems of human settlements alone, so we are happy to hear that Major
Groups will be welcomed to CSD-13 dialogues