Major Group: Women
Intervention at Morning Dialogue of Major Groups with Co-chairs
Monday 9 December, 9 – 10 AM
6th OWG on Sustainable Development Goals SDGS
United Nations, New York
By: Sascha Gabizon, WECF International & OP Women’s Major Group
Thank you chair,
On MOI, my own organisation works on development and transfer of technology for sustainable
development, and we involve women and men equally.
For example, with support of solar energy cooperatives in Germany we have adjusted the solar
water heater solutions to rural areas in Kyrgyzstan and Georgia – and learned that there is not a
simple transfer of technology possible, but that all technologies need to be adjusted to the local
market and climate conditions.
We also have seen sharing of technological solutions from India to Georgia.
These type of sustainable technologies can be spread out very easily to all rural communities, at a
much lower cost than any centralized fossil fuel power-plant can achieve, and respond to
priorities in particular of women in rural areas.
Still these types of technological solution, which focus on systems which can be developed and
managed locally by women and men, SMEs, and cooperatives, -- are not benefitting from any of
the funding mechanisms.
We recommend to avoid further concentration of power through technology transfer by calling
for SDG targets on ToT which could state that SDGs should allocate a certain % of funding to
local sustainable technologies focussed on community and household uses
Thank you!
Monday 9 December, 9 – 10 AM
6th OWG on Sustainable Development Goals SDGS
United Nations, New York
By: Sascha Gabizon, WECF International & OP Women’s Major Group
Thank you chair,
On MOI, my own organisation works on development and transfer of technology for sustainable
development, and we involve women and men equally.
For example, with support of solar energy cooperatives in Germany we have adjusted the solar
water heater solutions to rural areas in Kyrgyzstan and Georgia – and learned that there is not a
simple transfer of technology possible, but that all technologies need to be adjusted to the local
market and climate conditions.
We also have seen sharing of technological solutions from India to Georgia.
These type of sustainable technologies can be spread out very easily to all rural communities, at a
much lower cost than any centralized fossil fuel power-plant can achieve, and respond to
priorities in particular of women in rural areas.
Still these types of technological solution, which focus on systems which can be developed and
managed locally by women and men, SMEs, and cooperatives, -- are not benefitting from any of
the funding mechanisms.
We recommend to avoid further concentration of power through technology transfer by calling
for SDG targets on ToT which could state that SDGs should allocate a certain % of funding to
local sustainable technologies focussed on community and household uses
Thank you!