Major Group: Women
Nurgul Djanaeva
Forum of women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan, WMG
Intervention on Needs of Land Locked developing countries
My name is Nurgul Djanaeva from Forum of women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, I am
part of the Women Major Group. Kyrgyzstan is part of the land locked developing countries.
While sharing common challenges, LLDCs face specific challenges that should be addressed in
the process of SDGs development. Let me share with you only with five specific challenges
related to the means of implementation in LLDCs.
They are the following:
1. Partnership as a means of implementation at country levels is significant. Role of in
country periodic multistakeholders consultations on development should be recognized.
Without such means of implementation we shall have weak country ownership of the
development with lack of accountability and responsibility.
2. Effective mechanism of accountability for implementation of goals at regular basis is
needed. Kyrgyzstan during implementation of the MDGs has been on regressive path in
the area of education – we lost the status of having 100% of literacy, we have now from
about 20 thousand to 60 thousands of children not going to schools. If the current trend in
the education is not reflected in the SDGs this will weaken the sustainable development
of Kyrgyzstan.
3. Public private partnership in the form as it is going to be implemented in Kyrgyzstan is
going to create risk to sustainability of poor people, women. Many services will become
not accessible and affordable to poor people, who are majority in LLDCs. Strengthening
private sector at the expenses of quality of life of poor people is not a good means of
implementation in developing countries.
4. Focus on economic goals leads to sustaining inequalities in LLDCs. A shift is needed
from prioritization of pure economic goals to combination of three priorities: social
justice, economic growth and ecological sustainability with a proper means of
implementation. As a representative of women’s major group I call your attention to the
present fact that Rural poor women and girls remain out of mainstream programs,
agendas and budgets of majority development stakeholders. Ensure that it is a future fact.
5. For LLDCS strengthening of the local business has a huge importance, local business in
LLDCs is not able to compete with big transnational companies coming to our countries.
Creation of system of supporting growth of the local business with ensured social
accountability is needed to enable local business to be a development actor.
Thank you for your attention.
Forum of women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan, WMG
Intervention on Needs of Land Locked developing countries
My name is Nurgul Djanaeva from Forum of women's NGOs of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan, I am
part of the Women Major Group. Kyrgyzstan is part of the land locked developing countries.
While sharing common challenges, LLDCs face specific challenges that should be addressed in
the process of SDGs development. Let me share with you only with five specific challenges
related to the means of implementation in LLDCs.
They are the following:
1. Partnership as a means of implementation at country levels is significant. Role of in
country periodic multistakeholders consultations on development should be recognized.
Without such means of implementation we shall have weak country ownership of the
development with lack of accountability and responsibility.
2. Effective mechanism of accountability for implementation of goals at regular basis is
needed. Kyrgyzstan during implementation of the MDGs has been on regressive path in
the area of education – we lost the status of having 100% of literacy, we have now from
about 20 thousand to 60 thousands of children not going to schools. If the current trend in
the education is not reflected in the SDGs this will weaken the sustainable development
of Kyrgyzstan.
3. Public private partnership in the form as it is going to be implemented in Kyrgyzstan is
going to create risk to sustainability of poor people, women. Many services will become
not accessible and affordable to poor people, who are majority in LLDCs. Strengthening
private sector at the expenses of quality of life of poor people is not a good means of
implementation in developing countries.
4. Focus on economic goals leads to sustaining inequalities in LLDCs. A shift is needed
from prioritization of pure economic goals to combination of three priorities: social
justice, economic growth and ecological sustainability with a proper means of
implementation. As a representative of women’s major group I call your attention to the
present fact that Rural poor women and girls remain out of mainstream programs,
agendas and budgets of majority development stakeholders. Ensure that it is a future fact.
5. For LLDCS strengthening of the local business has a huge importance, local business in
LLDCs is not able to compete with big transnational companies coming to our countries.
Creation of system of supporting growth of the local business with ensured social
accountability is needed to enable local business to be a development actor.
Thank you for your attention.