Major Group: Science and Technology
Thank you Chair for the opportunity to contribute to the discussions
We would like to comment and support three topics related to enhancing sustainability of the
transport sector:
i. Need for a sound scientific planning approach;
ii. Need for promoting multi-modal transport and multi-fuel mix; and
iii. A socio-technical research agenda supporting the transport sector
I will now elaborate on the three points-
1. We see an opportunity to develop a sound scientific planning approach:
Transport planning seems to be playing a catching-up game related to providing sustainable
solutions. As indicated by the UN Habitat, by 2050, 2/3rds of the world population would live in
urban environment. In several countries, the urban boundaries are expanding as peri-urban
areas, which would subsequently evolve as new cities. It is thus important to develop a sound
scientific modelling approach in designing an integrated and inter-modal transport network.
Including such an approach as a policy-goal would be useful in creating sustainability of the
2. Multi-modal, multi-fuel transport planning would be a useful tool:
Policy dialog could also focus on using all transport modes innovatively rather than creating
unwarranted competition among the transport modes and different fuel used. Examples from
Singapore, Hong Kong, London and New York for example are role models that could be
followed, including while designing Official Development Assistance.
3. There is a need to develop better understanding of socio-technical features of transport:
Global research network focusing on socio-technical features of future sustainable transport
system as well as the technology development through involvement of the scientific community
can add value to the policy-implementation nexus.
Thank you.
We would like to comment and support three topics related to enhancing sustainability of the
transport sector:
i. Need for a sound scientific planning approach;
ii. Need for promoting multi-modal transport and multi-fuel mix; and
iii. A socio-technical research agenda supporting the transport sector
I will now elaborate on the three points-
1. We see an opportunity to develop a sound scientific planning approach:
Transport planning seems to be playing a catching-up game related to providing sustainable
solutions. As indicated by the UN Habitat, by 2050, 2/3rds of the world population would live in
urban environment. In several countries, the urban boundaries are expanding as peri-urban
areas, which would subsequently evolve as new cities. It is thus important to develop a sound
scientific modelling approach in designing an integrated and inter-modal transport network.
Including such an approach as a policy-goal would be useful in creating sustainability of the
2. Multi-modal, multi-fuel transport planning would be a useful tool:
Policy dialog could also focus on using all transport modes innovatively rather than creating
unwarranted competition among the transport modes and different fuel used. Examples from
Singapore, Hong Kong, London and New York for example are role models that could be
followed, including while designing Official Development Assistance.
3. There is a need to develop better understanding of socio-technical features of transport:
Global research network focusing on socio-technical features of future sustainable transport
system as well as the technology development through involvement of the scientific community
can add value to the policy-implementation nexus.
Thank you.