Major Group: NGOs, Children & Youth, Women, and Beyond 2015
Thank you co-chair,
We strongly support the inclusion of Goal 12 and call for it to be strengthened further. It should call clearly for a global transition to sustainable consumption and production by 2030. Given that the overall number of goals should be reduced from the 17 currently proposed, it may need to be combined with the goals on economic growth and employment (Goal 8) and sustainable industrialization (Goal 9) – but being careful that the impacts of these goals do not cancel out each other.
Such a goal might be: Make the transition to sustainable consumption and production while achieving inclusive and sustainable economic development and decent work for all.
Across all goals, we need SDG targets which promote a broad and inclusive concept of SCP. We also strongly support goal 16 and targets promoting basic freedoms and the rule of law, peace and security, good governance, transparency, accountability and participation. Without these it would be difficult for any society or nation to make long term progress towards sustainable development and SCP.
We propose 5 priority targets for a goal on SCP, and we put forward 2 Means of Implementation targets.
1. We propose to replace target 12.2 with existing Aichi Target 4A from the Convention on Biological Diversity: By 2020, at the latest, governments, businesses and stakeholders at all levels have taken steps to achieve or have implemented plans for sustainable production and consumption and have kept the impacts of use of natural resources well within safe ecological limits.
By 2030 achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources to enhance human welfare within the carrying capacity of ecosystems.
2. On 12.3, at the heart of SCP lies the concept of decoupling increases in wellbeing and prosperity for all from ever-increasing greenhouse gas emissions and depletion of critical natural capital. We therefore call for the language to be strengthened to include a footprint approach, and to make this time bound: [add] By 2030 significantly improve the [add] achieve radically improved resource [add] and energy efficiencies of economic activities [add] in all sectors and decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, with all countries taking action, developed countries taking the lead, and developing countries following a similar pattern taking into account their development needs and capabilities [add] significantly reducing water, carbon, cropland and raw material footprints per unit of GDP while reducing waste and increasing reuse and recycling.
3. We would increase the ambition of target 12.4 to specifically address the lifecycle of chemicals- poor and marginalised communities will suffer most from poorly managed hazardous chemicals and waste so this target is critical for SCP: By 2030 promote sound [add] achieve the sustainable management of chemicals [add] throughout their life cycle, including of hazardous waste in accordance with agreed international frameworks and by 2030 significantly reduce the releases of chemicals and hazardous wastes to air, water and soil, [add] to eliminate significant adverse effects on human health and the environment.
4. There needs to be strong emphasis on addressing consumption as well as production in goal 12, therefore 12.7 needs to be strengthened further and have more detail on how ‘awareness raising’ would be implemented practically: By 2030, redouble efforts to create a culture of [add] ensure that people everywhere have the information and understanding needed to live sustainable lifestyles including through education, awareness raising, sustainability [add] and avoid unsustainable consumption, including through school curricula, information [add] accompanying products and services, [add] awareness raising and policies and incentives.
5. On 12.11 we suggest more specific language and identification of agencies which need to lead a transition to sustainable procurement. We also call for a more ambitious timeline: By 2030 [add] By 2020 increase the share of sustainable products and services in public [add] Governments, local governments and major public services have sustainable procurement, including through competitive and transparent procurement processes [add] policies in place for services and infrastructure, minimising environmental damage.
We also propose two “means of implementation” targets under goal 17 for SCP:
1. Move target 12.1 to Goal 17 and be more specific about the role of the 10YFP: [add] By 2020 achieve Time-bound effective implementation of the 10 Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) [add] in support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production, [add] promoting social and economic development within the carrying capacity of ecosystems.
2. Target 17.38 should be strengthened: [add] By 2020 enhance international cooperation with developed countries taking the lead in implementing [add] providing leadership in transitioning their own societies to sustainable consumption and production patterns [add] models including through strengthening developing countries’ scientific and technological capacities to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production [add] and providing support for countries in need to make their own transition, recognising their different capacities and capabilities.
Our rationale for strengthening this target is developed countries were first to adopt globally unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, giving them the wealth and capabilities required to make the transition. It must be recognised, however, that a large and growing part of the populations of many developing nations have now also adopted these patterns.
Thank you co-chair. We will send you this statement and full proposal on goal 12 for further consideration.
We strongly support the inclusion of Goal 12 and call for it to be strengthened further. It should call clearly for a global transition to sustainable consumption and production by 2030. Given that the overall number of goals should be reduced from the 17 currently proposed, it may need to be combined with the goals on economic growth and employment (Goal 8) and sustainable industrialization (Goal 9) – but being careful that the impacts of these goals do not cancel out each other.
Such a goal might be: Make the transition to sustainable consumption and production while achieving inclusive and sustainable economic development and decent work for all.
Across all goals, we need SDG targets which promote a broad and inclusive concept of SCP. We also strongly support goal 16 and targets promoting basic freedoms and the rule of law, peace and security, good governance, transparency, accountability and participation. Without these it would be difficult for any society or nation to make long term progress towards sustainable development and SCP.
We propose 5 priority targets for a goal on SCP, and we put forward 2 Means of Implementation targets.
1. We propose to replace target 12.2 with existing Aichi Target 4A from the Convention on Biological Diversity: By 2020, at the latest, governments, businesses and stakeholders at all levels have taken steps to achieve or have implemented plans for sustainable production and consumption and have kept the impacts of use of natural resources well within safe ecological limits.
By 2030 achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources to enhance human welfare within the carrying capacity of ecosystems.
2. On 12.3, at the heart of SCP lies the concept of decoupling increases in wellbeing and prosperity for all from ever-increasing greenhouse gas emissions and depletion of critical natural capital. We therefore call for the language to be strengthened to include a footprint approach, and to make this time bound: [add] By 2030 significantly improve the [add] achieve radically improved resource [add] and energy efficiencies of economic activities [add] in all sectors and decouple economic growth from environmental degradation, with all countries taking action, developed countries taking the lead, and developing countries following a similar pattern taking into account their development needs and capabilities [add] significantly reducing water, carbon, cropland and raw material footprints per unit of GDP while reducing waste and increasing reuse and recycling.
3. We would increase the ambition of target 12.4 to specifically address the lifecycle of chemicals- poor and marginalised communities will suffer most from poorly managed hazardous chemicals and waste so this target is critical for SCP: By 2030 promote sound [add] achieve the sustainable management of chemicals [add] throughout their life cycle, including of hazardous waste in accordance with agreed international frameworks and by 2030 significantly reduce the releases of chemicals and hazardous wastes to air, water and soil, [add] to eliminate significant adverse effects on human health and the environment.
4. There needs to be strong emphasis on addressing consumption as well as production in goal 12, therefore 12.7 needs to be strengthened further and have more detail on how ‘awareness raising’ would be implemented practically: By 2030, redouble efforts to create a culture of [add] ensure that people everywhere have the information and understanding needed to live sustainable lifestyles including through education, awareness raising, sustainability [add] and avoid unsustainable consumption, including through school curricula, information [add] accompanying products and services, [add] awareness raising and policies and incentives.
5. On 12.11 we suggest more specific language and identification of agencies which need to lead a transition to sustainable procurement. We also call for a more ambitious timeline: By 2030 [add] By 2020 increase the share of sustainable products and services in public [add] Governments, local governments and major public services have sustainable procurement, including through competitive and transparent procurement processes [add] policies in place for services and infrastructure, minimising environmental damage.
We also propose two “means of implementation” targets under goal 17 for SCP:
1. Move target 12.1 to Goal 17 and be more specific about the role of the 10YFP: [add] By 2020 achieve Time-bound effective implementation of the 10 Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) [add] in support of regional and national initiatives to accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production, [add] promoting social and economic development within the carrying capacity of ecosystems.
2. Target 17.38 should be strengthened: [add] By 2020 enhance international cooperation with developed countries taking the lead in implementing [add] providing leadership in transitioning their own societies to sustainable consumption and production patterns [add] models including through strengthening developing countries’ scientific and technological capacities to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production [add] and providing support for countries in need to make their own transition, recognising their different capacities and capabilities.
Our rationale for strengthening this target is developed countries were first to adopt globally unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, giving them the wealth and capabilities required to make the transition. It must be recognised, however, that a large and growing part of the populations of many developing nations have now also adopted these patterns.
Thank you co-chair. We will send you this statement and full proposal on goal 12 for further consideration.