Major Group: NGOs
We have reached a stage in history where words can no longer substitute for action. 20 years after
the Rio summit, and 10 years after the message was reaffirmed in Johannesburg, ecological and
social trends are still worsening. Democratically-elected governments, ostensibly accountable to
their citizens, have not kept their promises and commitments. Today we are asking that they
assume their solemn responsibilities and begin immediate and effective action.
Sustainable consumption and production is the material heart of sustainable development. It is
not just another overarching theme; it is the mainstay of the framework that will enable us to
meet the consumptive needs of all, as articulated in the MDGS, within the ecological carrying
capacity of the planet.
The WSSD called on the international community to support the work being done at the
regional and national level through a ten-year framework of programs. Indeed, many great,
innovative initiatives and strategies to accelerate this shift to sustainability already exist, and
would benefit from coordinated support, including financial support.
We would like to suggest a key possible program based on discussions thus far:
It is necessary to reform national accounting and develop new measures of
economic progress that incorporate well-being and welfare. Agenda 21 is clear
on this point, and we need an international program which draws on the work
already being done on new sustainability indicators and on measures of
progress, for example the Beyond-GDP exploratory work.
We have also noted that the Chair's draft text calls for a discussion on format and substance of the
10 Year Framework of Programmes. We support such discussions and wish them to be open,
all-inclusive and formalized going forward to CSD 19.
In addition, we would like to emphasize the following tools for change:
Firstly, green, or sustainable, public procurement is fundamental and a key leverage
point to help transform patterns of consumption and production. Green procurement also
demonstrates government commitment to this transformation.
Secondly, we remind delegates of the critical role of education for sustainable
consumption and production, which is at present fragmented, weak, and in many cases
absent from learning situations. We call for governments to focus on education for
sustainable consumption and production on all levels, and for people of all ages.
Finally, NGOs are disappointed to see that mention has not yet been made in this session
of the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection, in particular section G on
sustainable consumption. Many governments have yet to apply the Guidelines, or in
some cases even familiarize themselves with them.
To conclude, we call on Member States to commit to concrete action on this urgent area of
production and consumption, with clear timelines for delivery. This must include, inter alia,
comprehensive programmes of support. Therefore, we call on this Assembly to commit to the
effective and formal integration of the Marrakech Process into the CSD structure.
the Rio summit, and 10 years after the message was reaffirmed in Johannesburg, ecological and
social trends are still worsening. Democratically-elected governments, ostensibly accountable to
their citizens, have not kept their promises and commitments. Today we are asking that they
assume their solemn responsibilities and begin immediate and effective action.
Sustainable consumption and production is the material heart of sustainable development. It is
not just another overarching theme; it is the mainstay of the framework that will enable us to
meet the consumptive needs of all, as articulated in the MDGS, within the ecological carrying
capacity of the planet.
The WSSD called on the international community to support the work being done at the
regional and national level through a ten-year framework of programs. Indeed, many great,
innovative initiatives and strategies to accelerate this shift to sustainability already exist, and
would benefit from coordinated support, including financial support.
We would like to suggest a key possible program based on discussions thus far:
It is necessary to reform national accounting and develop new measures of
economic progress that incorporate well-being and welfare. Agenda 21 is clear
on this point, and we need an international program which draws on the work
already being done on new sustainability indicators and on measures of
progress, for example the Beyond-GDP exploratory work.
We have also noted that the Chair's draft text calls for a discussion on format and substance of the
10 Year Framework of Programmes. We support such discussions and wish them to be open,
all-inclusive and formalized going forward to CSD 19.
In addition, we would like to emphasize the following tools for change:
Firstly, green, or sustainable, public procurement is fundamental and a key leverage
point to help transform patterns of consumption and production. Green procurement also
demonstrates government commitment to this transformation.
Secondly, we remind delegates of the critical role of education for sustainable
consumption and production, which is at present fragmented, weak, and in many cases
absent from learning situations. We call for governments to focus on education for
sustainable consumption and production on all levels, and for people of all ages.
Finally, NGOs are disappointed to see that mention has not yet been made in this session
of the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection, in particular section G on
sustainable consumption. Many governments have yet to apply the Guidelines, or in
some cases even familiarize themselves with them.
To conclude, we call on Member States to commit to concrete action on this urgent area of
production and consumption, with clear timelines for delivery. This must include, inter alia,
comprehensive programmes of support. Therefore, we call on this Assembly to commit to the
effective and formal integration of the Marrakech Process into the CSD structure.