Major Group: Farmers
STATEMENT MADE BY IFAP - FARMERS ? May 3 ? Thematic Discussions (cont.)
Meeting growing needs for energy services through increased use of renewable energy..- Conf.
Room 4 from 3:00 ? 6:00 ?CSD 14
My nane is Maria Christina Pacheco, here representing IFAP farmers from a member
organization called ORPLANA, that represents 13,000 sugarcane farmers from Brazil centralsouth
During the last century the use of cheap and plenty energy without any precedent provided by
petroleum led the humanity to a degree of progress never imagined before. But this situation
cannot be sustained for many decades mainly because of the following three major aspects: i)
the fossil sources of energy are being exhausted quickly; ii) the use of those fossil resources is
generating a tremendous environmental liability; iii) it is necessary to find new paths that allow
the advancement of developing countries and its increasing needs for energy.
To face those problems, the solution is to promote actions that can lead to immediate
investments in renewable energies, in the sustainable use of energy and in energy efficiency.
Now I woul share with you Brazil experience with renewable energy and its row and our selfsufficiency
in oil.
Brazil enter the selected group of countries energy self-sufficiency in crude oil ? such as OPEP
members, Venezuela, Ecuador, Great-Britain, Norway, Argentina, Russia, Mexico, Egypt.
April 21st, 2006 begging to operate Petrobras -Platform 50 giving to Brazil its SELFsufficiency
in oil. Brazil now produce 1.92 million barrels/dia of crude oil.
ETHANOL, biofuel from sugarcane, plays a big how in Brazil self- sufficiency in oil. In the
70ths Brazil imported 85% of the crude oil consumed. Since 1976 Ethanol substitute 1.51
billion barrel of gasoline equivalent; 11.6% of Brazilian petroleum reserve. In 30 years of
PROALCOOL 275 billion liters of Ethanol was consumed, Ethanol means 204.320 barrels
daily of gasoline equivalent.
Today the world produce 65 million vehicles/year that consume petroleum at a price US$75,
now...but what is the price for tomorrow? The feet that used oil is increasing. The only
exception is Brazil that produce for internal market 1.5 million cars/year like other countries,
but they are FLEX-FUEL CAR that run with pure ethanol or gas ethanol (mixture of 20-25%
ethanol in gasoline) or any mixture of this 2 two fuel. For the feet that run with diesel is
mandatory from 2008 the use of 2-5% Biodiesel.
RENEWABLE ENERGY-------------43,9%
Hydraulic and Electrical--------------14,4
Wood and charcoal-------------------13,2
Biomass from sugarcane------------13,5
Others -------------------------------------1,5
Petroleum-diesel, etc--------------------39,1
Natural Gas---------------------------------8,9
Hydrogen and fuel cells have been attracting more and more attention since the last decade. It
seems to be a consensus that hydrogen will be an important fuel in a future that becomes closer
and closer.
Maria Christina Pacheco
Meeting growing needs for energy services through increased use of renewable energy..- Conf.
Room 4 from 3:00 ? 6:00 ?CSD 14
My nane is Maria Christina Pacheco, here representing IFAP farmers from a member
organization called ORPLANA, that represents 13,000 sugarcane farmers from Brazil centralsouth
During the last century the use of cheap and plenty energy without any precedent provided by
petroleum led the humanity to a degree of progress never imagined before. But this situation
cannot be sustained for many decades mainly because of the following three major aspects: i)
the fossil sources of energy are being exhausted quickly; ii) the use of those fossil resources is
generating a tremendous environmental liability; iii) it is necessary to find new paths that allow
the advancement of developing countries and its increasing needs for energy.
To face those problems, the solution is to promote actions that can lead to immediate
investments in renewable energies, in the sustainable use of energy and in energy efficiency.
Now I woul share with you Brazil experience with renewable energy and its row and our selfsufficiency
in oil.
Brazil enter the selected group of countries energy self-sufficiency in crude oil ? such as OPEP
members, Venezuela, Ecuador, Great-Britain, Norway, Argentina, Russia, Mexico, Egypt.
April 21st, 2006 begging to operate Petrobras -Platform 50 giving to Brazil its SELFsufficiency
in oil. Brazil now produce 1.92 million barrels/dia of crude oil.
ETHANOL, biofuel from sugarcane, plays a big how in Brazil self- sufficiency in oil. In the
70ths Brazil imported 85% of the crude oil consumed. Since 1976 Ethanol substitute 1.51
billion barrel of gasoline equivalent; 11.6% of Brazilian petroleum reserve. In 30 years of
PROALCOOL 275 billion liters of Ethanol was consumed, Ethanol means 204.320 barrels
daily of gasoline equivalent.
Today the world produce 65 million vehicles/year that consume petroleum at a price US$75,
now...but what is the price for tomorrow? The feet that used oil is increasing. The only
exception is Brazil that produce for internal market 1.5 million cars/year like other countries,
but they are FLEX-FUEL CAR that run with pure ethanol or gas ethanol (mixture of 20-25%
ethanol in gasoline) or any mixture of this 2 two fuel. For the feet that run with diesel is
mandatory from 2008 the use of 2-5% Biodiesel.
RENEWABLE ENERGY-------------43,9%
Hydraulic and Electrical--------------14,4
Wood and charcoal-------------------13,2
Biomass from sugarcane------------13,5
Others -------------------------------------1,5
Petroleum-diesel, etc--------------------39,1
Natural Gas---------------------------------8,9
Hydrogen and fuel cells have been attracting more and more attention since the last decade. It
seems to be a consensus that hydrogen will be an important fuel in a future that becomes closer
and closer.
Maria Christina Pacheco