Major Group: Children & Youth
Thank you Chair,
Last week, as the Major Group on Children & Youth, we outlined our priorities in answer to
how the needed behavioural change can be reached. We believe this can be achieved through
education and awareness raising for SCP. This can take place in informal, non-formal and
formal learning environments. Youth and youth organisations can play a crucial role in the
shift towards sustainability, by being the change we want to see in society. However, we need
an environment that is conducive to this change and engages all relevant stakeholders from all
aspects of our society -- youth and children in specific.
In which way can the role of youth be embedded in the 10 year framework, both in the
process of drafting, institutional support and the content of the programmes?
We are aware of the fact that many countries are concerned about starting a unilateral shift
towards sustainable production and consumption patterns, because they fear a disadvantage in
the global market. However, we cannot be crippled by fear of market forces. Market forces
can be driven in an entrepreneurial way by a coherent policy environment. This Framework is
urgently needed for a coherent shift throughout the world during the "Decade for Sustainable
Consumption and production patterns".
We want to stress that the Marakesh process needs to be formalized within the framework of
the CSD.
On the consumption side,
Let us introduce international political guidance, regulation and implementation now, which
includes the social and environmental costs into the production process, so prices reflect real
costs. In addition, there is a need for clarity on sustainable consumption choices, therefore we
urge governments to take strong steps to ensure that eco-labels are appropriate and
We want sustainability to not only be a nice afterthought but a core standard.
On the production side,
In the SCP discussion so far, there has been too little attention directed towards sustainable
production patterns in communities which depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.
We underline the statement made by last year's chair, Mrs Verburg about the role of
agriculture as both being a big part of the current problem in unsustainable production and
likewise being a part of the solution towards sustainable production and food security. Current
conventional agricultural practices available to small scale farmers cause soil degradation and
biodiversity-loss threatening their source of livelihoods now and that of the future
generations.The role of agriculture in sustainable production and food security should be
stressed in the 10 year framework.
We would like to know how the outcomes of CSD 17, especially on agriculture will be
embedded in the 10 year framework of programmes?
Thank you.
Last week, as the Major Group on Children & Youth, we outlined our priorities in answer to
how the needed behavioural change can be reached. We believe this can be achieved through
education and awareness raising for SCP. This can take place in informal, non-formal and
formal learning environments. Youth and youth organisations can play a crucial role in the
shift towards sustainability, by being the change we want to see in society. However, we need
an environment that is conducive to this change and engages all relevant stakeholders from all
aspects of our society -- youth and children in specific.
In which way can the role of youth be embedded in the 10 year framework, both in the
process of drafting, institutional support and the content of the programmes?
We are aware of the fact that many countries are concerned about starting a unilateral shift
towards sustainable production and consumption patterns, because they fear a disadvantage in
the global market. However, we cannot be crippled by fear of market forces. Market forces
can be driven in an entrepreneurial way by a coherent policy environment. This Framework is
urgently needed for a coherent shift throughout the world during the "Decade for Sustainable
Consumption and production patterns".
We want to stress that the Marakesh process needs to be formalized within the framework of
the CSD.
On the consumption side,
Let us introduce international political guidance, regulation and implementation now, which
includes the social and environmental costs into the production process, so prices reflect real
costs. In addition, there is a need for clarity on sustainable consumption choices, therefore we
urge governments to take strong steps to ensure that eco-labels are appropriate and
We want sustainability to not only be a nice afterthought but a core standard.
On the production side,
In the SCP discussion so far, there has been too little attention directed towards sustainable
production patterns in communities which depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.
We underline the statement made by last year's chair, Mrs Verburg about the role of
agriculture as both being a big part of the current problem in unsustainable production and
likewise being a part of the solution towards sustainable production and food security. Current
conventional agricultural practices available to small scale farmers cause soil degradation and
biodiversity-loss threatening their source of livelihoods now and that of the future
generations.The role of agriculture in sustainable production and food security should be
stressed in the 10 year framework.
We would like to know how the outcomes of CSD 17, especially on agriculture will be
embedded in the 10 year framework of programmes?
Thank you.