Major Group: Business & Industry (Part 1)
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD 14 and 15 by the: Page 1 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
3 May 2006
Business and Industry Major Group Intervention
14th Session of the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD14)
Thematic Discussion: Meeting growing needs for energy services through increased use of
renewable energy, greater reliance on advanced energy technologies, including advanced
and fossil fuel technologies
prepared by Marc Darras, ICC (not delivered due to time constraints)
Thank you Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Delegates.
My name is Marc Darras, and I am speaking on behalf of Business Action for Energy (BAE).
BAE is a coalition comprising major business groups, including the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the
World Energy Council (WEC). This group brings together that broad range of industry sectors
and nationalities that are engaged in making investments and providing solutions towards energy
for sustainable development. This group will be presenting examples available to this meeting
and propose some element for discussion, and we look forward to working with you all over this
2 years cycle.
Starting from CSD9, followed by WSSD, the role of energy has been further and further
recognized as one of the lever for development. Over these years, the energy paradigm has been
deeper explored, and from what we have heard today, the central questions are clearly access,
security of supply, affordability.
Business is present on all segment of energy: upstream energy extraction, construction and
operation of power plants, energy efficiency, energy services, and renewable energy. I was this
morning with one of my colleague from Vestas, a leading windmill industry of Danemark.
From a business perspective, renewable energy has to be considered in the context of a global
energy system delivering services to industry and households. It is not fruitful to oppose
network energies and renewable energy, and it is fruitful to develop framework where these
systems complement each others.
Energy paradigm will only be answered by a combination of network energy, energy efficiency
and local energy. Renewable energies are parts of the production at local or centralized level.
This should be done taking into account the various segment of services provided for large
industries and SME?s, and to households.
Renewable energy should meet a market to develop in an economic sustainable manner. It has to
be adapted to the effective market conditions. With this respect it is worth to mention that
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD 14 and 15 by the: Page 2 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
renewable energies are very different from each others in term of industrial structure, in term of
Enabling framework for energy for sustainable development should consider the various energy
sources and vectors, among them renewable energies, on their own merits in term of
environment, society and economy.
To implement renewable energy system, because its value chain is very different from the major
energies, it is important to develop all elements, and very specifically to prescribe, operate and
maintain renewable energy systems.
Long term policies and enabling frameworks are needed to develop an actual economic activity:
development of capacities, learning process, research and development.
Thank you.
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD 14 and 15 by the: Page 1 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
3 May 2006
Business and Industry Major Group Intervention
14th Session of the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD14)
Thematic Discussion: Meeting growing needs for energy services through increased use of
renewable energy, greater reliance on advanced energy technologies, including advanced
and fossil fuel technologies
prepared by Marc Darras, ICC (not delivered due to time constraints)
Thank you Mr. Chairman, Distinguished Delegates.
My name is Marc Darras, and I am speaking on behalf of Business Action for Energy (BAE).
BAE is a coalition comprising major business groups, including the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the
World Energy Council (WEC). This group brings together that broad range of industry sectors
and nationalities that are engaged in making investments and providing solutions towards energy
for sustainable development. This group will be presenting examples available to this meeting
and propose some element for discussion, and we look forward to working with you all over this
2 years cycle.
Starting from CSD9, followed by WSSD, the role of energy has been further and further
recognized as one of the lever for development. Over these years, the energy paradigm has been
deeper explored, and from what we have heard today, the central questions are clearly access,
security of supply, affordability.
Business is present on all segment of energy: upstream energy extraction, construction and
operation of power plants, energy efficiency, energy services, and renewable energy. I was this
morning with one of my colleague from Vestas, a leading windmill industry of Danemark.
From a business perspective, renewable energy has to be considered in the context of a global
energy system delivering services to industry and households. It is not fruitful to oppose
network energies and renewable energy, and it is fruitful to develop framework where these
systems complement each others.
Energy paradigm will only be answered by a combination of network energy, energy efficiency
and local energy. Renewable energies are parts of the production at local or centralized level.
This should be done taking into account the various segment of services provided for large
industries and SME?s, and to households.
Renewable energy should meet a market to develop in an economic sustainable manner. It has to
be adapted to the effective market conditions. With this respect it is worth to mention that
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD 14 and 15 by the: Page 2 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
renewable energies are very different from each others in term of industrial structure, in term of
Enabling framework for energy for sustainable development should consider the various energy
sources and vectors, among them renewable energies, on their own merits in term of
environment, society and economy.
To implement renewable energy system, because its value chain is very different from the major
energies, it is important to develop all elements, and very specifically to prescribe, operate and
maintain renewable energy systems.
Long term policies and enabling frameworks are needed to develop an actual economic activity:
development of capacities, learning process, research and development.
Thank you.