Major Group: Business & Industry
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD 14 and 15 by the: Page 1 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
Business and Industry Statement
CSD14 Thematic Discussions, May 5, 2006
Addressing energy, industrial development, air pollution/atmosphere, and climate change
in an integrated manner.
Statement delivered by Mr Laurent Corbier
Thank you Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates, major group colleagues.
My name is Laurent Corbier, and I am speaking on behalf of Business Action for Energy (BAE),
a business coalition comprising major business groups, including the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the
World Energy Council (WEC). This group brings together that broad range of industry sectors
and nationalities that are engaged in making investments and providing solutions for energy for
sustainable development.
First let me thank the panelists for their helpful insights, which all stressed the need to progress
rapidly in the field of integration.
Sustainable Development is in itself an integrated concept and an integrated goal. And dealing
with the four themes of the present session of CSD highlights the complexity of the challenge
and the risk of fragmented action.
Addressing energy, industrial development, air pollution/atmosphere, and climate change in an
integrated manner implies to bring together:
- a combination of actors,
- a combination of resources and enablers, including for example in the field of energy
technologies and systems,
- a combination of assessments and evaluations,
- and a lot of coordination and innovative thinking,
It also implies to consider global as well as national and regional approaches.
The reality, highlighted throughout this week?s discussions, is that not one of the above themes
can be dealt with in isolation, and that efficient and sustainable strategies or policies must
address multiple dimensions, and delivery multiple results and benefits.
And from a business perspective such integration reflects the actual situation that we meet in
implementing our projects. It is therefore essential that policies, to be effective, allow the
integration of the following:
Ø development priorities and needs
Ø social conditions and aspirations
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD 14 and 15 by the: Page 2 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
Ø trade rules
Ø promotion of innovation
Ø technology development and transfer
Ø and the corresponding development of capacities
We see this as an opportunity, rather than as a threat, since the four topics of energy, industrial
development, air pollution /atmosphere, and climate change, should be seen as mutually
reinforcing and enabling one another.
For example, the particular importance of energy to address development and the MDGs has
been stressed many times. And the importance of technology, finance, and investment
frameworks to ensure a sustainable supply and use of energy has equally been stressed. All such
elements being interrelated.
Business is certainly willing to take an active part to this endeavor of integration. To this end,
multi-stakeholder dialogues and partnerships can be particularly efficient to help bring forward
integrated views and integrated objectives, leading to integrated policies.
Thank you Mr Chairman.
* * *
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD 14 and 15 by the: Page 1 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
Business and Industry Statement
CSD14 Thematic Discussions, May 5, 2006
Addressing energy, industrial development, air pollution/atmosphere, and climate change
in an integrated manner.
Statement delivered by Mr Laurent Corbier
Thank you Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates, major group colleagues.
My name is Laurent Corbier, and I am speaking on behalf of Business Action for Energy (BAE),
a business coalition comprising major business groups, including the International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the
World Energy Council (WEC). This group brings together that broad range of industry sectors
and nationalities that are engaged in making investments and providing solutions for energy for
sustainable development.
First let me thank the panelists for their helpful insights, which all stressed the need to progress
rapidly in the field of integration.
Sustainable Development is in itself an integrated concept and an integrated goal. And dealing
with the four themes of the present session of CSD highlights the complexity of the challenge
and the risk of fragmented action.
Addressing energy, industrial development, air pollution/atmosphere, and climate change in an
integrated manner implies to bring together:
- a combination of actors,
- a combination of resources and enablers, including for example in the field of energy
technologies and systems,
- a combination of assessments and evaluations,
- and a lot of coordination and innovative thinking,
It also implies to consider global as well as national and regional approaches.
The reality, highlighted throughout this week?s discussions, is that not one of the above themes
can be dealt with in isolation, and that efficient and sustainable strategies or policies must
address multiple dimensions, and delivery multiple results and benefits.
And from a business perspective such integration reflects the actual situation that we meet in
implementing our projects. It is therefore essential that policies, to be effective, allow the
integration of the following:
Ø development priorities and needs
Ø social conditions and aspirations
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD 14 and 15 by the: Page 2 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
Ø trade rules
Ø promotion of innovation
Ø technology development and transfer
Ø and the corresponding development of capacities
We see this as an opportunity, rather than as a threat, since the four topics of energy, industrial
development, air pollution /atmosphere, and climate change, should be seen as mutually
reinforcing and enabling one another.
For example, the particular importance of energy to address development and the MDGs has
been stressed many times. And the importance of technology, finance, and investment
frameworks to ensure a sustainable supply and use of energy has equally been stressed. All such
elements being interrelated.
Business is certainly willing to take an active part to this endeavor of integration. To this end,
multi-stakeholder dialogues and partnerships can be particularly efficient to help bring forward
integrated views and integrated objectives, leading to integrated policies.
Thank you Mr Chairman.
* * *