Major Group: Business & Industry
Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates,
It is my pleasure to contribute to our discussion on Means of Implementation on behalf of the
major group Business and Industry, through Business Action for Energy.
When you talk about Means of Implementation, you are simply using another term for Major
Groups. All the groups here are essential, governments cannot do it alone. Thank you for
including us.
Business is at the heart of implementation. We have been engaged on many fronts and in
myriad ways in driving progress in the cluster of issues before us. Widespread efforts on
eco-efficiency and cleaner production are just the beginning in the evolution of delinking
commercial activity from environmental impact and in increasing societal benefits.
? Business regards energy for sustainable development, atmosphere/air pollution, climate
change and industrial development as interwoven priorities that require balanced,
integrated and cooperative implementation involving civil society, governments and
business. These issues should be actionable through integrated policies that promote
cleaner and more sustainable investment and technology innovation and transfer, with
supportive policies in export promotion and market access, financing, trade liberalization
and Intellectual property right protection.
? Sustainable energy strategies must be innovation friendly and advance
competitiveness, energy access and security and environmental protection.
Achieving economic, social and environmental objectives requires efficient frameworks
that allow market forces to operate and increase long-term certainty to support the
increased investment that is so clearly necessary. Key features of enabling frameworks
include open markets; strong institutions and good governance; human rights protection;
science- and risk-based regulations that are enforced; and protection of private property.
? Innovation, technology deployment, good management systems and capacity building
come in significant part from business and are key to implementation. The business
community recognizes the urgency to act swiftly in these areas and is committed to
engage with governments and other societal partners to develop and implement energyrelated
investments and technological cooperation and advancement.
? Governments should support business technological development and deployment by
funding R&D; Assisting capacity-building initiatives through streamlined processes for
international cooperation and participation; Supporting R&D and technology transfer
across borders; Providing an R&D friendly environment through a workable patent
system and engaging stakeholders on innovation and new technologies.
? The business community works with partners to identify, develop, commercialize and
deploy technologies suited to individual national and local priorities, situations and
development strategies. Business will continue to work to find solutions, within its
sphere of responsibility, in partnership with other stakeholders.
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD14 & 15 by the: Page 2 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
? Governments, business and civil society need to partner to leverage resources to
provide training, share knowledge and skills, share more sustainable energy
technologies and cooperate to accelerate their dissemination. Empowerment and
inclusion of women is essential in this regard.
? Infrastructure development is a priority concrete area for partnerships, where public and
private sectors can work together through public private sector partnerships. For such
partnerships (PPPs) to succeed:
The legal framework needs to enable the entrance and operation of private entities in
what are often state-controlled industries;
The coordination of preparatory measures for efficient PPP start-up and
implementation is necessary;
The allocation of risks through contractual agreements is important. Project
profitability is a vital prerequisite for private sector involvement, especially if the
project requires long-term engagement.
? To move consumption and production patterns in more sustainable directions, the
international community should:
? - stimulate innovation through competition in the marketplace and strengthening
markets for environmentally friendlier products
? - provide consumers with information and choices
? - enable market access for developing countries
We are ready to continue to our work in support of this effort.
Thank you for your attention.
It is my pleasure to contribute to our discussion on Means of Implementation on behalf of the
major group Business and Industry, through Business Action for Energy.
When you talk about Means of Implementation, you are simply using another term for Major
Groups. All the groups here are essential, governments cannot do it alone. Thank you for
including us.
Business is at the heart of implementation. We have been engaged on many fronts and in
myriad ways in driving progress in the cluster of issues before us. Widespread efforts on
eco-efficiency and cleaner production are just the beginning in the evolution of delinking
commercial activity from environmental impact and in increasing societal benefits.
? Business regards energy for sustainable development, atmosphere/air pollution, climate
change and industrial development as interwoven priorities that require balanced,
integrated and cooperative implementation involving civil society, governments and
business. These issues should be actionable through integrated policies that promote
cleaner and more sustainable investment and technology innovation and transfer, with
supportive policies in export promotion and market access, financing, trade liberalization
and Intellectual property right protection.
? Sustainable energy strategies must be innovation friendly and advance
competitiveness, energy access and security and environmental protection.
Achieving economic, social and environmental objectives requires efficient frameworks
that allow market forces to operate and increase long-term certainty to support the
increased investment that is so clearly necessary. Key features of enabling frameworks
include open markets; strong institutions and good governance; human rights protection;
science- and risk-based regulations that are enforced; and protection of private property.
? Innovation, technology deployment, good management systems and capacity building
come in significant part from business and are key to implementation. The business
community recognizes the urgency to act swiftly in these areas and is committed to
engage with governments and other societal partners to develop and implement energyrelated
investments and technological cooperation and advancement.
? Governments should support business technological development and deployment by
funding R&D; Assisting capacity-building initiatives through streamlined processes for
international cooperation and participation; Supporting R&D and technology transfer
across borders; Providing an R&D friendly environment through a workable patent
system and engaging stakeholders on innovation and new technologies.
? The business community works with partners to identify, develop, commercialize and
deploy technologies suited to individual national and local priorities, situations and
development strategies. Business will continue to work to find solutions, within its
sphere of responsibility, in partnership with other stakeholders.
Working for Sustainable Solutions
A joint initiative for CSD14 & 15 by the: Page 2 of 2
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
World Energy Council (WEC)
? Governments, business and civil society need to partner to leverage resources to
provide training, share knowledge and skills, share more sustainable energy
technologies and cooperate to accelerate their dissemination. Empowerment and
inclusion of women is essential in this regard.
? Infrastructure development is a priority concrete area for partnerships, where public and
private sectors can work together through public private sector partnerships. For such
partnerships (PPPs) to succeed:
The legal framework needs to enable the entrance and operation of private entities in
what are often state-controlled industries;
The coordination of preparatory measures for efficient PPP start-up and
implementation is necessary;
The allocation of risks through contractual agreements is important. Project
profitability is a vital prerequisite for private sector involvement, especially if the
project requires long-term engagement.
? To move consumption and production patterns in more sustainable directions, the
international community should:
? - stimulate innovation through competition in the marketplace and strengthening
markets for environmentally friendlier products
? - provide consumers with information and choices
? - enable market access for developing countries
We are ready to continue to our work in support of this effort.
Thank you for your attention.