Major Group: Business & Industry
Key Policy Recommendations
1. The provision of improved energy services requires
enabling conditions that also set the stage for other
societal benefits. These framework conditions will
support energy and other infrastructure investments
and capacity building, contributing to better options to
traditional biomass.
2. Integrated energy, transport and environmental policies
and their concerted implementation by governments in
partnership with other stakeholders are important.
3. Business is investing resources in technology
advancement and the deployment of less polluting,
lower carbon, and renewable and more efficient
technologies. Developing and using both existing and
new energy technologies are critical to improving access
to energy, promoting energy efficiency and reducing air
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
4. Recognizing that ongoing technological innovation
may provide solutions to current challenges, all energy
sources should be considered as options to meet
increasing energy demand.
5. Significant investment is required to maintain, grow
and deliver the energy supplies required to meet future
demand in a sustainable manner, and to address climate
change mitigation and adaptation while also improving
air quality. Business (as a major investor), other investors
and governments need to collaborate and work in
partnership in this endeavor.
The Issue
More than half of the world?s population depends on
traditional biomass or other energy sources that result in
unhealthy indoor air pollution and the International Energy
Agency expects this trend to continue to rise. The World
Health Organization states that 1.6 million people die every
year from indoor air pollution, touching vulnerable groups
like women and children, the elderly, and those with impaired
respiratory and immune systems. This area should be given a
high priority in the overall cluster of energy and other issues
for this CSD cycle, in light of its health, environmental and
social impacts.
The use of traditional biomass fuels for cooking and heating
arises from a complicated set of factors, ranging from
cultural tradition and behavior to the burdens and limits of
poverty. In this context, a particularly important factor is
lack of access to safer, reliable and more affordable energy
services. Currently, approximately 2.4 billion people do not
have access to modern energy services and rely on traditional
energy sources. Lack of access to energy hinders development
(including the Millennium Development Goals), undermines
economic growth and strains the environment.
Outdoor air pollution also needs to be reduced, taking
into account its relation to transportation, industry, urban
development and energy production and consumption.
BAE is an ad-hoc, temporary business initiative bringing together a comprehensive network of global businesses.
It brings together international, regional and sector organizations and major energy producers and consumers.
Working for Sustainable Solutions
2. The Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles
? Phasing out leaded gasoline and improving
air quality in developing countries.
Launched at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable
Development, the global Partnership for Clean Fuels
and Vehicles (PCFV) assists developing countries in
phasing out leaded gasoline and taking other measures
to improve air quality. The United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) hosts the partnership, and the
partners comprise governments, industry, international
organizations, non-governmental organizations and
academic institutions. The partnership provides
advice and support to countries by holding regional,
sub-regional and in-country planning and technical
workshops, produces guidance documents and engages
with government decision-makers. Source: IPIECA oil &
gas industry partnership publication, 2006.
6. Governments can promote and enable investments in
improved, less polluting technologies by leveraging
official development assistance, promoting technological
cooperation and exploring innovative financing
Successful Case Studies
and Partnerships
1. WLPGA/UNDP LP Gas Rural Energy Challenge
South Africa ? Creating commercially sustainable
gas markets for low-income households and
reducing health and environmental impacts.
Improved health as a result of reduced indoor air
pollution is one of the key benefits of using liquefied
petroleum (LP) gas, rather than traditional household
fuels such as firewood or coal, in a domestic
environment. This public-private partnership initiative is
designed to create viable and sustainable markets for LP
gas delivery and consumption as a means to provide a
wide range of productive services, thereby contributing
to sustainable energy solutions to improve people?s lives
in selected developing countries.
BAE is an ad-hoc, temporary business initiative bringing together a comprehensive network of global businesses.
It brings together international, regional and sector organizations and major energy producers and consumers.
1. The provision of improved energy services requires
enabling conditions that also set the stage for other
societal benefits. These framework conditions will
support energy and other infrastructure investments
and capacity building, contributing to better options to
traditional biomass.
2. Integrated energy, transport and environmental policies
and their concerted implementation by governments in
partnership with other stakeholders are important.
3. Business is investing resources in technology
advancement and the deployment of less polluting,
lower carbon, and renewable and more efficient
technologies. Developing and using both existing and
new energy technologies are critical to improving access
to energy, promoting energy efficiency and reducing air
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
4. Recognizing that ongoing technological innovation
may provide solutions to current challenges, all energy
sources should be considered as options to meet
increasing energy demand.
5. Significant investment is required to maintain, grow
and deliver the energy supplies required to meet future
demand in a sustainable manner, and to address climate
change mitigation and adaptation while also improving
air quality. Business (as a major investor), other investors
and governments need to collaborate and work in
partnership in this endeavor.
The Issue
More than half of the world?s population depends on
traditional biomass or other energy sources that result in
unhealthy indoor air pollution and the International Energy
Agency expects this trend to continue to rise. The World
Health Organization states that 1.6 million people die every
year from indoor air pollution, touching vulnerable groups
like women and children, the elderly, and those with impaired
respiratory and immune systems. This area should be given a
high priority in the overall cluster of energy and other issues
for this CSD cycle, in light of its health, environmental and
social impacts.
The use of traditional biomass fuels for cooking and heating
arises from a complicated set of factors, ranging from
cultural tradition and behavior to the burdens and limits of
poverty. In this context, a particularly important factor is
lack of access to safer, reliable and more affordable energy
services. Currently, approximately 2.4 billion people do not
have access to modern energy services and rely on traditional
energy sources. Lack of access to energy hinders development
(including the Millennium Development Goals), undermines
economic growth and strains the environment.
Outdoor air pollution also needs to be reduced, taking
into account its relation to transportation, industry, urban
development and energy production and consumption.
BAE is an ad-hoc, temporary business initiative bringing together a comprehensive network of global businesses.
It brings together international, regional and sector organizations and major energy producers and consumers.
Working for Sustainable Solutions
2. The Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles
? Phasing out leaded gasoline and improving
air quality in developing countries.
Launched at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable
Development, the global Partnership for Clean Fuels
and Vehicles (PCFV) assists developing countries in
phasing out leaded gasoline and taking other measures
to improve air quality. The United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) hosts the partnership, and the
partners comprise governments, industry, international
organizations, non-governmental organizations and
academic institutions. The partnership provides
advice and support to countries by holding regional,
sub-regional and in-country planning and technical
workshops, produces guidance documents and engages
with government decision-makers. Source: IPIECA oil &
gas industry partnership publication, 2006.
6. Governments can promote and enable investments in
improved, less polluting technologies by leveraging
official development assistance, promoting technological
cooperation and exploring innovative financing
Successful Case Studies
and Partnerships
1. WLPGA/UNDP LP Gas Rural Energy Challenge
South Africa ? Creating commercially sustainable
gas markets for low-income households and
reducing health and environmental impacts.
Improved health as a result of reduced indoor air
pollution is one of the key benefits of using liquefied
petroleum (LP) gas, rather than traditional household
fuels such as firewood or coal, in a domestic
environment. This public-private partnership initiative is
designed to create viable and sustainable markets for LP
gas delivery and consumption as a means to provide a
wide range of productive services, thereby contributing
to sustainable energy solutions to improve people?s lives
in selected developing countries.
BAE is an ad-hoc, temporary business initiative bringing together a comprehensive network of global businesses.
It brings together international, regional and sector organizations and major energy producers and consumers.