Major Group: Business & Industry
30 APRIL 2012
Innovation in the Context of Rio+20
Innovation and technological advance constitute the essential element of our transformative journey
to future sustainable development and growth. Business, as represented by BASD, commits to
continue innovating, and bringing solutions to market that support inclusive and green growth.
Governments should promote enabling policy frameworks for inclusive and green growth, with
special attention to technology, innovation, investment, and research and development. Clear
policies, good governance, and public sector financial support for private sector investments (e.g.
risk sharing in critical early phases, catalytic funding) will support development cooperation and
economic growth in developing counties.
Improvements in efficiencies of all types will be key to addressing sustainability challenges. This will
be accomplished through continuous improvement of existing technologies and through reliable
breakthrough technologies. Resource efficiency will be the key to meet the future demand for food,
feed, fiber, bioenergy/fuel and bio-products. Resource recovery and water reuse should be
prioritized. This will require investment in research and development, significant infrastructure
development to increase efficiency (e.g. reduce post-harvest losses, collection of used water, and
improved water treatment), and coherent economic policies to ensure sustainable market functions.
While business plays a key role in developing new science and technologies, it is clear that diffusion
and adoption remain a challenge in many countries. The private sector, through collaborations with
governments and through public-private partnerships can help bring solutions to this issue. There is
no single policy that will ensure success. Comprehensive government policy approaches that foster
innovation are needed in both local and global settings. Government policy at all levels should
support: investment in education; investment in R & D; investment in infrastructure; protection and
enforcement of intellectual property rights; promotion of competition; support for entrepreneurship
and small business; open markets; regulatory transparency and promotion of and access to
information and communication technologies.
In conclusion, business is the primary source of innovation and, provided with the right environment,
is a critical player in the development, demonstration, commercialization and dissemination of
What steps can business, industry and governments take to enable diffusion and adoption
of technologies that will have the most impact on sustainable development.
30 APRIL 2012
Innovation in the Context of Rio+20
Innovation and technological advance constitute the essential element of our transformative journey
to future sustainable development and growth. Business, as represented by BASD, commits to
continue innovating, and bringing solutions to market that support inclusive and green growth.
Governments should promote enabling policy frameworks for inclusive and green growth, with
special attention to technology, innovation, investment, and research and development. Clear
policies, good governance, and public sector financial support for private sector investments (e.g.
risk sharing in critical early phases, catalytic funding) will support development cooperation and
economic growth in developing counties.
Improvements in efficiencies of all types will be key to addressing sustainability challenges. This will
be accomplished through continuous improvement of existing technologies and through reliable
breakthrough technologies. Resource efficiency will be the key to meet the future demand for food,
feed, fiber, bioenergy/fuel and bio-products. Resource recovery and water reuse should be
prioritized. This will require investment in research and development, significant infrastructure
development to increase efficiency (e.g. reduce post-harvest losses, collection of used water, and
improved water treatment), and coherent economic policies to ensure sustainable market functions.
While business plays a key role in developing new science and technologies, it is clear that diffusion
and adoption remain a challenge in many countries. The private sector, through collaborations with
governments and through public-private partnerships can help bring solutions to this issue. There is
no single policy that will ensure success. Comprehensive government policy approaches that foster
innovation are needed in both local and global settings. Government policy at all levels should
support: investment in education; investment in R & D; investment in infrastructure; protection and
enforcement of intellectual property rights; promotion of competition; support for entrepreneurship
and small business; open markets; regulatory transparency and promotion of and access to
information and communication technologies.
In conclusion, business is the primary source of innovation and, provided with the right environment,
is a critical player in the development, demonstration, commercialization and dissemination of
What steps can business, industry and governments take to enable diffusion and adoption
of technologies that will have the most impact on sustainable development.