Major Group: Business & Industry
SDG OWG7: ICCA Plenary Intervention
Thank you chair. I speak on behalf of the International Council of Chemical Associations, representing the business and industry major group.
ICCA has a long history of involvement and commitment to U.N sustainable development processes and supports the negotiation of clear, specific SDGs to address global sustainable development challenges.
Public-private partnerships will be essential to delivering the innovative products and technological solutions that will contribute to addressing current and future global challenges.
Specific areas where products and technologies that depend on chemistry include:
Facilitating medical technologies and breakthroughs
Boosting agricultural production and reducing food waste
Enabling clean drinking water
Providing advanced building materials to promote energy efficiency and sustainable construction
The chemical industry is the basis for almost all manufactured goods, and supports the employment of 25 million people around the world.
ICCA strongly supports SAICM, the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management as an innovative, multi-stakeholder effort to enhance the sound management of chemicals internationally.
Through the Responsible Care Global Charter and the Global Product Strategy, ICC has made significant progress in capacity building and providing chemical safety information to the public.
ICCA and the broader business community have an important role to play in improving product design, making resource use more efficient and developing cleaner manufacturing processes.
The deployment of these innovative products and technologies depend on the provision of enabling frameworks for innovation, job creation, and entrepreneurship.
In summary, the global chemical industry is a key solutions provider for addressing current and future sustainability challenges, and a strong partner in the SAICM process.
To facilitate the private sector’s role in promoting sustainable consumption and production, we call for an open, interactive process for the development of the SDGs, taking into account the knowledge and expertise of stakeholders. We look forward to continued engagement in this process in developing the SDGs.
Thank you, chair.
Thank you chair. I speak on behalf of the International Council of Chemical Associations, representing the business and industry major group.
ICCA has a long history of involvement and commitment to U.N sustainable development processes and supports the negotiation of clear, specific SDGs to address global sustainable development challenges.
Public-private partnerships will be essential to delivering the innovative products and technological solutions that will contribute to addressing current and future global challenges.
Specific areas where products and technologies that depend on chemistry include:
Facilitating medical technologies and breakthroughs
Boosting agricultural production and reducing food waste
Enabling clean drinking water
Providing advanced building materials to promote energy efficiency and sustainable construction
The chemical industry is the basis for almost all manufactured goods, and supports the employment of 25 million people around the world.
ICCA strongly supports SAICM, the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management as an innovative, multi-stakeholder effort to enhance the sound management of chemicals internationally.
Through the Responsible Care Global Charter and the Global Product Strategy, ICC has made significant progress in capacity building and providing chemical safety information to the public.
ICCA and the broader business community have an important role to play in improving product design, making resource use more efficient and developing cleaner manufacturing processes.
The deployment of these innovative products and technologies depend on the provision of enabling frameworks for innovation, job creation, and entrepreneurship.
In summary, the global chemical industry is a key solutions provider for addressing current and future sustainability challenges, and a strong partner in the SAICM process.
To facilitate the private sector’s role in promoting sustainable consumption and production, we call for an open, interactive process for the development of the SDGs, taking into account the knowledge and expertise of stakeholders. We look forward to continued engagement in this process in developing the SDGs.
Thank you, chair.