LDC Group
Statement by Bangladesh on behalf of the LDC Group on Partnership Dialogues at the
Preparatory Meeting on the “UN Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable
Development Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use of the Oceans, Seas and Marine
Resources for Sustainable Development” on Wednesday, 15 February 2017 in CR4
We speak on behalf of the LDC Group. We generally align ourselves with the Statement
delivered by Ecuador on behalf of G-77 and China on the selection of partnership dialogues.
We appreciate the fact that the selection of themes for the partnership dialogues has made a
conscious attempt to address all ten targets under SDG14 in a comprehensive and balanced
We join the G-77 and China position on further elaborating the title of the proposed
partnership dialogue 7. 46 out of 48 LDC are State Parties to UNCLOS, and would underscore
the importance of this theme focusing on implementing relevant international law within the
overall SDG14 framework.
The LDC Group notes that the theme for partnership dialogue 5 is aimed at addressing the two
LDC-specific targets under SDG14, i.e. targets 14.5 and 14.b. The LDC Group, with its unique
combination of different vulnerable groups like SIDS, LLDCs and African States, looks forward to
high-level, value-driven and results-oriented deliberations during this particular partnership
dialogue. This would be one of our key focus areas at the Conference to discuss the possibilities
for further strengthening meaningful global partnerships to mainstream ‘blue economy’ into
LDCs’ national development strategies and eventual graduation with momentum.
The LDC Group, however, underlines that issues of interest and concern for the LDC Group are
cross-cutting in nature, and deserve to be addressed in their right context under the proposed
themes for the other partnership dialogues. The LDC Group looks forward to having its voice
heard in other partnership dialogues and to working towards highlighting their issues of
interest in the Concept Papers and Chairs’ Summary for all partnership dialogues. As the
Secretary General’s Background Note has rightly pointed out, it would be crucial to further
expand international partnerships to address LDC Group’s shared concerns with other Member
States in areas like access to resources and markets for small-scale fishers, harmful fisheries
subsidies, and implementation of international law, among others.
The LDC Group looks forward to mobilizing the expertise available within the Group in Geneva
and Paris – in addition to those in our various capitals - to effectively contribute to the
partnership dialogues. We hope such expertise would be taken into consideration in terms of
selecting moderators and panelists for various partnership dialogues. We would appreciate
support from interested partners to facilitate the participation of such experts, including during
the lead up to the Conference.
To conclude, the LDC Group wishes to put on record the various initiatives taken by a number
of UN entities and other partners to support LDCs and SIDS. The LDC Group encourages its
Member States to consider holding national consultations during the lead up to the Ocean
Conference in June 2017, and developing their voluntary commitments through a broad-based
consultative process.
I thank you.
Statement by Bangladesh on behalf of the LDC Group on Partnership Dialogues at the
Preparatory Meeting on the “UN Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable
Development Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably Use of the Oceans, Seas and Marine
Resources for Sustainable Development” on Wednesday, 15 February 2017 in CR4
We speak on behalf of the LDC Group. We generally align ourselves with the Statement
delivered by Ecuador on behalf of G-77 and China on the selection of partnership dialogues.
We appreciate the fact that the selection of themes for the partnership dialogues has made a
conscious attempt to address all ten targets under SDG14 in a comprehensive and balanced
We join the G-77 and China position on further elaborating the title of the proposed
partnership dialogue 7. 46 out of 48 LDC are State Parties to UNCLOS, and would underscore
the importance of this theme focusing on implementing relevant international law within the
overall SDG14 framework.
The LDC Group notes that the theme for partnership dialogue 5 is aimed at addressing the two
LDC-specific targets under SDG14, i.e. targets 14.5 and 14.b. The LDC Group, with its unique
combination of different vulnerable groups like SIDS, LLDCs and African States, looks forward to
high-level, value-driven and results-oriented deliberations during this particular partnership
dialogue. This would be one of our key focus areas at the Conference to discuss the possibilities
for further strengthening meaningful global partnerships to mainstream ‘blue economy’ into
LDCs’ national development strategies and eventual graduation with momentum.
The LDC Group, however, underlines that issues of interest and concern for the LDC Group are
cross-cutting in nature, and deserve to be addressed in their right context under the proposed
themes for the other partnership dialogues. The LDC Group looks forward to having its voice
heard in other partnership dialogues and to working towards highlighting their issues of
interest in the Concept Papers and Chairs’ Summary for all partnership dialogues. As the
Secretary General’s Background Note has rightly pointed out, it would be crucial to further
expand international partnerships to address LDC Group’s shared concerns with other Member
States in areas like access to resources and markets for small-scale fishers, harmful fisheries
subsidies, and implementation of international law, among others.
The LDC Group looks forward to mobilizing the expertise available within the Group in Geneva
and Paris – in addition to those in our various capitals - to effectively contribute to the
partnership dialogues. We hope such expertise would be taken into consideration in terms of
selecting moderators and panelists for various partnership dialogues. We would appreciate
support from interested partners to facilitate the participation of such experts, including during
the lead up to the Conference.
To conclude, the LDC Group wishes to put on record the various initiatives taken by a number
of UN entities and other partners to support LDCs and SIDS. The LDC Group encourages its
Member States to consider holding national consultations during the lead up to the Ocean
Conference in June 2017, and developing their voluntary commitments through a broad-based
consultative process.
I thank you.