Mr. Co-Chair, Honourable ministers, Excellences, Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and gentleman
I have the honor to speak on behalf of Latvia.
Our country aligns itself with the position of the European Union and its
Member States, presented by Commissioner Janez Potocnik.
Using this opportunity, I would like to share our experience for greening of
economy, which is one of the keystones for successful implementation of the
principle of Sustainable Consumption and Production.
The primary goal is to ensure , that implementing activities are in place.
Latvia is a country, which put great efforts, while undergone from centralized
planning system and unsustainable way of living under Soviet regime, to
environmentally friendly country - member of the European Union.
Development and implementation of strict requirements now prevents return to
environmentally harmful management. Yes, in a short term we have faced
higher business running costs, but, if we look to long term, then for sure, we
should be winners.
As an example, we already have good experience, running our Green
Investment Scheme, which is supported by national Climate Change Financial
Instrument. It serves as a key tool for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
We consider that it is very important to use our positive balance of CO2
emissions only to ensure sustainable development activities - at state and
municipal level, as well as promoting activities in private sector.
Through Green Investment Scheme we support activities, such as:
· Improvement of energy efficiency in private and public sector buildings;
· Greenhouse gas reduction in transport sector;
· Energy saving solutions - both in private and public sectors;
· Support for design and implementation of technologies, using renewable
energy resources , namely - biomass, geothermal, solar etc); as well as
· Different integrated solutions for GHG emission reduction in the energy
production, consumption and technological processes.
I would like to express our support for adoption of 10 Year Framework of
Programmes of Sustainable Consumption and Production, and in conclusion our
appreciation to CSD19 Chair and his team for the excellent work that has been
done so far.
Thank you for your attention.
Ladies and gentleman
I have the honor to speak on behalf of Latvia.
Our country aligns itself with the position of the European Union and its
Member States, presented by Commissioner Janez Potocnik.
Using this opportunity, I would like to share our experience for greening of
economy, which is one of the keystones for successful implementation of the
principle of Sustainable Consumption and Production.
The primary goal is to ensure , that implementing activities are in place.
Latvia is a country, which put great efforts, while undergone from centralized
planning system and unsustainable way of living under Soviet regime, to
environmentally friendly country - member of the European Union.
Development and implementation of strict requirements now prevents return to
environmentally harmful management. Yes, in a short term we have faced
higher business running costs, but, if we look to long term, then for sure, we
should be winners.
As an example, we already have good experience, running our Green
Investment Scheme, which is supported by national Climate Change Financial
Instrument. It serves as a key tool for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
We consider that it is very important to use our positive balance of CO2
emissions only to ensure sustainable development activities - at state and
municipal level, as well as promoting activities in private sector.
Through Green Investment Scheme we support activities, such as:
· Improvement of energy efficiency in private and public sector buildings;
· Greenhouse gas reduction in transport sector;
· Energy saving solutions - both in private and public sectors;
· Support for design and implementation of technologies, using renewable
energy resources , namely - biomass, geothermal, solar etc); as well as
· Different integrated solutions for GHG emission reduction in the energy
production, consumption and technological processes.
I would like to express our support for adoption of 10 Year Framework of
Programmes of Sustainable Consumption and Production, and in conclusion our
appreciation to CSD19 Chair and his team for the excellent work that has been
done so far.
Thank you for your attention.