1. I thank the distingiushed panelists for the elaborate and useful
presentations on this important theme: transport. Kenya
delegation associates itself with the statement made by the
distinguishged representative of Argentina on behalf of the G-
77 and China.
2. Mr Chairman,
3. Kenya recognizes the importance of efficient, low-cost public
transport and non-motorized transport to alleviate poverty and
spur economic growth. In this regard, the Governmment of
Kenya has been encouraging the use of public transport and
bycircles as a way of reducing pollution in the transport sector
and hope that these interventions will set the stage for more
environmentally-friendly transport in cities.
4. Mr. Chairman,
5. The Government of Kenya is committed to achieving
sustainable transport. In this regard we have been developing
integrated, balanced and environmentally sound urban
transport systems that integrate all transport modes.This is
important for climate change mitigation, poverty alleviation, air
quality improvements, and economic growth.
6. In this regard, Kenya has been expanding road networks
throughout the country. Similarly the government through
private public partnership has undertaken to mordenize and
increase railway network in the country.
7. I am happy to note that last month, with the support of GEF,
Kenya launched a major transport project that addresses
reduction of GHG arising from motorized transport.The project
includes four components that will be implemented from 2011
to 2035:
? Designing a full scale sustainable transport system, including a
blueprint for complementary transportation demand
management and urban planning measures
? Highlighting the feasibility of the proposed system in a
demonstration corridor
? Promoting clean air technologies
? Building capacity, political support and awareness of
sustainable transportation
? I thank you.
presentations on this important theme: transport. Kenya
delegation associates itself with the statement made by the
distinguishged representative of Argentina on behalf of the G-
77 and China.
2. Mr Chairman,
3. Kenya recognizes the importance of efficient, low-cost public
transport and non-motorized transport to alleviate poverty and
spur economic growth. In this regard, the Governmment of
Kenya has been encouraging the use of public transport and
bycircles as a way of reducing pollution in the transport sector
and hope that these interventions will set the stage for more
environmentally-friendly transport in cities.
4. Mr. Chairman,
5. The Government of Kenya is committed to achieving
sustainable transport. In this regard we have been developing
integrated, balanced and environmentally sound urban
transport systems that integrate all transport modes.This is
important for climate change mitigation, poverty alleviation, air
quality improvements, and economic growth.
6. In this regard, Kenya has been expanding road networks
throughout the country. Similarly the government through
private public partnership has undertaken to mordenize and
increase railway network in the country.
7. I am happy to note that last month, with the support of GEF,
Kenya launched a major transport project that addresses
reduction of GHG arising from motorized transport.The project
includes four components that will be implemented from 2011
to 2035:
? Designing a full scale sustainable transport system, including a
blueprint for complementary transportation demand
management and urban planning measures
? Highlighting the feasibility of the proposed system in a
demonstration corridor
? Promoting clean air technologies
? Building capacity, political support and awareness of
sustainable transportation
? I thank you.