Permanent Mission ofJapan to the United Nations
Press Release
866 United Nations Plaza, New York, N .Y. 10017 Phone : (212) 223-4300 . www.un .int/japan/
Statement by H .E. Dr. Yasuyuki Eda,
Senior Vice-Minister of the Environment of Japan
on the Occasion of the 14th Session of the United Nations
Commission on Sustainable Development
New York, May 11, 2006
Mr. Chairman, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to give a few
words to you today on behalf of the Government of Japan .
Domestic Experiences and Measures
Let me start by touching upon Japan's experiences. During the course of its economic growth,
Japan experienced severe air pollution due to rapid industrialization and changes in its
transportation system. In order to address this, Japan has been working to implement a number of
measures, including enforcement of the strictest regulations in the world on automobile exhaust
Since Japan has limited domestic energy resources, the enhancement of energy efficiency has
been one of its most crucial issues . After the oil crisis of the 1970s, Japan achieved the world's
highest energy efficiency, and this constitutes one of the bases for Japan's current international
competitiveness . Being the world biggest producer of solar batteries, Japan also contributes to
expansion of renewable energy usage .
The efficient use of fossil fuels also constitutes a measure to combat climate change . In order to
achieve its reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol, Japan has been working on further
domestic reduction efforts, and both the private and public sectors are working to promote
international cooperation, including through use of the Kyoto Mechanisms .
Also, to achieve the ultimate goal of the UN FCCC, it is crucial that there be further promotion of
substantial emissions reductions on a global basis over the long term . To this end, it is essential
that for the period beyond 2012, we create an effective framework which promotes the greatest
possible reduction efforts by major emitters while enabling all countries to undertake
countermeasures in accordance with their ability.
International Cooperation
Mr. Chairman,
In order to attain sustainable development, environmentally-sound energy supply and use are
indispensable. I believe that the experience and the technology that have emerged in Japan
constitute a significant contribution towards solving issues that other countries now face .
(check against delivery)
Japan puts high priority on sharing good practices with the international community .
As you know, Japan works in close cooperation with her international partners . For example, we
provide support for international joint activities on climate change undertaken by the IEA and the
World Bank.
Japan also works to promote public and private partnerships . For example, Japan is actively
participating in the Asia-Pacific Partnership Network on Clean Development and Climate .
Japan also makes great efforts to contribute to other countries' capacity building and regional
cooperation . As just one example, Japan has been promoting the Kyoto Initiative, which
facilitates the development and implementation of climate change countermeasures primarily
through official development assistance . Moreover, Japan plays a major role in monitoring
networks in Asia.
Changes in Lifestyles and Other Areas
Mr. Chairman,
As we pursue environmentally sound and sustainable consumption and production patterns, we
recognize that not only technology-based efforts but also changes in lifestyles and
socio-industrial structures are essential .
To this end, Japan advocates the 3R Initiative, which aims to establish a sound material-cycle
society through efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle wastes, under the slogan "MOTTAINAI," an
expression that means to cherish and respect limited resources and that describes the soul of
Japan and the country's way of life since ancient times .
In addition, we have been promoting awareness-raising activities including large-scale campaigns
and activities towards the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, which was
advocated by Japan, and for which we have adopted the national implementation plan in this
To conclude, our efforts to improve energy efficiency and to promote renewable energy use lead
to not only industrial development but also air pollutants and green house gases reduction . Japan
would like to keep contributing to these important issues sharing our lessons learned and good
I hope all distinguished ministers and other parties conduct frank exchanges of views in order to
take another step forward towards the resolution of these global issues .
Thank you very much.
Permanent Mission ofJapan to the United Nations
Press Release
866 United Nations Plaza, New York, N .Y. 10017 Phone : (212) 223-4300 . www.un .int/japan/
Statement by H .E. Dr. Yasuyuki Eda,
Senior Vice-Minister of the Environment of Japan
on the Occasion of the 14th Session of the United Nations
Commission on Sustainable Development
New York, May 11, 2006
Mr. Chairman, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to give a few
words to you today on behalf of the Government of Japan .
Domestic Experiences and Measures
Let me start by touching upon Japan's experiences. During the course of its economic growth,
Japan experienced severe air pollution due to rapid industrialization and changes in its
transportation system. In order to address this, Japan has been working to implement a number of
measures, including enforcement of the strictest regulations in the world on automobile exhaust
Since Japan has limited domestic energy resources, the enhancement of energy efficiency has
been one of its most crucial issues . After the oil crisis of the 1970s, Japan achieved the world's
highest energy efficiency, and this constitutes one of the bases for Japan's current international
competitiveness . Being the world biggest producer of solar batteries, Japan also contributes to
expansion of renewable energy usage .
The efficient use of fossil fuels also constitutes a measure to combat climate change . In order to
achieve its reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol, Japan has been working on further
domestic reduction efforts, and both the private and public sectors are working to promote
international cooperation, including through use of the Kyoto Mechanisms .
Also, to achieve the ultimate goal of the UN FCCC, it is crucial that there be further promotion of
substantial emissions reductions on a global basis over the long term . To this end, it is essential
that for the period beyond 2012, we create an effective framework which promotes the greatest
possible reduction efforts by major emitters while enabling all countries to undertake
countermeasures in accordance with their ability.
International Cooperation
Mr. Chairman,
In order to attain sustainable development, environmentally-sound energy supply and use are
indispensable. I believe that the experience and the technology that have emerged in Japan
constitute a significant contribution towards solving issues that other countries now face .
(check against delivery)
Japan puts high priority on sharing good practices with the international community .
As you know, Japan works in close cooperation with her international partners . For example, we
provide support for international joint activities on climate change undertaken by the IEA and the
World Bank.
Japan also works to promote public and private partnerships . For example, Japan is actively
participating in the Asia-Pacific Partnership Network on Clean Development and Climate .
Japan also makes great efforts to contribute to other countries' capacity building and regional
cooperation . As just one example, Japan has been promoting the Kyoto Initiative, which
facilitates the development and implementation of climate change countermeasures primarily
through official development assistance . Moreover, Japan plays a major role in monitoring
networks in Asia.
Changes in Lifestyles and Other Areas
Mr. Chairman,
As we pursue environmentally sound and sustainable consumption and production patterns, we
recognize that not only technology-based efforts but also changes in lifestyles and
socio-industrial structures are essential .
To this end, Japan advocates the 3R Initiative, which aims to establish a sound material-cycle
society through efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle wastes, under the slogan "MOTTAINAI," an
expression that means to cherish and respect limited resources and that describes the soul of
Japan and the country's way of life since ancient times .
In addition, we have been promoting awareness-raising activities including large-scale campaigns
and activities towards the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, which was
advocated by Japan, and for which we have adopted the national implementation plan in this
To conclude, our efforts to improve energy efficiency and to promote renewable energy use lead
to not only industrial development but also air pollutants and green house gases reduction . Japan
would like to keep contributing to these important issues sharing our lessons learned and good
I hope all distinguished ministers and other parties conduct frank exchanges of views in order to
take another step forward towards the resolution of these global issues .
Thank you very much.