Thank you, Chair.
Japan would like to express its sincere gratitude to you, Mr. Chair and the Bureau, to prepare the
Report of the IPM and the Secretariat for the preparation of this meeting, and Ambassador Asadi to
provide us with the whole picture of the negotiation during this year with hope.
On this matter, Japan believes that strong and credible actions are needed to foster a transition to a
global low carbon society and achieve the ultimate goal under the UNFCCC to recover the gprimary
balanceh between the emissions and absorption of GHG, which requires global emissions be reduced to
a level less than half of the current emissions at an early stage. For that purpose, Japan has several
suggestions, particularly those on the texts included in the Report of IPM. (These suggestions will be
provided in a written form.)
(Specific suggestions for change on IPM Chairfs Text)
First of all, on page 13, para 10(e), gincluding strengthening the carbon marketh should be deleted
from this part, because long-term strategy on climate change mitigation should be considered
comprehensively. In this sense, although Japan recognizes the importance of the roles of carbon
markets, it should not be highlighted as the most important components of the long-term strategy.
Second, on page 13, para 10(h), due to its importance, this paragraph should also be included in (E)
cross-cutting issues.
Third, on page 13, para 10(j), this sentence should read as gEnhance and conserve carbon sinks and
reservoirs through improved land-use management, sustainable forest management, afforestation
and reforestation.h Regarding gsustainable forest management,h it is related to the aspects of
gexpanding sustainable production and use of bioenergyh mentioned at para 3(q) of IPM (ESD) and
gpromote eco-tourismh mentioned at para 7(h) of IPM (industrial development).
Climate change issues have been discussed inside and outside of the UNFCCC arena, including G8
and Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP). In order to respond to the
urgency of climate change problems, it is important for the CSD to work closely with these forums in
a collaborative manner, but let me make it clear that the CSD should not duplicate the works under the
negotiation under the UNFCCC process.
Mr. Chair,
Japan would like to make its utmost efforts to make your intention to finish negotiation by this Friday
a reality. I am really looking forward to having fruitful discussions here at CSD15 and, Ambassador
Asadi, a successful negotiation in SB26 in Bonn starting from this coming Monday.
Thank you, Chair.
(General stance)
(1) Promoting international cooperation on climate change, including both mitigation and adaptation
In achieving the ultimate goal under the UNFCCC to recover the gprimary balanceh between the
emissions and absorption of GHG, global emissions need to be reduced to a level less than half of
the current emissions at an early stage (according to IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, 57%), and
all countries are required under an enlightened sense of solidarity to take effective mitigation
measures in accordance with their respective capabilities. Reduction efforts by those Annex-?T
countries that have concluded the Kyoto Protocol alone are inadequate. Particularly, in relation to
the post-2012 regime, maximum reduction efforts by all major emitting countries are
Climate change issues have been discussed outside of the UNFCCC arena, such as G8 and
Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP). In order to respond to the
urgency of climate change problems, it is important for the CSD to work closely with these
forums and the UNFCCC negotiation process.
(Sectoral approach)
Together with the country-based targets like we have under the Kyoto Protocol, sectoral approach
with sectoral targets can be observed as an effective method to promote the global reduction of
GHG. As it is evident from the IEAfs analysis on energy efficiency and best practices of energy
policies, improvement of energy efficiency through applying clean energy technologies will create
positive benefits in terms of climate change mitigation, energy security and sustainable
development. The works done by the IEA should also be used as a useful reference.
(2) Strengthening international support on adaptation measures
Together with the mitigation efforts, adaptation measures to climate change should be designed
properly and implemented immediately. Most of the areas identified as the adaptation needs have
already covered under the official development aid and other bilateral and multilateral
development assistance. In order to design and implement adaptation measures without delay, it is
necessary to mainstream adaptation measures within development strategies. Japan has
implemented several adaptation measures in developing countries, including capacity building, air
quality improvement, energy saving, and forest management, through ODA-based framework,
so-called Kyoto Initiative since 1997. While Japan continues its utmost support under the Kyoto
Protocol and UNFCCC on adaptation, Japan also continues its efforts under the Kyoto Initiative.
Adaptation measures also closely relate to risk reduction efforts across the sectors. Therefore, it is
very important to apply the lessons-learned and experiences accumulated under the disaster
reduction activities to the adaptation to climate change. In this regard, it is important for the
UNFCCC and relevant organizations to work with ISDR in order to design and implement
adaptation measures effectively.
On financing adaptation, under the umbrella of UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol, there are some
financial mechanisms, namely GEF Trust Fund, LDCF, SCCF and Adaptation Fund, are already
implemented or planned to be implemented. It is crucial to utilize all of these funds effectively in
order to respond to adaptation needs. However, at the same time, since climate change affects
various sectors of the community, it is necessary to consider the ways and means on how to
involve private financiers in the circle. On this matter, the expertise at the World Bank and other
aid agencies as well as the discussions at the G8 can play a significant role.
(3) Carbon markets
In the IPM Chairfs text, the necessity of gstrengthening the carbon marketh is highlighted as the
option for long-term strategy on climate change measures. Japan has a concern on this matter.
Long-term strategy on climate change mitigation should be considered comprehensively. In this sense,
although Japan recognizes the importance of the roles of carbon markets, Japan believes that it
should not be highlighted as if the carbon market is the most important components of the long-term
Undoubtedly, as the latest IPCC report says, climate change is occurring and affects everybody on the
earth. Effective actions should be taken immediately in a concerted manner. Japan reiterates its full
commitment to the promotion of emission reduction through further improvement of its energy
efficiency, and to the further strengthening of its efforts in diffusing and developing technologies as
well as in enhancing international cooperation on both mitigation of and adaptation to climate change.
Thank you, Chair.
Japan would like to express its sincere gratitude to you, Mr. Chair and the Bureau, to prepare the
Report of the IPM and the Secretariat for the preparation of this meeting, and Ambassador Asadi to
provide us with the whole picture of the negotiation during this year with hope.
On this matter, Japan believes that strong and credible actions are needed to foster a transition to a
global low carbon society and achieve the ultimate goal under the UNFCCC to recover the gprimary
balanceh between the emissions and absorption of GHG, which requires global emissions be reduced to
a level less than half of the current emissions at an early stage. For that purpose, Japan has several
suggestions, particularly those on the texts included in the Report of IPM. (These suggestions will be
provided in a written form.)
(Specific suggestions for change on IPM Chairfs Text)
First of all, on page 13, para 10(e), gincluding strengthening the carbon marketh should be deleted
from this part, because long-term strategy on climate change mitigation should be considered
comprehensively. In this sense, although Japan recognizes the importance of the roles of carbon
markets, it should not be highlighted as the most important components of the long-term strategy.
Second, on page 13, para 10(h), due to its importance, this paragraph should also be included in (E)
cross-cutting issues.
Third, on page 13, para 10(j), this sentence should read as gEnhance and conserve carbon sinks and
reservoirs through improved land-use management, sustainable forest management, afforestation
and reforestation.h Regarding gsustainable forest management,h it is related to the aspects of
gexpanding sustainable production and use of bioenergyh mentioned at para 3(q) of IPM (ESD) and
gpromote eco-tourismh mentioned at para 7(h) of IPM (industrial development).
Climate change issues have been discussed inside and outside of the UNFCCC arena, including G8
and Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP). In order to respond to the
urgency of climate change problems, it is important for the CSD to work closely with these forums in
a collaborative manner, but let me make it clear that the CSD should not duplicate the works under the
negotiation under the UNFCCC process.
Mr. Chair,
Japan would like to make its utmost efforts to make your intention to finish negotiation by this Friday
a reality. I am really looking forward to having fruitful discussions here at CSD15 and, Ambassador
Asadi, a successful negotiation in SB26 in Bonn starting from this coming Monday.
Thank you, Chair.
(General stance)
(1) Promoting international cooperation on climate change, including both mitigation and adaptation
In achieving the ultimate goal under the UNFCCC to recover the gprimary balanceh between the
emissions and absorption of GHG, global emissions need to be reduced to a level less than half of
the current emissions at an early stage (according to IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, 57%), and
all countries are required under an enlightened sense of solidarity to take effective mitigation
measures in accordance with their respective capabilities. Reduction efforts by those Annex-?T
countries that have concluded the Kyoto Protocol alone are inadequate. Particularly, in relation to
the post-2012 regime, maximum reduction efforts by all major emitting countries are
Climate change issues have been discussed outside of the UNFCCC arena, such as G8 and
Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP). In order to respond to the
urgency of climate change problems, it is important for the CSD to work closely with these
forums and the UNFCCC negotiation process.
(Sectoral approach)
Together with the country-based targets like we have under the Kyoto Protocol, sectoral approach
with sectoral targets can be observed as an effective method to promote the global reduction of
GHG. As it is evident from the IEAfs analysis on energy efficiency and best practices of energy
policies, improvement of energy efficiency through applying clean energy technologies will create
positive benefits in terms of climate change mitigation, energy security and sustainable
development. The works done by the IEA should also be used as a useful reference.
(2) Strengthening international support on adaptation measures
Together with the mitigation efforts, adaptation measures to climate change should be designed
properly and implemented immediately. Most of the areas identified as the adaptation needs have
already covered under the official development aid and other bilateral and multilateral
development assistance. In order to design and implement adaptation measures without delay, it is
necessary to mainstream adaptation measures within development strategies. Japan has
implemented several adaptation measures in developing countries, including capacity building, air
quality improvement, energy saving, and forest management, through ODA-based framework,
so-called Kyoto Initiative since 1997. While Japan continues its utmost support under the Kyoto
Protocol and UNFCCC on adaptation, Japan also continues its efforts under the Kyoto Initiative.
Adaptation measures also closely relate to risk reduction efforts across the sectors. Therefore, it is
very important to apply the lessons-learned and experiences accumulated under the disaster
reduction activities to the adaptation to climate change. In this regard, it is important for the
UNFCCC and relevant organizations to work with ISDR in order to design and implement
adaptation measures effectively.
On financing adaptation, under the umbrella of UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol, there are some
financial mechanisms, namely GEF Trust Fund, LDCF, SCCF and Adaptation Fund, are already
implemented or planned to be implemented. It is crucial to utilize all of these funds effectively in
order to respond to adaptation needs. However, at the same time, since climate change affects
various sectors of the community, it is necessary to consider the ways and means on how to
involve private financiers in the circle. On this matter, the expertise at the World Bank and other
aid agencies as well as the discussions at the G8 can play a significant role.
(3) Carbon markets
In the IPM Chairfs text, the necessity of gstrengthening the carbon marketh is highlighted as the
option for long-term strategy on climate change measures. Japan has a concern on this matter.
Long-term strategy on climate change mitigation should be considered comprehensively. In this sense,
although Japan recognizes the importance of the roles of carbon markets, Japan believes that it
should not be highlighted as if the carbon market is the most important components of the long-term
Undoubtedly, as the latest IPCC report says, climate change is occurring and affects everybody on the
earth. Effective actions should be taken immediately in a concerted manner. Japan reiterates its full
commitment to the promotion of emission reduction through further improvement of its energy
efficiency, and to the further strengthening of its efforts in diffusing and developing technologies as
well as in enhancing international cooperation on both mitigation of and adaptation to climate change.
Thank you, Chair.