Let me first of all express our appreciation for UNDESA, UNSGAB and UN Water for the valuable works they have done for the last several years.
Mr. Chairman,
Japan is one of the first contributors in the world that have recognized the importance of water and sanitation issues. Indeed in this area, Japan has taken many initiatives and has always been the largest donor since 1990s. For example, between 2001 and 2005, Japan provided 4.9 billion U.S. dollars of assistance in this area, which accounts for 37% of all the bilateral assistance provided worldwide in this area.
The government of Japan announced ¡°Water and Sanitation Broad Partnership Initiative (WASABI)¡± in 2006. Based on the Initiative, Japan has extended a variety of assistance in the area of water and sanitation. For example, Japan has promoted Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). Japan has also focused on safe drinking water and sanitation in its assistance. Support for water use in food protection, preservation of water pollution and conservation of eco-systems, and the mitigation of damages caused by water-related disasters have all been our priority areas.
Mr. Chairman,
This year Japan will host two very important summit meetings, first TICAD¢ô in May and then G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit in July. Take into consideration into cooperation, this year 2008 is designated as the ¡°International Year of Sanitation (IYS 2008)¡± by the General Assembly. Japan is determined to lead the international discussion on water and sanitation. With this in mind, on February 2008, Foreign Minister Koumura delivered a policy speech entitled
¡°Global Water Governance ¨C Improving Access to Safe Water and Sanitation¡± and called for global action on water and sanitation issues. In his speech he identified the following 5 points that the international community should be doing together.
To promote sustainable use of water resources through the application of the cycle water resources management
To share Japan¡¯s advanced ¨C technology and know how with other countries, especially developed countries in the world
To improve access to safe drinking water and dignified sanitation facilities as well as to promote sanitation and hygiene practice such as hand washing
To strengthen global responses to the water issues
Facilities cooperation between central government and local government are also foster public and private partnerships.
The ways and means of realizing these 5 points will certainly be discussed in the TICAD¢ô and G8 Summit.
Before I conclude, I would also like to mention that the 10th meeting of the UNSGAB will take place from 26th May, Japan. The meeting has additional importance since it is held during the IYS 2008. Japan hopes that UNSGAB delivers a clear message so that the international community tries its best to achieve the water and sanitation targets of the MDGs, both at national and international level. Japan, for its part, will do everything that we can. To make these matters, live up to its expectations.
Mr. Chairman,
Japan is one of the first contributors in the world that have recognized the importance of water and sanitation issues. Indeed in this area, Japan has taken many initiatives and has always been the largest donor since 1990s. For example, between 2001 and 2005, Japan provided 4.9 billion U.S. dollars of assistance in this area, which accounts for 37% of all the bilateral assistance provided worldwide in this area.
The government of Japan announced ¡°Water and Sanitation Broad Partnership Initiative (WASABI)¡± in 2006. Based on the Initiative, Japan has extended a variety of assistance in the area of water and sanitation. For example, Japan has promoted Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). Japan has also focused on safe drinking water and sanitation in its assistance. Support for water use in food protection, preservation of water pollution and conservation of eco-systems, and the mitigation of damages caused by water-related disasters have all been our priority areas.
Mr. Chairman,
This year Japan will host two very important summit meetings, first TICAD¢ô in May and then G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit in July. Take into consideration into cooperation, this year 2008 is designated as the ¡°International Year of Sanitation (IYS 2008)¡± by the General Assembly. Japan is determined to lead the international discussion on water and sanitation. With this in mind, on February 2008, Foreign Minister Koumura delivered a policy speech entitled
¡°Global Water Governance ¨C Improving Access to Safe Water and Sanitation¡± and called for global action on water and sanitation issues. In his speech he identified the following 5 points that the international community should be doing together.
To promote sustainable use of water resources through the application of the cycle water resources management
To share Japan¡¯s advanced ¨C technology and know how with other countries, especially developed countries in the world
To improve access to safe drinking water and dignified sanitation facilities as well as to promote sanitation and hygiene practice such as hand washing
To strengthen global responses to the water issues
Facilities cooperation between central government and local government are also foster public and private partnerships.
The ways and means of realizing these 5 points will certainly be discussed in the TICAD¢ô and G8 Summit.
Before I conclude, I would also like to mention that the 10th meeting of the UNSGAB will take place from 26th May, Japan. The meeting has additional importance since it is held during the IYS 2008. Japan hopes that UNSGAB delivers a clear message so that the international community tries its best to achieve the water and sanitation targets of the MDGs, both at national and international level. Japan, for its part, will do everything that we can. To make these matters, live up to its expectations.