Intervention on human rights by Hiroshi Minami, Ambassador for Civil Society and Deputy Director-General for Global Issues of the Foreign Ministry of Japan, at the sixth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
I will make an intervention on human rights as a national capacity.
Poverty eradication and sustainable development are closely related to human rights, as living in dignity is a matter of human rights.
It is the responsibility of a national state to protect and promote the human rights of the people of the national state. But we know that sometimes states do not fulfill the responsibility and states sometimes become perpetrators to violate the human rights of the people.
As the subject which enjoys human rights is people, and SDGs should have human centered approach. In the discussion and consideration of SDGs, we should focus on people at the center, and we should think about how to protect and empower the people.
I am not fully convinced that we need a standalone goal for human right is necessary in the SDGs because human rights should be a guiding principle of SDGs. Human rights should be integrated in goals and targets and we should address both freedom from want and freedom from fear.
In the social and economic rights, the goals and the targets for education, health and water and sanitation will be important.
In the civil and political rights, the goals and the targets for good governance, rule of law and peace and security should be emphasized.
Moreover, we have to focus on the human rights of the vulnerable people, and human rights of women, children and disabled people.
Further, inequalities should be addressed as growing inequalities are a mater of concern from the viewpoint of human rights.
I will make an intervention on human rights as a national capacity.
Poverty eradication and sustainable development are closely related to human rights, as living in dignity is a matter of human rights.
It is the responsibility of a national state to protect and promote the human rights of the people of the national state. But we know that sometimes states do not fulfill the responsibility and states sometimes become perpetrators to violate the human rights of the people.
As the subject which enjoys human rights is people, and SDGs should have human centered approach. In the discussion and consideration of SDGs, we should focus on people at the center, and we should think about how to protect and empower the people.
I am not fully convinced that we need a standalone goal for human right is necessary in the SDGs because human rights should be a guiding principle of SDGs. Human rights should be integrated in goals and targets and we should address both freedom from want and freedom from fear.
In the social and economic rights, the goals and the targets for education, health and water and sanitation will be important.
In the civil and political rights, the goals and the targets for good governance, rule of law and peace and security should be emphasized.
Moreover, we have to focus on the human rights of the vulnerable people, and human rights of women, children and disabled people.
Further, inequalities should be addressed as growing inequalities are a mater of concern from the viewpoint of human rights.