Italy, Spain and Turkey
New York, 5-9 May 2014
Statement delivered by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Secretary General of International Development Cooperation
Cluster 4: Energy; Economic growth, employment and infrastructure
Tuesday 6th May, Afternoon session
I have the honour to speak on behalf of Italy and Turkey.
Mister Co-Chair,
Our troika supports a standalone goal on Energy, within the framework of the Secretary General´s SE4ALL initiative and its three pillars that could be translated into targets, following the Co-Chairs suggestion. Nevertheless, we have the following comments:
- A clarification on the meaning of “modern energy” would be very helpful.
- In line with our last statement on this issue at the 10th session, we would like to reiterate our point on the promotion of partnerships when dealing with energy, as was reflected in the last proposal.
- On the other hand, we want to stress the need to consider special contexts and situations, such as rural areas or humanitarian settlements, in where there is a predominance of off-grid systems. In these cases, it would be important to promote the use of efficient renewable energy sources.
- Target d) should be more inclusive of all clean and low - or zero emission energy technology such as, for instance, solar or wind energy. We therefore propose the following text for point d): “by 2030 increase by x% the share of renewable sourced energies with efficient technologies”.
- For item e), at the end notes, a reference is given to our trioka. Let me reiterate that we support energy saving measures and reduction of wasteful consumption. Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies is only one measure for this target (we must consdier special situations such as humanitarian settlements). There might be others such as tariff measures. İn additin, if the agenda includes a target on phasing out fossil subsidies, a much earlier date must be setted.
- An additional target must be added to ”create the appropriate climate for the development of local energy markets” should be added”
Regarding the next issue of the discussion, our troika supports a goal on the Promotion of sustainable inclusive economic growth, strongly connected with the social and environmental dimensions. Inclusiveness must aim social, economic and territorial equity for everyone, including the most vulnerable population. In this context the importance of local place-based development should be stressed. Sustainability and equity should also be better captured in all the specific actions related to this focus area.
In this sense, we support points a), b), e), i) and j), and we would like to add the following:
- A specific mention in target a) on women
- In target g) a specific mention to soft infrastructures such as marketing, product quality and origin certification
- A target on the adoption of public procurement policies and public financing of marketing initiatives that favour local SMEs and sustainable modes of production.
- Regarding target f), as we support the importance of benefits sharing, we think that a clarification on what -high productive sectors- means would be very helpful
- A target for the promotion of structural changes at productive systems
- A target on promoting financial inclusion of migrants including empowerment of migrant diaspora and their entrepreneurship.
- We would add also a target for the strengthening of economic and financial domestic institutions
- A target on development and consolidation of inclusive financial markets.
- A target on international financial cooperation.
- A target on promote the incorporation of LDC and MIC at the international economic system, in accordance with trade agreements, promotion of exports capacity and south-south and triangular cooperation.
- We do agree on including a target on sustainable infrastructure under this goal.
Furthermore, regarding Employment, although there are many linkages with the scope of Economic Growth, both are essentially very different issues: Employment and Economic Growth do not always follow the same trends. In this sense, we would prefer to approach Employment as specifically as possible. Additionally, we would like to highlight the following comments:
- On point h) from FA 8, we suggest the following language: “protect the rights of all workers, including migrant workers, especially by means of social dialogue and in compliance with ILO fundamental rights at work”.
- A target to improve training
- Target on development of youth employment.
- Target on the promotion on decent employment, following ILO´s agenda, with a suitable social protection system with focus on the most marginalized including migrant workers.
- A target on the provision of inclusive financial and technical services to the poor to foster their entrepreneurship should be included.
Thank you very much Mr. Co-Chair.