Italy, Spain and Turkey
10th Session of the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals New York, 2nd April 2014
Statement by ITALY, SPAIN and TURKEY
Cluster 4
Energy (Focus area 7)
The MDGs did not specifically address energy but we now have the chance to explicitly integrate energy into the new development. The objectives indicated by UN SG Ban Ki Moon in the “Sustainable Energy for All Initiative” call for immediate global action and are a valuable input to build upon. Energy is an engine for sustainable development, economic growth as well as for increasing social equity and global security. Access to energy is a human right and it should be guaranteed to all people.
We would like to express our appreciation for all actions identified by the co-chairs in their document and highlight in particular the key role of those contained in sub-paragraphs b), c), d), e), and i) of Focus Area 7.
In dealing with energy we should keep in mind the role played by different actors, namely, by governments, civil society and the private sector in order to create synergies, mainstream efforts and combine the strength of different interests towards a common purpose. A specific reference to this concept should be made in subparagraph (i) – promotion of partnerships.
Economic Growth (Focus area 8)
A new post-2015 development agenda addressing the three dimensions of sustainable development should integrate sustainability and equity in all focus areas. Therefore in addressing focus area 8 we should speak about inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Indeed, economic growth is clearly fundamental but alone it is not sufficient to reduce poverty and inequality and to improve living standards by creating decent jobs, shared prosperity and achieving, within planetary boundaries, higher resources efficiency. We appreciate the fact that linkages have been envisaged between economic growth, industrialization and sustainable consumption and production.
Sustainability and equity should also be fully captured in all the specific actions related to this focus area.
The role of the private sector should be properly addressed. In this context, we strongly support the promotion of partnerships between public and private sector and of small and medium enterprises networks, bearing in mind that it will be necessary for the private
sector to take accountability and transparency commitments. Reference should also be made to the importance of social dialogue in the promotion of inclusive growth and sustainable development.
Industrialization (Focus area 9)
The concept of “sustainable industrial development” expressed in the introductory paragraph, should be fully reflected in all Focus area 9 and in this context the environmental dimension should always be considered. In line with this we underline the fact that in particular in paragraphs (a), (c), (e), (g) and (k) there is a need to add the principle of sustainability to the actions described. We express caution for subparagraphs (i) and (k) as the concepts contain contentious trade related issues and are not clear. Subparagraph k) should be drafted consistently with focus area 14 on “Sustainable consumption and production”.
Infrastructure (Focus area 10)
Reliable infrastructure is essential for inclusive and sustainable economic development. Considering that reference to infrastructure is made in various focus areas such as energy, water and sanitation and sustainable cities we wonder whether there is merit for having a separate infrastructure focus area. However we fully support the inclusion of subparagraph (b) and we consider it a prerequisite for all actions identified in this Focus Area. While we share the view expressed in subparagraph (e), i.e. that infrastructures need to serve sustainable activities, we fail to understand why only tourism has been singled out. Furthermore, more attention should be devoted to assessing the environmental and social impact of infrastructure, rather then to considering its economic benefits exclusively.
10th Session of the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals New York, 2nd April 2014
Statement by ITALY, SPAIN and TURKEY
Cluster 4
Energy (Focus area 7)
The MDGs did not specifically address energy but we now have the chance to explicitly integrate energy into the new development. The objectives indicated by UN SG Ban Ki Moon in the “Sustainable Energy for All Initiative” call for immediate global action and are a valuable input to build upon. Energy is an engine for sustainable development, economic growth as well as for increasing social equity and global security. Access to energy is a human right and it should be guaranteed to all people.
We would like to express our appreciation for all actions identified by the co-chairs in their document and highlight in particular the key role of those contained in sub-paragraphs b), c), d), e), and i) of Focus Area 7.
In dealing with energy we should keep in mind the role played by different actors, namely, by governments, civil society and the private sector in order to create synergies, mainstream efforts and combine the strength of different interests towards a common purpose. A specific reference to this concept should be made in subparagraph (i) – promotion of partnerships.
Economic Growth (Focus area 8)
A new post-2015 development agenda addressing the three dimensions of sustainable development should integrate sustainability and equity in all focus areas. Therefore in addressing focus area 8 we should speak about inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Indeed, economic growth is clearly fundamental but alone it is not sufficient to reduce poverty and inequality and to improve living standards by creating decent jobs, shared prosperity and achieving, within planetary boundaries, higher resources efficiency. We appreciate the fact that linkages have been envisaged between economic growth, industrialization and sustainable consumption and production.
Sustainability and equity should also be fully captured in all the specific actions related to this focus area.
The role of the private sector should be properly addressed. In this context, we strongly support the promotion of partnerships between public and private sector and of small and medium enterprises networks, bearing in mind that it will be necessary for the private
sector to take accountability and transparency commitments. Reference should also be made to the importance of social dialogue in the promotion of inclusive growth and sustainable development.
Industrialization (Focus area 9)
The concept of “sustainable industrial development” expressed in the introductory paragraph, should be fully reflected in all Focus area 9 and in this context the environmental dimension should always be considered. In line with this we underline the fact that in particular in paragraphs (a), (c), (e), (g) and (k) there is a need to add the principle of sustainability to the actions described. We express caution for subparagraphs (i) and (k) as the concepts contain contentious trade related issues and are not clear. Subparagraph k) should be drafted consistently with focus area 14 on “Sustainable consumption and production”.
Infrastructure (Focus area 10)
Reliable infrastructure is essential for inclusive and sustainable economic development. Considering that reference to infrastructure is made in various focus areas such as energy, water and sanitation and sustainable cities we wonder whether there is merit for having a separate infrastructure focus area. However we fully support the inclusion of subparagraph (b) and we consider it a prerequisite for all actions identified in this Focus Area. While we share the view expressed in subparagraph (e), i.e. that infrastructures need to serve sustainable activities, we fail to understand why only tourism has been singled out. Furthermore, more attention should be devoted to assessing the environmental and social impact of infrastructure, rather then to considering its economic benefits exclusively.