Islamic Republic of I R A N Permanent Mission to the United Nations
Statement by
H.E. Dr. Yussef Hojjat
Deputy-Vice President
Department of Environment
Islamic Republic of Iran
Policy Options and Practical Measures
Water, Sanitation, and Human Settlement
During the 13 th Session of the
Commission on Sustainable Development
22 April, 2005, New York
In the Name of Allah
Mr. Chairman; .
Honorable Ministers;
Distinguished delegates;
As expressed by distinguished Ministers, and representatives of the groups
and organizations, we are at a critical juncture. Our experts are now working
hard to set policy options and possible actions on Water, Sanitation and
Human Settlement, which will affect our future living conditions. Having in
our hands the Agenda 21, JPOI, MDGs and Multi-Year Program of Work
for CSD, I have a couple of points to touch upon:
1 The set of policy options and practical measures should address major
concerns and interests of all countries in a comprehensive and fair
manner. Likewise, the existence of political will, setting up
appropriate and effective mechanisms for follow up, implementation
of the commitments by member states, involvement of all
stakeholders, particularly the civil societies and women are key to our
622 Third Ave, New York, NY 10017 Tel: (212) 687-2020 Fax: (212) 867-7086 email:
2. While addressing sustainable development, there is need for paying
urgent and adequate attention to the mobilizations of recourses and
transfer of appropriate technologies to assist developing countries to
enhance their capacities for implementation.
3. The severe living conditions of the people, particularly the poor, in
arid and semi-arid areas due to water scarcity and drought should be
addressed. Provision of safe water services and waste water treatment
in such areas still remain a crucial problem.
4. The role of water-related MEAs such as Ramsar Convention on
Wetlands, CBD, and CCD in conservation, sustainable and wise use
of natural resources should be recognized.
5. Due to allocation of 70% to 80% of fresh water to agriculture sector,
water use efficiency and transfer, of its technology deserves a highly
priority among our policies.
6. If we do not succeed in gradual achieving of the goals by 2015, as set,
with rapid economic growth and existing trend of urbanization, we
will face a catastrophe in three pillars of sustainable development.
Expansion of slums, lack of adequate housing and access to sound
sanitation and safe water pose constantly serious threats to human
dignity, rights and health.
7. Impact assessment of Natural Disasters such as earthquake, floods,
land slid and drought on water resources, sanitation and human
settlement, its integration into the national and regional preparedness
plans as well as the international response could lead to risk
mitigation and disaster reduction. Supporting refugee host states for
provision of basic services remain the responsibility of international
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I would like draw the kind attention of the
distinguished participants to convening an "International Conference on
Environment, Peace, and Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultures"
scheduled to he held in Tehran, from 9 to 10, May 2005. I, herewith,
invite the participants to take part in this important event. Some copies of
the Press Release containing the details of the Conference are available
outside the. room for your consideration.
I thank you Mr. Chairman
Statement by
H.E. Dr. Yussef Hojjat
Deputy-Vice President
Department of Environment
Islamic Republic of Iran
Policy Options and Practical Measures
Water, Sanitation, and Human Settlement
During the 13 th Session of the
Commission on Sustainable Development
22 April, 2005, New York
In the Name of Allah
Mr. Chairman; .
Honorable Ministers;
Distinguished delegates;
As expressed by distinguished Ministers, and representatives of the groups
and organizations, we are at a critical juncture. Our experts are now working
hard to set policy options and possible actions on Water, Sanitation and
Human Settlement, which will affect our future living conditions. Having in
our hands the Agenda 21, JPOI, MDGs and Multi-Year Program of Work
for CSD, I have a couple of points to touch upon:
1 The set of policy options and practical measures should address major
concerns and interests of all countries in a comprehensive and fair
manner. Likewise, the existence of political will, setting up
appropriate and effective mechanisms for follow up, implementation
of the commitments by member states, involvement of all
stakeholders, particularly the civil societies and women are key to our
622 Third Ave, New York, NY 10017 Tel: (212) 687-2020 Fax: (212) 867-7086 email:
2. While addressing sustainable development, there is need for paying
urgent and adequate attention to the mobilizations of recourses and
transfer of appropriate technologies to assist developing countries to
enhance their capacities for implementation.
3. The severe living conditions of the people, particularly the poor, in
arid and semi-arid areas due to water scarcity and drought should be
addressed. Provision of safe water services and waste water treatment
in such areas still remain a crucial problem.
4. The role of water-related MEAs such as Ramsar Convention on
Wetlands, CBD, and CCD in conservation, sustainable and wise use
of natural resources should be recognized.
5. Due to allocation of 70% to 80% of fresh water to agriculture sector,
water use efficiency and transfer, of its technology deserves a highly
priority among our policies.
6. If we do not succeed in gradual achieving of the goals by 2015, as set,
with rapid economic growth and existing trend of urbanization, we
will face a catastrophe in three pillars of sustainable development.
Expansion of slums, lack of adequate housing and access to sound
sanitation and safe water pose constantly serious threats to human
dignity, rights and health.
7. Impact assessment of Natural Disasters such as earthquake, floods,
land slid and drought on water resources, sanitation and human
settlement, its integration into the national and regional preparedness
plans as well as the international response could lead to risk
mitigation and disaster reduction. Supporting refugee host states for
provision of basic services remain the responsibility of international
In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I would like draw the kind attention of the
distinguished participants to convening an "International Conference on
Environment, Peace, and Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultures"
scheduled to he held in Tehran, from 9 to 10, May 2005. I, herewith,
invite the participants to take part in this important event. Some copies of
the Press Release containing the details of the Conference are available
outside the. room for your consideration.
I thank you Mr. Chairman