Mr. Chairman,
I would like to thank the panelists for their contributions. I associate
myself with the statement made by the representative of Singapore on
behalf of G-77 and China.
Sustainable Consumption and production patterns are influenced by
social values, technological developments and urbanization.
Sustainable development involves change, indeed a wave of change in the
behavior of producers and consumers in the allocation of resources
among users that must take place over time. This meeting provides a new
opportunity for countries to take the lead in making their patterns of
consumption and production more sustainable, and based on the principle
of common but differentiated responsibilities, as well as the high- income
countries pay principle, to actively address the concerns of developing
nations in their efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. Can we
talk about economic trends without considering the unjust, unequal and
unsustainable consumption patterns in some of developed countries?
Over consumption of commodities and food in the industrialized world is
considering being important contributor to the deterioration of the
environment and enhances inequalities and social conflict. The 20 per
cent of the population in the highest-income countries accounted for 77
per cent of total private consumption in 2005, while the poorest 20
accounted for only 1.3 per cent. Sustainable Consumption and Production
(CSP) is about reducing our environmental impacts, while maintaining or
improving economic outputs and standards of living. Going back to
eleventh session of CSD discussions on CSP, remind us the goals and
commitments connected to changing unsustainable patterns of
consumption and production. As the Islamic Republic of Iran?s economy
mostly relies on energy sector, which provides the majority of
government revenues, my Government has decided to implement
consumption and production patterns for energy through phasing out the
subsidies on energy.
Poverty eradication and changing unsustainable patterns of production
and consumption and protecting and managing the natural resource base
of economic and social development are comprehensive objectives and
essential requirements for sustainable development. To implement the
MDG on poverty eradication, the Government of the I.R.Iran has decided
to allocate major amount of revenues from subsidy cuts to poor and less
advanced areas of country. Such an action would also make a major
contribution to create jobs in poor regions. These policies are in line with
the goals of Agenda 21 on changing unsustainable patterns of production
and consumption.
I thank you
I would like to thank the panelists for their contributions. I associate
myself with the statement made by the representative of Singapore on
behalf of G-77 and China.
Sustainable Consumption and production patterns are influenced by
social values, technological developments and urbanization.
Sustainable development involves change, indeed a wave of change in the
behavior of producers and consumers in the allocation of resources
among users that must take place over time. This meeting provides a new
opportunity for countries to take the lead in making their patterns of
consumption and production more sustainable, and based on the principle
of common but differentiated responsibilities, as well as the high- income
countries pay principle, to actively address the concerns of developing
nations in their efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. Can we
talk about economic trends without considering the unjust, unequal and
unsustainable consumption patterns in some of developed countries?
Over consumption of commodities and food in the industrialized world is
considering being important contributor to the deterioration of the
environment and enhances inequalities and social conflict. The 20 per
cent of the population in the highest-income countries accounted for 77
per cent of total private consumption in 2005, while the poorest 20
accounted for only 1.3 per cent. Sustainable Consumption and Production
(CSP) is about reducing our environmental impacts, while maintaining or
improving economic outputs and standards of living. Going back to
eleventh session of CSD discussions on CSP, remind us the goals and
commitments connected to changing unsustainable patterns of
consumption and production. As the Islamic Republic of Iran?s economy
mostly relies on energy sector, which provides the majority of
government revenues, my Government has decided to implement
consumption and production patterns for energy through phasing out the
subsidies on energy.
Poverty eradication and changing unsustainable patterns of production
and consumption and protecting and managing the natural resource base
of economic and social development are comprehensive objectives and
essential requirements for sustainable development. To implement the
MDG on poverty eradication, the Government of the I.R.Iran has decided
to allocate major amount of revenues from subsidy cuts to poor and less
advanced areas of country. Such an action would also make a major
contribution to create jobs in poor regions. These policies are in line with
the goals of Agenda 21 on changing unsustainable patterns of production
and consumption.
I thank you