Proposals by the Delegation of the Islamic Republic of IRAN
Working Document for 5 – 9 May Session of Open Working Group
Focus Areas 7 and 8
Focus area 7. Energy
Ensure access to affordable, sustainable, and reliable modern energy for all
a) by 2030 ensure universal access to sustainable modern affordable, sustainable, and reliable energy services for all, considering all stages of production, transition and consumption of energy
b) double substantially decrease the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030
c) double substantially decrease the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency, including in buildings, industry, agriculture and transport, by 2030 including through enhance partnership
d) by 2030 increase by x% the share of clean and low- or zero-emission energy technologies, including sustainable biomass and advanced cookstoves
e) ensure affordable access to related know-how, science, technologies, and innovations by developing countries;
f) by 2030 phase out streamline all fuel subsidies, fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption , distort competition, etc.
Appropriate means of implementation
Focus area 8. Economic growth, employment and infrastructure (separate focus area)
Promote sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth and decent jobs work for all
a) sustain income growth of the bottom 40% of the income distribution of each country to reduce income inequalities by 2030
b) achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all who seek employment including for marginalized groups by 2030 (repetition in FA 1)
c) halve substantially decrease the number of youth not in employment, education or training by 2020
d) by 2030 improve by x% the energy and resource productivity of economic activities and reduce by y% their waste and emissions per unit of output (UNFCCC?!)
e) facilitate investments in the developing countries, in infrastructure such as roads, railways, ports, electricity, and communications;
f) create appropriate climate for SMEs, entrepreneurship and innovation by 2020 at the national, regional and international levels
g) increase the share of high productivity sectors and activities in the economy , and strengthen productive capacities through technological upgrading and greater value addition, with a particular focus on LDCs
h) create conducive regulatory and finantial systems to promote sustained growth in the developing countries;
i) promote trade facilitation and market access for developing countries,
j) develop sustainable infrastructure accessible to all , with attention to needs of countries in special situations , and by 2030 provide access for 100% of rural populations to basic infrastructure and services
k) establish a UN Global Technology Facilitation Mechanism
l) protect the rights of all workers, including migrant workers, in compliance with their obligations in accordance with the ILO fundamental rights at work
m) end child labour by 2030 (Isn’t it prohibited by the Convention?!)
n) encourage formalization of informal sector activities and employment
Appropriate means of implementation
Working Document for 5 – 9 May Session of Open Working Group
Focus Areas 7 and 8
Focus area 7. Energy
Ensure access to affordable, sustainable, and reliable modern energy for all
a) by 2030 ensure universal access to sustainable modern affordable, sustainable, and reliable energy services for all, considering all stages of production, transition and consumption of energy
b) double substantially decrease the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030
c) double substantially decrease the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency, including in buildings, industry, agriculture and transport, by 2030 including through enhance partnership
d) by 2030 increase by x% the share of clean and low- or zero-emission energy technologies, including sustainable biomass and advanced cookstoves
e) ensure affordable access to related know-how, science, technologies, and innovations by developing countries;
f) by 2030 phase out streamline all fuel subsidies, fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption , distort competition, etc.
Appropriate means of implementation
Focus area 8. Economic growth, employment and infrastructure (separate focus area)
Promote sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth and decent jobs work for all
a) sustain income growth of the bottom 40% of the income distribution of each country to reduce income inequalities by 2030
b) achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all who seek employment including for marginalized groups by 2030 (repetition in FA 1)
c) halve substantially decrease the number of youth not in employment, education or training by 2020
d) by 2030 improve by x% the energy and resource productivity of economic activities and reduce by y% their waste and emissions per unit of output (UNFCCC?!)
e) facilitate investments in the developing countries, in infrastructure such as roads, railways, ports, electricity, and communications;
f) create appropriate climate for SMEs, entrepreneurship and innovation by 2020 at the national, regional and international levels
g) increase the share of high productivity sectors and activities in the economy , and strengthen productive capacities through technological upgrading and greater value addition, with a particular focus on LDCs
h) create conducive regulatory and finantial systems to promote sustained growth in the developing countries;
i) promote trade facilitation and market access for developing countries,
j) develop sustainable infrastructure accessible to all , with attention to needs of countries in special situations , and by 2030 provide access for 100% of rural populations to basic infrastructure and services
k) establish a UN Global Technology Facilitation Mechanism
l) protect the rights of all workers, including migrant workers, in compliance with their obligations in accordance with the ILO fundamental rights at work
m) end child labour by 2030 (Isn’t it prohibited by the Convention?!)
n) encourage formalization of informal sector activities and employment
Appropriate means of implementation