Statement by
Mr. Jafar Barmaki
Delegate of the I.R. of Iran
before the
Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
"Climate Change"
28 February, 2007
United Nations Headquarters
New York
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In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Mr. Chairman;
Distinguished Participants;
Ladies and Gentlemen;
Before making my remarks, I would like to thank the panelists for their useful
presentations and associate myself with the statement made by distinguished
representative of Pakistan, in his capacity as the chairman of Group of 77 and China,
on the theme under consideration.
Mr. Chairman;
We are discussing here the theme of climate change with the assumption that it would
be considered in the context of sustainable development and its three pillars.
Addressing the inter-relatedness between the climate change and the other three
themes is also another method of work of CSD, which we resort to in our discussions.
Besides, climate change has its own home at international level and, thus, UNFCCC is
the appropriate body for consideration of related substantive issues.
Mr. Chairman;
Due to adverse impacts of climate change on daily life of people including human
health, environment and biodiversity, weather related events such as hurricane,
cyclones, drought and desertification across the globe, due attention should be paid to
climate change.
In that framework, in my delegation's view, the internationally agreed principles,
enshrined in Rio Declaration, such as "common but differentiated responsibilities",
"corporate social and environmental responsibility and accountability", "sustainable
patterns of production and consumption", and the "polluters pays for the pollution"
have to be applied in the process of setting policy options and possible actions.
Due to the growing demand for all sources of energy and, at the same time, their
impacts on climate, we believe more emphasis should be placed on promotion of
energy efficiency as well as transfer and utilization of advanced fossil fuel
technologies. There is no doubt that further research, utilization, and increased share
of renewables and the other less pollutant sources of energy such as gas will help to
control climate change and its harmful impacts. In that context, my delegation notes
with great interest the decision of the European Union to decrease 20% the use of
energy by 2020 through the implementation of energy efficiency policies and hope
that EU will contribute to developing countries to pursue the same policy.
Mr. Chairman;
My delegation would like to draw the attentions to the adverse impacts of continued
deforestation, land degradation and desertification on climate change.
We attach importance to follow up both mitigation and adaptation policies adopted in
UNFCCC meetings and reiterate their implementation by all countries. It is evident
that compliance with the provision of the UNFCCC and all related decisions made by
the parties to the convention, including mitigation and adaptation policies will be
helpful in combating climate change and its impacts.
There is no doubt that providing the developing countries with means of
implementation by the international community will help them overcome the
constraints and problems in this regard.
I thank you Mr. Chairman;
Mr. Jafar Barmaki
Delegate of the I.R. of Iran
before the
Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting
"Climate Change"
28 February, 2007
United Nations Headquarters
New York
Please check against delivery
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Mr. Chairman;
Distinguished Participants;
Ladies and Gentlemen;
Before making my remarks, I would like to thank the panelists for their useful
presentations and associate myself with the statement made by distinguished
representative of Pakistan, in his capacity as the chairman of Group of 77 and China,
on the theme under consideration.
Mr. Chairman;
We are discussing here the theme of climate change with the assumption that it would
be considered in the context of sustainable development and its three pillars.
Addressing the inter-relatedness between the climate change and the other three
themes is also another method of work of CSD, which we resort to in our discussions.
Besides, climate change has its own home at international level and, thus, UNFCCC is
the appropriate body for consideration of related substantive issues.
Mr. Chairman;
Due to adverse impacts of climate change on daily life of people including human
health, environment and biodiversity, weather related events such as hurricane,
cyclones, drought and desertification across the globe, due attention should be paid to
climate change.
In that framework, in my delegation's view, the internationally agreed principles,
enshrined in Rio Declaration, such as "common but differentiated responsibilities",
"corporate social and environmental responsibility and accountability", "sustainable
patterns of production and consumption", and the "polluters pays for the pollution"
have to be applied in the process of setting policy options and possible actions.
Due to the growing demand for all sources of energy and, at the same time, their
impacts on climate, we believe more emphasis should be placed on promotion of
energy efficiency as well as transfer and utilization of advanced fossil fuel
technologies. There is no doubt that further research, utilization, and increased share
of renewables and the other less pollutant sources of energy such as gas will help to
control climate change and its harmful impacts. In that context, my delegation notes
with great interest the decision of the European Union to decrease 20% the use of
energy by 2020 through the implementation of energy efficiency policies and hope
that EU will contribute to developing countries to pursue the same policy.
Mr. Chairman;
My delegation would like to draw the attentions to the adverse impacts of continued
deforestation, land degradation and desertification on climate change.
We attach importance to follow up both mitigation and adaptation policies adopted in
UNFCCC meetings and reiterate their implementation by all countries. It is evident
that compliance with the provision of the UNFCCC and all related decisions made by
the parties to the convention, including mitigation and adaptation policies will be
helpful in combating climate change and its impacts.
There is no doubt that providing the developing countries with means of
implementation by the international community will help them overcome the
constraints and problems in this regard.
I thank you Mr. Chairman;