Mr. Chairman,
I would like to thank the panelists for their interesting presentations.
I align with the statement by Singapore on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
With a growing population, promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and
production is crucial.
However, as confirmed by the panelists, the current global patterns of consumption and
production have yet to conform and reach such sustainable standards. Even more striking
is the fact that while poverty has significantly decreased globally, consumption of basic
needs among the poor still lags far behind.
We should frame consumption and production objectives along the parameters of
inclusive growth, as well as the achievement of the three pillars of sustainable
We need to reform our code of conduct towards more green growth and therefore need
significant changes in consumer behavior. Ultimately, it is about raising living standards
for all, while leaping to growth patterns that are pro-poor and eco-friendly.
Mr Chairman,
The JPOI contains important objectives that support such growth, which need to be fully
implemented. In this connection, Indonesia welcomes the work undertaken under the
Marakkech Proccess to develop a 10 year framework of programmes on sustainable
consumption and production. And we do hope that this process could be further
considered by CSD- 18 for adoption at CSD- 19.
We are of the view that the deliberation on SCP should also be a part of the preparatory
work for Rio+20, because of the enduring role consumption and production in relation to
sustainable development. We recommend that this issue be raised under the subject of the
green economy.
A lot remains to be done in this area. Both developed and developing countries stand to
benefit from the green economy. While developed countries should continue taking the
lead, developing countries should also take part in developing green growth strategies.
However, our limited capacities as developing countries require financial support, and
capacity building. This should be supported by developed countries.
In conclusion Mr. Chairman,
A number of work has been undertaken relevant international organizations as well as by
task forces under the Marrakech process, which could serve as a sound basis for
countries' consideration on the development and implementation of SCP at national level.
On its part, Indonesia has also undertaking its SCP programe. As we are still further
developing the program, at this stage our focus is on eco office campaign, promotion of
eco-procurement as well as eco-labelling and the promotion of green buildings.
Thank you.
I would like to thank the panelists for their interesting presentations.
I align with the statement by Singapore on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
With a growing population, promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and
production is crucial.
However, as confirmed by the panelists, the current global patterns of consumption and
production have yet to conform and reach such sustainable standards. Even more striking
is the fact that while poverty has significantly decreased globally, consumption of basic
needs among the poor still lags far behind.
We should frame consumption and production objectives along the parameters of
inclusive growth, as well as the achievement of the three pillars of sustainable
We need to reform our code of conduct towards more green growth and therefore need
significant changes in consumer behavior. Ultimately, it is about raising living standards
for all, while leaping to growth patterns that are pro-poor and eco-friendly.
Mr Chairman,
The JPOI contains important objectives that support such growth, which need to be fully
implemented. In this connection, Indonesia welcomes the work undertaken under the
Marakkech Proccess to develop a 10 year framework of programmes on sustainable
consumption and production. And we do hope that this process could be further
considered by CSD- 18 for adoption at CSD- 19.
We are of the view that the deliberation on SCP should also be a part of the preparatory
work for Rio+20, because of the enduring role consumption and production in relation to
sustainable development. We recommend that this issue be raised under the subject of the
green economy.
A lot remains to be done in this area. Both developed and developing countries stand to
benefit from the green economy. While developed countries should continue taking the
lead, developing countries should also take part in developing green growth strategies.
However, our limited capacities as developing countries require financial support, and
capacity building. This should be supported by developed countries.
In conclusion Mr. Chairman,
A number of work has been undertaken relevant international organizations as well as by
task forces under the Marrakech process, which could serve as a sound basis for
countries' consideration on the development and implementation of SCP at national level.
On its part, Indonesia has also undertaking its SCP programe. As we are still further
developing the program, at this stage our focus is on eco office campaign, promotion of
eco-procurement as well as eco-labelling and the promotion of green buildings.
Thank you.