Thank you Chair
I would like to thank the panelists for their presentation and
appreciate your leadership in carrying forward the CSD process.
We realize the importance of a meaningful waste management
strategy in making our development a sustainable proposition. Our
experience in dealing with urban waste would make a strong case
for research & development collaboration for improving energy
recovery from urban waste aided by cost effective technology
transfer to developing countries. Our efforts to convert urban waste
into energy have not been very encouraging so far, although the
energy recovery from industrial waste (i.e. agro based industries
like paper, distillery, food etc) has been noteworthy. About 90
MW capacity of energy is being recovered from industrial waste in
our country.
Mr. Chairman,
It would be desirable to utilize hazardous waste as a
supplementary resource or for energy recovery, especially the
waste which have high calorific value, for co-processing in the
cement kiln plants. Co-processing is the usage of waste materials
in industrial process as alternative fuels or raw materials. The
direct benefit of such innovative process is that no waste is
generated that requires subsequent processing for treatment and
disposal. India has initiated the usage of high calorific value
hazardous waste in cement kilns - one of the safe alternatives to
conventional incineration which, of course, is subject to
implementation of suitable safeguards. The wide spread of cement
industry in the country makes this a viable strategy in dealing with
hazardous waste. We are also exploring the usage of such waste in
other sectors like ? Power and Steel.
India has successfully developed a Public Private Partnership
model for setting up integrated Treatment, Storage and Disposal
Facility (TSDF) for waste. We have so far developed
infrastructure for 25 Treatment Storage Disposal Facilities (TSDF)
sites which are in operation and 8 are at the construction stage.
These TSDFs are spread across all the states/provinces in the
country with more concentration in the states where there is huge
generation of hazardous waste. Efforts based on Public Private
Partnership model are also being undertaken for municipal solid
waste management.
Finally, while concluding, I would like to inform that we
have undertaken several initiatives on regulation of e-waste
wherein we are emphasizing on the extended producers
Thank you.
I would like to thank the panelists for their presentation and
appreciate your leadership in carrying forward the CSD process.
We realize the importance of a meaningful waste management
strategy in making our development a sustainable proposition. Our
experience in dealing with urban waste would make a strong case
for research & development collaboration for improving energy
recovery from urban waste aided by cost effective technology
transfer to developing countries. Our efforts to convert urban waste
into energy have not been very encouraging so far, although the
energy recovery from industrial waste (i.e. agro based industries
like paper, distillery, food etc) has been noteworthy. About 90
MW capacity of energy is being recovered from industrial waste in
our country.
Mr. Chairman,
It would be desirable to utilize hazardous waste as a
supplementary resource or for energy recovery, especially the
waste which have high calorific value, for co-processing in the
cement kiln plants. Co-processing is the usage of waste materials
in industrial process as alternative fuels or raw materials. The
direct benefit of such innovative process is that no waste is
generated that requires subsequent processing for treatment and
disposal. India has initiated the usage of high calorific value
hazardous waste in cement kilns - one of the safe alternatives to
conventional incineration which, of course, is subject to
implementation of suitable safeguards. The wide spread of cement
industry in the country makes this a viable strategy in dealing with
hazardous waste. We are also exploring the usage of such waste in
other sectors like ? Power and Steel.
India has successfully developed a Public Private Partnership
model for setting up integrated Treatment, Storage and Disposal
Facility (TSDF) for waste. We have so far developed
infrastructure for 25 Treatment Storage Disposal Facilities (TSDF)
sites which are in operation and 8 are at the construction stage.
These TSDFs are spread across all the states/provinces in the
country with more concentration in the states where there is huge
generation of hazardous waste. Efforts based on Public Private
Partnership model are also being undertaken for municipal solid
waste management.
Finally, while concluding, I would like to inform that we
have undertaken several initiatives on regulation of e-waste
wherein we are emphasizing on the extended producers
Thank you.