Mr. Co-Chair,
Allow me to suggest the following on the targets related to oceans. We will send you the exact wording suggestions after this discussion.
On, target a) we would like to point out that it could be difficult to find one percentage for all three measures suggested in the target, prevent, control and reduce. Maybe one verb could cover the action we would like to see. To reduce marine pollution by x percent would be the best and most needed action to take.
We would also like to point out that by far the biggest source of pollution is from land-based activities, so the order how it is mentioned in the target should be corrected.
Taget b). The first part would benefit from being made a quantitative target, I is not achievable to restore all marine habitats humans have destructed. The same can be said about ocean acidification, quantitative target would fit better to deal with this serious problem. However because the root cause to this problem is so big and being dealt with in another Fora, we might need to limit our self in this context we are here, to issues of adaptation measures and increased scientific knowledge on effects of ocean acidification on living marine resources.
On target c) and d) we suggest alternative language, that would include all three dimensions of sustainable development, focusing on responsible and sustainable fisheries management, with reference to international instrument and the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. This new target does include all elements from c) and d). It is a process oriented target and it has reference to the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. This code will soon be 15 year old and is still the most valuable guide to follow to implement responsible fisheries. Already more than 80 countries on regular bases inform FAO how they implement those guidelines.
“by 2030, all countries should have in place responsible fisheries management system, through implementation of existing international instruments, including the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, that ensure conservation and sustainable use of all living marine resources and ecosystem services and that benefit both women and men.”
Target e). For this target to be realistic and achievable 2020 is most likely to ambitious, so we suggest 2025.
Target f) is not needed if we combine c) and d), to establish marine protected areas is just one of the tools in the toolbox of responsible fisheries management . If included the context must be right and we need to add that they must be based on scientific information, in addition to being consistent with international law.
We support target g) as it is.
Finally we suggest two new targets. One to strengthen the document on the economic and social dimensions. The economic justification for fisheries management is very strong and it has been calculated that the difference between the potential and actual net economic benefits from marine fisheries is in the order of $50 billion per year – equivalent to more than half the value of the global seafood trade. The target would be.
“Increase by X% by 2030 the economic benefits from sustainable use of living marine resources”
The second one has to do with the fact that we have not put in place what needs to come first that is the capacity to deliver on all the targets above, that is appropriate training and capacity. In this field we all have to do better developed and developing. We suggest the following target.
“Double every fifth year capacity-building measures in developing countries for the conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources”
I thank you chair.
Ocean targets
a) by 2030, [prevent ], control and reduce by x% marine pollution from land-based activities as well as marine disposal of waste and tailings
b) by 2030, restore marine ecosystems and protect them from destruction, [including by halting and preventing ocean acidification]
c) by 2030, regulate harvesting to restore fish stocks to ecologically safe levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield, and support sustainable small-scale fisheries
c) alt: by 2030, all countries should have in place responsible fisheries management system, through implementation of existing international instruments, including the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, that ensure conservation and sustainable use of all living marine resources and ecosystem services and that benefit both women and men.
d) develop and ensure the full implementation of existing regional and international regimes governing oceans and seas, including for resources in areas beyond national jurisdictions
e) by 2025, eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and destructive fishing practices
f) establish Marine Protected Areas, consistent with international law
g) by 2030, eliminate fishing subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing
New targets:
Increase by X% by 2030 the economic benefits from sustainable use of living marine resources in.
Double every fifth year capacity-building measures in developing countries for the conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources.
Targets without track changes and comments.
a) by 2030, reduce by x% marine pollution from land-based activities as well as marine disposal of waste and tailings
b) [by 2030, restore marine ecosystems and protect them from destruction], [including by halting and preventing ocean acidification]
c) by 2030, all countries should have in place responsible fisheries management system, through implementation of existing international instruments, including the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, that ensure conservation and sustainable use of all living marine resources and ecosystem services and that benefit both women and men.
d) by 2025, eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and destructive fishing practices
e) by 2030, eliminate fishing subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing
f) increase by X% by 2030 the economic benefits from sustainable use of living marine resources in.
g) double every fifth year capacity-building measures in developing countries for the conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources.
Allow me to suggest the following on the targets related to oceans. We will send you the exact wording suggestions after this discussion.
On, target a) we would like to point out that it could be difficult to find one percentage for all three measures suggested in the target, prevent, control and reduce. Maybe one verb could cover the action we would like to see. To reduce marine pollution by x percent would be the best and most needed action to take.
We would also like to point out that by far the biggest source of pollution is from land-based activities, so the order how it is mentioned in the target should be corrected.
Taget b). The first part would benefit from being made a quantitative target, I is not achievable to restore all marine habitats humans have destructed. The same can be said about ocean acidification, quantitative target would fit better to deal with this serious problem. However because the root cause to this problem is so big and being dealt with in another Fora, we might need to limit our self in this context we are here, to issues of adaptation measures and increased scientific knowledge on effects of ocean acidification on living marine resources.
On target c) and d) we suggest alternative language, that would include all three dimensions of sustainable development, focusing on responsible and sustainable fisheries management, with reference to international instrument and the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. This new target does include all elements from c) and d). It is a process oriented target and it has reference to the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. This code will soon be 15 year old and is still the most valuable guide to follow to implement responsible fisheries. Already more than 80 countries on regular bases inform FAO how they implement those guidelines.
“by 2030, all countries should have in place responsible fisheries management system, through implementation of existing international instruments, including the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, that ensure conservation and sustainable use of all living marine resources and ecosystem services and that benefit both women and men.”
Target e). For this target to be realistic and achievable 2020 is most likely to ambitious, so we suggest 2025.
Target f) is not needed if we combine c) and d), to establish marine protected areas is just one of the tools in the toolbox of responsible fisheries management . If included the context must be right and we need to add that they must be based on scientific information, in addition to being consistent with international law.
We support target g) as it is.
Finally we suggest two new targets. One to strengthen the document on the economic and social dimensions. The economic justification for fisheries management is very strong and it has been calculated that the difference between the potential and actual net economic benefits from marine fisheries is in the order of $50 billion per year – equivalent to more than half the value of the global seafood trade. The target would be.
“Increase by X% by 2030 the economic benefits from sustainable use of living marine resources”
The second one has to do with the fact that we have not put in place what needs to come first that is the capacity to deliver on all the targets above, that is appropriate training and capacity. In this field we all have to do better developed and developing. We suggest the following target.
“Double every fifth year capacity-building measures in developing countries for the conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources”
I thank you chair.
Ocean targets
a) by 2030, [prevent ], control and reduce by x% marine pollution from land-based activities as well as marine disposal of waste and tailings
b) by 2030, restore marine ecosystems and protect them from destruction, [including by halting and preventing ocean acidification]
c) by 2030, regulate harvesting to restore fish stocks to ecologically safe levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield, and support sustainable small-scale fisheries
c) alt: by 2030, all countries should have in place responsible fisheries management system, through implementation of existing international instruments, including the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, that ensure conservation and sustainable use of all living marine resources and ecosystem services and that benefit both women and men.
d) develop and ensure the full implementation of existing regional and international regimes governing oceans and seas, including for resources in areas beyond national jurisdictions
e) by 2025, eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and destructive fishing practices
f) establish Marine Protected Areas, consistent with international law
g) by 2030, eliminate fishing subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing
New targets:
Increase by X% by 2030 the economic benefits from sustainable use of living marine resources in.
Double every fifth year capacity-building measures in developing countries for the conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources.
Targets without track changes and comments.
a) by 2030, reduce by x% marine pollution from land-based activities as well as marine disposal of waste and tailings
b) [by 2030, restore marine ecosystems and protect them from destruction], [including by halting and preventing ocean acidification]
c) by 2030, all countries should have in place responsible fisheries management system, through implementation of existing international instruments, including the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, that ensure conservation and sustainable use of all living marine resources and ecosystem services and that benefit both women and men.
d) by 2025, eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and destructive fishing practices
e) by 2030, eliminate fishing subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing
f) increase by X% by 2030 the economic benefits from sustainable use of living marine resources in.
g) double every fifth year capacity-building measures in developing countries for the conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources.