H.E. Mr. Jerry Matthews Matjila, Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations
Remarks by Ambassador Jerry Ma刂
south Africa to the United N"aat,i oPnersr,n a naetnt tRheep reWsoernktsahtiovpe oonf
“IrnpIementation of the 2o3o Agenda: Enhancing capacity of
deˇeIOping countries to adopt sustainabIe agricuIture through Juncao
technoIogy to a"eˇ iate poverty and promote productiˇ e empIoyment” ,
26Ⅲay2017,10:00-12:00,UN Headquarters,Conference Room6.
Mr Moderator,
We are buⅡ ding up to the20冂7sessi°夕ofthe High-Leve丨Po丨itica丨Forurn on
Sustainable Deve|opment that、″iⅡ ,for the first tirne, review and fo"oⅥ 卜up
on the imp丨ementation of specfic Su虫ainab|e Deve丨opment Goals.This wⅢ
include SDG2-1End/,t/nge巧ac幻
ood security a刀d improved刀t/trjtjo刀
and promore susfa加ab/e agr`cu〃ure1We therefore we丨come this Workshop
on a particu|ar techno|ogy that can assist developing countries in their
achievement of SDG2.
Deve丨oping countries cOntinue to face the trip丨e chaⅡ enges of poverty,
unemp丨oyment and inequality, inc丨uding south Africa。 The 2030Agenda
therefore resonates weⅡ with south AfHca’ s own Nationa丨 Deve|opment
P丨an, which airη s to eradicate poverty, reduce inequaⅡ ty and acce丨erate
econornic groⅥ
`th by2030.
South Africa’ s roadmap to addressing the under|ying causes of the trip丨e
cha"enge inc丨udes redirecting the focus of poⅡ cy making frorn shoH-term
symptorn-based to 丨onger-term poⅡ cies based on sound evidence,vvith a
core focus on achieving a“ decent standard of Ⅱving” ,、″hich is a丨so aⅡ gned
to Africa’ s Agenda2063。
South Africa is deⅡ ghted to participate in this VVorkshop to discuss the
significance of JUNCAO Techno丨ogy。This techno丨ogy,which uses various
types of grasses as growth mediurn for different types of rη ushrooms or
fungi for vaHous purposes, is an exce"ent examp丨e of an appropriate
techno丨ogy that can be further sca|ed up through South-South cooperation
to benefit local cornrη unities、Ⅳho re丨y on agricukure fortheir丨iveⅡ hoods.
As part of South Africa’ s response to the chaⅡ enge of cⅡ mate change,we
are irnproving our research into water, nutrient and soⅡ conserVation
techno丨ogies and techniques, deve|oping cⅡ mate-resistant crops and
"vestock, as we" as/1Dwnership and
Ⅱnancing mode丨s to promote the
deve丨opment of cⅡ mate-smart agHculture that a丨so increases agricu|tura丨
production。This includes the“ LandCare Prograrnrη e” ,a cOrnrnunity-based
and government-supported progranη :ηe to promote the sustainab丨e
management and use of agricultura丨 natura丨 resources.This, in turn,a丨so
suppo吐s the Nationa|Strategy on Agro-Eco丨ogical Agricu丨ture,which airns
to maxirnize production whⅡ st minirnizing the use of externa丨 inputs and
avoiding the poⅡ ution of natura| resources. This is based on a `″ ho丨esystems
approach” to food, feed, and Ⅱbre production that ba丨ances
environmental soundness,soCia丨equity,and econonη ic viabⅡ ity。
ln this context,JUNCAO Techno丨ogy is being implemented successfully in
some pads of South Africa,and also in Lesotho,apart frorn a number of
other African cOuntries,tO create additional incOme streams for rural and
urban smaⅡ faΠηers. There is forrnal cooperation between the South
AfHcan Department of AgHcu丨ture, Forestry and FisheHes and the FuJan
Agriculture and Forestry University in Fuzhou, China on expanding this
technology in South Africa.There is a丨so on0oing engagement between the
provincial Department of AgHcu|ture and Rural Deve丨opment in the
KwaZulu-Natal Province and re丨evant entities in China in this regard.
This Techno丨ogy,among others,contributes to preventing land degradation
(by subsUtu刂ng wild grass for wood as a growth medium),producing food,
Ⅱbre and biofue丨 materials, 丨rnproⅥ ng。 nutrition and health for 丨ocal
con1fη unities, utiⅡ zing organic waste for energy, fertiⅡ zer and soⅡ
conditioner,and supporting job creat【on and va丨ueˉ added products。
lt therefore a丨so contributes to the resⅡ ience of 丨oca丨 cornrη unities, by
cOntributing to human activities that are smart, secure and sustainab丨e。
Smart in terfη s of adopting new techno丨ogies,secure in terrns of buⅡ ding
systems that enab丨e coΠ1rη unities to better respond to extreme natural
events and adoptlasting so丨utions,and sustainab丨e in terrη s of being part of
the so丨ution to the big questions of sustainabⅡ ity.
ln conc丨usion, this is one of the initiatives undertaken in "ne with South
Africa’ s cOrnrη itment toward poverty eradication,and ensuring that no one
is丨eR behind,wh"st cOntributing to a better and more sustainab丨e world for
lthank you。
south Africa to the United N"aat,i oPnersr,n a naetnt tRheep reWsoernktsahtiovpe oonf
“IrnpIementation of the 2o3o Agenda: Enhancing capacity of
deˇeIOping countries to adopt sustainabIe agricuIture through Juncao
technoIogy to a"eˇ iate poverty and promote productiˇ e empIoyment” ,
26Ⅲay2017,10:00-12:00,UN Headquarters,Conference Room6.
Mr Moderator,
We are buⅡ ding up to the20冂7sessi°夕ofthe High-Leve丨Po丨itica丨Forurn on
Sustainable Deve|opment that、″iⅡ ,for the first tirne, review and fo"oⅥ 卜up
on the imp丨ementation of specfic Su虫ainab|e Deve丨opment Goals.This wⅢ
include SDG2-1End/,t/nge巧ac幻
ood security a刀d improved刀t/trjtjo刀
and promore susfa加ab/e agr`cu〃ure1We therefore we丨come this Workshop
on a particu|ar techno|ogy that can assist developing countries in their
achievement of SDG2.
Deve丨oping countries cOntinue to face the trip丨e chaⅡ enges of poverty,
unemp丨oyment and inequality, inc丨uding south Africa。 The 2030Agenda
therefore resonates weⅡ with south AfHca’ s own Nationa丨 Deve|opment
P丨an, which airη s to eradicate poverty, reduce inequaⅡ ty and acce丨erate
econornic groⅥ
`th by2030.
South Africa’ s roadmap to addressing the under|ying causes of the trip丨e
cha"enge inc丨udes redirecting the focus of poⅡ cy making frorn shoH-term
symptorn-based to 丨onger-term poⅡ cies based on sound evidence,vvith a
core focus on achieving a“ decent standard of Ⅱving” ,、″hich is a丨so aⅡ gned
to Africa’ s Agenda2063。
South Africa is deⅡ ghted to participate in this VVorkshop to discuss the
significance of JUNCAO Techno丨ogy。This techno丨ogy,which uses various
types of grasses as growth mediurn for different types of rη ushrooms or
fungi for vaHous purposes, is an exce"ent examp丨e of an appropriate
techno丨ogy that can be further sca|ed up through South-South cooperation
to benefit local cornrη unities、Ⅳho re丨y on agricukure fortheir丨iveⅡ hoods.
As part of South Africa’ s response to the chaⅡ enge of cⅡ mate change,we
are irnproving our research into water, nutrient and soⅡ conserVation
techno丨ogies and techniques, deve|oping cⅡ mate-resistant crops and
"vestock, as we" as/1Dwnership and
Ⅱnancing mode丨s to promote the
deve丨opment of cⅡ mate-smart agHculture that a丨so increases agricu|tura丨
production。This includes the“ LandCare Prograrnrη e” ,a cOrnrnunity-based
and government-supported progranη :ηe to promote the sustainab丨e
management and use of agricultura丨 natura丨 resources.This, in turn,a丨so
suppo吐s the Nationa|Strategy on Agro-Eco丨ogical Agricu丨ture,which airns
to maxirnize production whⅡ st minirnizing the use of externa丨 inputs and
avoiding the poⅡ ution of natura| resources. This is based on a `″ ho丨esystems
approach” to food, feed, and Ⅱbre production that ba丨ances
environmental soundness,soCia丨equity,and econonη ic viabⅡ ity。
ln this context,JUNCAO Techno丨ogy is being implemented successfully in
some pads of South Africa,and also in Lesotho,apart frorn a number of
other African cOuntries,tO create additional incOme streams for rural and
urban smaⅡ faΠηers. There is forrnal cooperation between the South
AfHcan Department of AgHcu丨ture, Forestry and FisheHes and the FuJan
Agriculture and Forestry University in Fuzhou, China on expanding this
technology in South Africa.There is a丨so on0oing engagement between the
provincial Department of AgHcu|ture and Rural Deve丨opment in the
KwaZulu-Natal Province and re丨evant entities in China in this regard.
This Techno丨ogy,among others,contributes to preventing land degradation
(by subsUtu刂ng wild grass for wood as a growth medium),producing food,
Ⅱbre and biofue丨 materials, 丨rnproⅥ ng。 nutrition and health for 丨ocal
con1fη unities, utiⅡ zing organic waste for energy, fertiⅡ zer and soⅡ
conditioner,and supporting job creat【on and va丨ueˉ added products。
lt therefore a丨so contributes to the resⅡ ience of 丨oca丨 cornrη unities, by
cOntributing to human activities that are smart, secure and sustainab丨e。
Smart in terfη s of adopting new techno丨ogies,secure in terrns of buⅡ ding
systems that enab丨e coΠ1rη unities to better respond to extreme natural
events and adoptlasting so丨utions,and sustainab丨e in terrη s of being part of
the so丨ution to the big questions of sustainabⅡ ity.
ln conc丨usion, this is one of the initiatives undertaken in "ne with South
Africa’ s cOrnrη itment toward poverty eradication,and ensuring that no one
is丨eR behind,wh"st cOntributing to a better and more sustainab丨e world for
lthank you。