Group of 77 & China
June 2013)
1. I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and
2. At the outset, the Group wishes to thank you for convening this fourth
session of the Open Working Group meeting on Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). We acknowledge your efforts in providing some guiding
questions in advance and the concluding summary of the last session. We
also take note of the various issue papers relating to employment and decent
work for all; social protection; youth; education and culture, as well as health
and population dynamics; prepared by the Technical Support Team.
3. Our common desire for a transformative global development agenda
beyond 2015 can best be achieved through collective efforts and an
enhanced global partnership that places development and the wellbeing of
people at its core. The post-2015 development agenda, including the SDGs,
has the potential to be a turning point for achieving this aspirational
transformative change if the international community and national
governments seriously commit to an agenda for meaningful transformation on
structural, institutional and normative levels. The subjects of discussion over
the next three days are essential components of a people-centred
development agenda.
4. On employment and decent work for all, the Group is of the view that
employment is a leading determinant of growth and development. The
employment-generating capacity of growth strategies is essential for
achieving sustainable, sustained, and inclusive economic growth, which when
fairly distributed, can bring millions of people out of poverty worldwide.
Despite a decline in the number of the working poor, namely those employed,
but living below the $2 a day poverty line, the majority of workers in the
developing world remain in informal and vulnerable jobs. This implies irregular
incomes and little or no social protection for these workers. In turn, such
workers are increasingly becoming more vulnerable and less resilient to cope
with social, economic and environmental risks and shocks. It is imperative
therefore, that developing countries, with the support of the international
community and developed partners, build new and more inclusive
development pathways with the aim to provide equal employment
opportunities to all people in the economy, including the adoption of objective
action-oriented affirmative programmes to assist the poor and the
5. The Group is of the view that job growth requires a structural transformation
of economies of developing countries, especially African economies, through
industrialisation that induces value addition and economic diversification.
Industrialisation is a powerful tool to generate inclusive and sustained
economic growth, create productive employment and decent work and lift
millions of people out of poverty. It will help developing countries, especially
African countries, to address the issues of unemployment as well as
employment quality, including underemployment, informality, vulnerability and
working poverty.
6. Similarly, the plight of migrant workers also needs serious attention. It is
important that governments make real efforts to integrate migrant workers
fully into society, facilitate family reunification in accordance with the laws and
specific criteria of each country and promote a harmonious, tolerant and
respectful environment. The international community should give its due
consideration to the linkages between migration and development in the
implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference
on Population and Development beyond 2014, and in the elaboration of the
post-2015 development agenda.
7. Another area of concern is the urgent need to improve market access to
rural farmers to mitigate the flow of rural-urban migration. In this respect, more
equitable access would imply limiting agricultural subsidies by governments in
the developed countries that create an imbalanced trading system favouring
developed countries. Agricultural policies need to be aligned with country
priorities and global realities and take into account marginalized groups, such
as smallholder farmers.
8. The Group believes that employment objectives need to become central to
global actions and mechanisms. These objectives need the support of
international cooperation that supports developing countries through: (1)
actions at the level of international economic, financial, trade, technology and
social systems, to support and enable developing countries' efforts; and (2)
refrain from actions by developed countries that create barriers to developing
countries' efforts and progress.
9. On social protection, the Group is of the view that social assistance and
protection policies are central to national strategies to reducing inequality
while boosting productive employment. It is of grave concern that at present,
four out of five people worldwide do not benefit from a level of social
protection that allows them to realise their human right to social security.
Ensuring a basic level of social protection and social inclusion provides a
decent living for all, which is a necessity, as well as an obligation under the
Human Rights instruments. Social protection systems, such as adequate
health insurance, access to loans and cash benefits when needed is of vital
importance. Focused attention must be given to those marginalized and
vulnerable people, including women, adolescent, people with disabilities,
living with HIV/AIDS, the elderly and migrants to make sure that no one gets
left behind.
10. The current global consensus of austerity measures has serious
implications for the ability of governments to priorities financial resources for
continuing existing social protection measures or to design new ones in
response to the effects of the crisis. Fiscal adjustment through public budget
cuts and rationalisation of social expenditures are being carried out by
governments across both developed and developing countries. These
measures have been targeting social safety nets, including old-age pensions.
These adjustment measures run the high risk of excluding a large segment of
vulnerable households at a time when governments should be considering
supporting a social protection for all, scaling up rather than scaling down
social protection systems. It is imperative that governments focus on
expanding social protection coverage rather than improving the targeting of
existing programs.
11. On Youth, the Group recognises Youth as an emerging group that needs
special attention. For many developing countries, youth unemployment
threatens the skill sets and productive capacities of entire generations. The
young labour forces in society are indispensable in driving the rise of
developing countries across the production value chain. Moreover, sustained
bouts of youth unemployment lead to higher rates of migration, loss of
national capacities and resources, as well as leading to other social problems.
Rising unemployment rates among young adults in developing countries is a
severe setback to society and closely relates to national insecurity and
12. Goals and targets should be geared towards providing young people with
skills and vocational training to ensure they receive a chance to improve their
quality of life and compete in the work market. Inadequate attention to the
financial, human capital and infrastructural resource constraints needs to be
resolved. A global strategy on youth and employment needs to be
conceptualised within the broader objective of full employment and decent
work, and should address the quality and geographic distribution of
employment. The principles underpinning the post-2015 development agenda
should reflect the urgency of addressing youth employment, and more broadly,
the right to employment as a key social and economic right.
13. On culture, the Groups recognises culture as an integral part that
permeates the three dimensions of sustainable development. In a more
globalising world, culture fortifies national identity, while creating and
enriching a global identity and understanding of diversity that transcends
borders and eliminates prejudices. Through the use of education, value
systems are transmitted to create inspiring and innovative future generations
that engage in dialogue and exchange of worldviews to create inclusive and
resilient societies.
14. The Group and China views culture as both an 'enabler' and 'driver' of
sustainable development. Development approaches should be adapted to
local contexts and should therefore rely on the cultural resource while
respecting cultural rights. Culture also drives development within a number of
cultural sectors including the creative industries, cultural tourism and heritage,
both tangible and intangible.
15. On education. the Group underscores the importance of a good education
as the bedrock of a person's communal and personal identity. It is the tool that
enables a better future, the glue that binds a collective spirit. It is also the key
in shaping responsible citizenships based on principles of respect for life,
human dignity and cultural diversity.
16. When developing SDGs, more attention needs to be placed on relevant
and measurable learning outcomes. For example, we must ensure that not
only a greater amount of children are educated, but also that the education
these children receive is of high quality delivered by adequately qualified
teachers - in the most rural areas as well as areas affected by conflict and
disasters. Special attention must be given to traditionally vulnerable groups,
who are girls, working children, rural and indigenous children, those with
disabilities, children living with HIV/Aids, children in conflict, migrants, orphans
and linguistic and cultural minorities. Inequalities need to be addressed
through a case by case approach, rather than a one-size-fits-all target for
17. On the issue of Heath, the Group is of the view that Heath permeates all
areas of sustainable development. It is closely related to the social,
environmental, economic, cultural and political spheres. Changing
demographics and population dynamics call for innovative, cross-cutting goals
that reflect the changing health concerns facing men, women and children.
Dense urban areas call for greater synergy between different sectors to
address the failures of providing infrastructure and basic services to one-third
of the world's urban population that live in informal settlements.
18. We express concern that non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as
diabetes, heart and respiratory diseases accounted for 34.5 million deaths in
2010 of which 80% were in low and middle income countries. This figure is
expected to double within the next 20 years. This development trend is
unacceptable and policies must be proactive and include access to health
information and services, information on consumption and lifestyle and how to
prevent health risks. Not only will this reduce health provision costs, but also
contribute to economic benefits through a growing capable workforce.
19. In relation to population dynamics, the Group notes that improved family
planning is an effective way to address population growth. Greater access to
education for young girls in developing countries has a strong correlation with
a reduction of the number of teenage and unwanted pregnancies. Increasing
literacy and computing skills among women has shown to be effective in
improving individual household finances, creating innovative and creative
entrepreneurial activities. In the same light, attention needs to be paid to the
elderly and people with disabilities. Their inclusion in society needs to be
assured through the provision of social protection instruments.
20. With regard to migration and development, a paradigm shift needs to take
place that recognises migration as a catalyst for economic growth as well as
knowledge and skills transfer. The stigmatization of marginalized migrant
groups in countries other than their own is a threat to national stability and
security, and often leads to human rights violations. Ensuring better
integration and the respect of human rights should become a priority in our
globalizing reality.
21. Similarly, rural-urban migration is a growing concern. Focus on creating
better employment and working conditions in rural areas will curb the wave of
rural migrants moving to urban areas in hope of finding "better" jobs. Rural
migrants easily fall trap to a mostly low-wage, perilous and irregular work
cycle with little chance to climb the vocational ladder. What is more, rural work
migrants typically settle in the fringes of urban areas that are prone to
landslides and flashflood, with little or no access to basic services and
infrastructure. Governments need to provide access to basic services, such
as water, sanitation and electricity to create sustainable cities with good
quality of life for all residents irrespective of their social status or income.
22. In order to respond to the call for a transformative global development
agenda post-2015, the Group of 77 and China reiterates the importance for
the SDG framework to address the goals on global supportive actions and
objectives through an enhanced partnership for sustainable development,
which should include means of implementation within each of the specific
I thank you, Co-Chairs!
June 2013)
1. I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Group of 77 and
2. At the outset, the Group wishes to thank you for convening this fourth
session of the Open Working Group meeting on Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). We acknowledge your efforts in providing some guiding
questions in advance and the concluding summary of the last session. We
also take note of the various issue papers relating to employment and decent
work for all; social protection; youth; education and culture, as well as health
and population dynamics; prepared by the Technical Support Team.
3. Our common desire for a transformative global development agenda
beyond 2015 can best be achieved through collective efforts and an
enhanced global partnership that places development and the wellbeing of
people at its core. The post-2015 development agenda, including the SDGs,
has the potential to be a turning point for achieving this aspirational
transformative change if the international community and national
governments seriously commit to an agenda for meaningful transformation on
structural, institutional and normative levels. The subjects of discussion over
the next three days are essential components of a people-centred
development agenda.
4. On employment and decent work for all, the Group is of the view that
employment is a leading determinant of growth and development. The
employment-generating capacity of growth strategies is essential for
achieving sustainable, sustained, and inclusive economic growth, which when
fairly distributed, can bring millions of people out of poverty worldwide.
Despite a decline in the number of the working poor, namely those employed,
but living below the $2 a day poverty line, the majority of workers in the
developing world remain in informal and vulnerable jobs. This implies irregular
incomes and little or no social protection for these workers. In turn, such
workers are increasingly becoming more vulnerable and less resilient to cope
with social, economic and environmental risks and shocks. It is imperative
therefore, that developing countries, with the support of the international
community and developed partners, build new and more inclusive
development pathways with the aim to provide equal employment
opportunities to all people in the economy, including the adoption of objective
action-oriented affirmative programmes to assist the poor and the
5. The Group is of the view that job growth requires a structural transformation
of economies of developing countries, especially African economies, through
industrialisation that induces value addition and economic diversification.
Industrialisation is a powerful tool to generate inclusive and sustained
economic growth, create productive employment and decent work and lift
millions of people out of poverty. It will help developing countries, especially
African countries, to address the issues of unemployment as well as
employment quality, including underemployment, informality, vulnerability and
working poverty.
6. Similarly, the plight of migrant workers also needs serious attention. It is
important that governments make real efforts to integrate migrant workers
fully into society, facilitate family reunification in accordance with the laws and
specific criteria of each country and promote a harmonious, tolerant and
respectful environment. The international community should give its due
consideration to the linkages between migration and development in the
implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference
on Population and Development beyond 2014, and in the elaboration of the
post-2015 development agenda.
7. Another area of concern is the urgent need to improve market access to
rural farmers to mitigate the flow of rural-urban migration. In this respect, more
equitable access would imply limiting agricultural subsidies by governments in
the developed countries that create an imbalanced trading system favouring
developed countries. Agricultural policies need to be aligned with country
priorities and global realities and take into account marginalized groups, such
as smallholder farmers.
8. The Group believes that employment objectives need to become central to
global actions and mechanisms. These objectives need the support of
international cooperation that supports developing countries through: (1)
actions at the level of international economic, financial, trade, technology and
social systems, to support and enable developing countries' efforts; and (2)
refrain from actions by developed countries that create barriers to developing
countries' efforts and progress.
9. On social protection, the Group is of the view that social assistance and
protection policies are central to national strategies to reducing inequality
while boosting productive employment. It is of grave concern that at present,
four out of five people worldwide do not benefit from a level of social
protection that allows them to realise their human right to social security.
Ensuring a basic level of social protection and social inclusion provides a
decent living for all, which is a necessity, as well as an obligation under the
Human Rights instruments. Social protection systems, such as adequate
health insurance, access to loans and cash benefits when needed is of vital
importance. Focused attention must be given to those marginalized and
vulnerable people, including women, adolescent, people with disabilities,
living with HIV/AIDS, the elderly and migrants to make sure that no one gets
left behind.
10. The current global consensus of austerity measures has serious
implications for the ability of governments to priorities financial resources for
continuing existing social protection measures or to design new ones in
response to the effects of the crisis. Fiscal adjustment through public budget
cuts and rationalisation of social expenditures are being carried out by
governments across both developed and developing countries. These
measures have been targeting social safety nets, including old-age pensions.
These adjustment measures run the high risk of excluding a large segment of
vulnerable households at a time when governments should be considering
supporting a social protection for all, scaling up rather than scaling down
social protection systems. It is imperative that governments focus on
expanding social protection coverage rather than improving the targeting of
existing programs.
11. On Youth, the Group recognises Youth as an emerging group that needs
special attention. For many developing countries, youth unemployment
threatens the skill sets and productive capacities of entire generations. The
young labour forces in society are indispensable in driving the rise of
developing countries across the production value chain. Moreover, sustained
bouts of youth unemployment lead to higher rates of migration, loss of
national capacities and resources, as well as leading to other social problems.
Rising unemployment rates among young adults in developing countries is a
severe setback to society and closely relates to national insecurity and
12. Goals and targets should be geared towards providing young people with
skills and vocational training to ensure they receive a chance to improve their
quality of life and compete in the work market. Inadequate attention to the
financial, human capital and infrastructural resource constraints needs to be
resolved. A global strategy on youth and employment needs to be
conceptualised within the broader objective of full employment and decent
work, and should address the quality and geographic distribution of
employment. The principles underpinning the post-2015 development agenda
should reflect the urgency of addressing youth employment, and more broadly,
the right to employment as a key social and economic right.
13. On culture, the Groups recognises culture as an integral part that
permeates the three dimensions of sustainable development. In a more
globalising world, culture fortifies national identity, while creating and
enriching a global identity and understanding of diversity that transcends
borders and eliminates prejudices. Through the use of education, value
systems are transmitted to create inspiring and innovative future generations
that engage in dialogue and exchange of worldviews to create inclusive and
resilient societies.
14. The Group and China views culture as both an 'enabler' and 'driver' of
sustainable development. Development approaches should be adapted to
local contexts and should therefore rely on the cultural resource while
respecting cultural rights. Culture also drives development within a number of
cultural sectors including the creative industries, cultural tourism and heritage,
both tangible and intangible.
15. On education. the Group underscores the importance of a good education
as the bedrock of a person's communal and personal identity. It is the tool that
enables a better future, the glue that binds a collective spirit. It is also the key
in shaping responsible citizenships based on principles of respect for life,
human dignity and cultural diversity.
16. When developing SDGs, more attention needs to be placed on relevant
and measurable learning outcomes. For example, we must ensure that not
only a greater amount of children are educated, but also that the education
these children receive is of high quality delivered by adequately qualified
teachers - in the most rural areas as well as areas affected by conflict and
disasters. Special attention must be given to traditionally vulnerable groups,
who are girls, working children, rural and indigenous children, those with
disabilities, children living with HIV/Aids, children in conflict, migrants, orphans
and linguistic and cultural minorities. Inequalities need to be addressed
through a case by case approach, rather than a one-size-fits-all target for
17. On the issue of Heath, the Group is of the view that Heath permeates all
areas of sustainable development. It is closely related to the social,
environmental, economic, cultural and political spheres. Changing
demographics and population dynamics call for innovative, cross-cutting goals
that reflect the changing health concerns facing men, women and children.
Dense urban areas call for greater synergy between different sectors to
address the failures of providing infrastructure and basic services to one-third
of the world's urban population that live in informal settlements.
18. We express concern that non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as
diabetes, heart and respiratory diseases accounted for 34.5 million deaths in
2010 of which 80% were in low and middle income countries. This figure is
expected to double within the next 20 years. This development trend is
unacceptable and policies must be proactive and include access to health
information and services, information on consumption and lifestyle and how to
prevent health risks. Not only will this reduce health provision costs, but also
contribute to economic benefits through a growing capable workforce.
19. In relation to population dynamics, the Group notes that improved family
planning is an effective way to address population growth. Greater access to
education for young girls in developing countries has a strong correlation with
a reduction of the number of teenage and unwanted pregnancies. Increasing
literacy and computing skills among women has shown to be effective in
improving individual household finances, creating innovative and creative
entrepreneurial activities. In the same light, attention needs to be paid to the
elderly and people with disabilities. Their inclusion in society needs to be
assured through the provision of social protection instruments.
20. With regard to migration and development, a paradigm shift needs to take
place that recognises migration as a catalyst for economic growth as well as
knowledge and skills transfer. The stigmatization of marginalized migrant
groups in countries other than their own is a threat to national stability and
security, and often leads to human rights violations. Ensuring better
integration and the respect of human rights should become a priority in our
globalizing reality.
21. Similarly, rural-urban migration is a growing concern. Focus on creating
better employment and working conditions in rural areas will curb the wave of
rural migrants moving to urban areas in hope of finding "better" jobs. Rural
migrants easily fall trap to a mostly low-wage, perilous and irregular work
cycle with little chance to climb the vocational ladder. What is more, rural work
migrants typically settle in the fringes of urban areas that are prone to
landslides and flashflood, with little or no access to basic services and
infrastructure. Governments need to provide access to basic services, such
as water, sanitation and electricity to create sustainable cities with good
quality of life for all residents irrespective of their social status or income.
22. In order to respond to the call for a transformative global development
agenda post-2015, the Group of 77 and China reiterates the importance for
the SDG framework to address the goals on global supportive actions and
objectives through an enhanced partnership for sustainable development,
which should include means of implementation within each of the specific
I thank you, Co-Chairs!