Mr. Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the discussions on Africa.
While the other thematic areas are equally important we believe they have been quite well
covered by previous speakers. Ghana would therefore want to associate itself with the
presentation by the African Union, especially as relates to mining.
African is richly endowed with mineral resources and these resources have the potential to
contribute significantly to the sustainable development of the continent. While in the past,
individual countries have worked at employing their minerals to sponsor development. Most of
these attempts have not worked very well. However, as discussed earlier this morning it has
been acknowledged that sustainable development, through mining or any other economic
activity, must be by an integrated approach. It is in this context that the African ministers
responsible for mining came together under the African Mining Partnership (AMP) to promote a
collaborative approach to development through mining. The AMP has recently been absorbed
into the AU?s structure through the Council of Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resource
Development, which has as a key objectives, to promote the adoption and implementation of
the AU?s Mining Vision at national, regional and continental levels. This is being carried forward
through the facilitation of development of action plans, for implementation, at all the levels.
Ghana believes this is the way to go if we plan to catalyse the sustainable development of the
African continent through mining. Ghana would therefore plead that development partners
should collaborate with the AU initiative to ensure that we lay a solid foundation for the
sustainable development of Africa.
Thank you, Chairman.
While the other thematic areas are equally important we believe they have been quite well
covered by previous speakers. Ghana would therefore want to associate itself with the
presentation by the African Union, especially as relates to mining.
African is richly endowed with mineral resources and these resources have the potential to
contribute significantly to the sustainable development of the continent. While in the past,
individual countries have worked at employing their minerals to sponsor development. Most of
these attempts have not worked very well. However, as discussed earlier this morning it has
been acknowledged that sustainable development, through mining or any other economic
activity, must be by an integrated approach. It is in this context that the African ministers
responsible for mining came together under the African Mining Partnership (AMP) to promote a
collaborative approach to development through mining. The AMP has recently been absorbed
into the AU?s structure through the Council of Ministers Responsible for Mineral Resource
Development, which has as a key objectives, to promote the adoption and implementation of
the AU?s Mining Vision at national, regional and continental levels. This is being carried forward
through the facilitation of development of action plans, for implementation, at all the levels.
Ghana believes this is the way to go if we plan to catalyse the sustainable development of the
African continent through mining. Ghana would therefore plead that development partners
should collaborate with the AU initiative to ensure that we lay a solid foundation for the
sustainable development of Africa.
Thank you, Chairman.