Intervention by Mr. Peter Christmann for GERMANY in the Thematic Discussion (8th
meeting) on "Integrated approach to addressing air pollution and atmospheric problems":
There are two particullar important issues which require early attention by a number of
(1) One obstacle to fighting strategic ozone protection more effectively is not the absence of
means of implementation like finance or technology, but rather the lack of political will to tackle
the problem of illegal trade of ODA. We believe that there is an urgent need to develop policies
for the tracking of imports exports and re-exports of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and to
implement licensing systems that cover all categories of import and export, with the aim of
reducing end markets for illegal ozone-depleting substances.
(2) Governments need to give further consideration to issues related to the depletion of the ozone
layer and climate change and the links between the Montreal Protocol and the UNFCCC and its
Kyoto Protocol, in order to maintain the Montreal Protocol's momentum while achieving the
Kyoto Protocol's targets. We believe that countries should consider available win- win options
which are cost-competitive and implement such measures at the national level with a sense of
Peter Christmann
Delegation of Germany to CSD-14
meeting) on "Integrated approach to addressing air pollution and atmospheric problems":
There are two particullar important issues which require early attention by a number of
(1) One obstacle to fighting strategic ozone protection more effectively is not the absence of
means of implementation like finance or technology, but rather the lack of political will to tackle
the problem of illegal trade of ODA. We believe that there is an urgent need to develop policies
for the tracking of imports exports and re-exports of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and to
implement licensing systems that cover all categories of import and export, with the aim of
reducing end markets for illegal ozone-depleting substances.
(2) Governments need to give further consideration to issues related to the depletion of the ozone
layer and climate change and the links between the Montreal Protocol and the UNFCCC and its
Kyoto Protocol, in order to maintain the Montreal Protocol's momentum while achieving the
Kyoto Protocol's targets. We believe that countries should consider available win- win options
which are cost-competitive and implement such measures at the national level with a sense of
Peter Christmann
Delegation of Germany to CSD-14