France, Germany and Switzerland
Proposal for statement by France, Germany and Switzerland
Focus area 5. Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Mr Co-chair,
We would like to express our thanks to the Co-Chairs of the Open Working Group on their excellent work on Focus Area 5 on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
As work continues on the definition of goals and targets, we believe that an important basis for future discussions on gender equality should be the Agreed Conclusions of the 58th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, in which 120 UN Member States engaged. Taking this into account, we suggest translating Focus Area 5 in a SDG titled: ‘Achieve Gender Equality, the Empowerment of Women and Human Rights of Women and Girls’.
The Commission on the Status of Women called not only for a standalone goal on gender equality,the empowerment of women and human rights for women and girls, but also for gender equality to be integrated through targets and indicators into all goals of the new development framework. This should include indicators across the new framework; and the systematic disaggregation of data by sex.
In addition, CSW language should be used in targets d, e, f, h. We will be happy to submit concrete wording if that is useful.
On target g) we suggest following wording: “by 2030 end harmful practices against women and girls, especially child, early and forced marriage, Female genital mutilation and honor crimes”.
We strongly support target i/with the following wording: “by 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights”. Sexual and reproductive health and rights remain a priority for attaining gender equality and poverty eradication.
We also suggest adding an additional target in this Focus Area to promote the full engagement of men and boys in efforts to promote and achieve gender equality.
It is key to ensure an accountability framework that is effective, participatory, transparent and focused on gender equality. Indicators should be based on those already agreed by the UN Statistical Commission, which has developed 52 gender equality indicators and nine indicators to measure violence against women and girls.
In general, the post-2015 goals should conform to human rights principles. We call on the Co-Chairs to strengthen the focus on human rights across the framework.
Proposal for statement by France, Germany and Switzerland
Focus area 5. Gender equality and women’s empowerment
Mr Co-chair,
We would like to express our thanks to the Co-Chairs of the Open Working Group on their excellent work on Focus Area 5 on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
As work continues on the definition of goals and targets, we believe that an important basis for future discussions on gender equality should be the Agreed Conclusions of the 58th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, in which 120 UN Member States engaged. Taking this into account, we suggest translating Focus Area 5 in a SDG titled: ‘Achieve Gender Equality, the Empowerment of Women and Human Rights of Women and Girls’.
The Commission on the Status of Women called not only for a standalone goal on gender equality,the empowerment of women and human rights for women and girls, but also for gender equality to be integrated through targets and indicators into all goals of the new development framework. This should include indicators across the new framework; and the systematic disaggregation of data by sex.
In addition, CSW language should be used in targets d, e, f, h. We will be happy to submit concrete wording if that is useful.
On target g) we suggest following wording: “by 2030 end harmful practices against women and girls, especially child, early and forced marriage, Female genital mutilation and honor crimes”.
We strongly support target i/with the following wording: “by 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights”. Sexual and reproductive health and rights remain a priority for attaining gender equality and poverty eradication.
We also suggest adding an additional target in this Focus Area to promote the full engagement of men and boys in efforts to promote and achieve gender equality.
It is key to ensure an accountability framework that is effective, participatory, transparent and focused on gender equality. Indicators should be based on those already agreed by the UN Statistical Commission, which has developed 52 gender equality indicators and nine indicators to measure violence against women and girls.
In general, the post-2015 goals should conform to human rights principles. We call on the Co-Chairs to strengthen the focus on human rights across the framework.