France, Germany and Switzerland
Statement by France, Germany and Switzerland
Focus area 4. Education and life-long learning
Mr Co-Chair,
Education is a human right, a global public good and a major driver for reducing inequalities and poverty as well as being a prerequisite for sustainable development. We propose that the choice and definition of targets under this goal be framed around the four principles of:: accessibility, acceptability, adaptability and availability.
We must ensure the coherence of the total package of targets under this goal which should be geared toward sustainable development and be closely aligned with those currently being defined in the context of the Education for All Framework for Action. We particularly support targets, already contained in the document, on ensuring that every child completes a basic education, ensuring the educational continuum and strong emphasis on quality of learning.
We welcome the proposal for a target on integrating sustainable development into education curricular, training programs and awareness-raising campaigns. This should include climate change, wise use of natural resources, biodiversity, health and nutrition related issues, human rights as well as culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
Furthermore we suggest including the elimination of gender stereotypes in the curriculum and ensuring girls’ safety and an environment free from sexual harassment in school.
Finally, we recommend to also include targets on ensuring adequate resources, including both financial (i.e. public expenditure) and human (i.e. teachers supply) to ensure quality education and lifelong learning.
The references to gender, the poorest and most marginalized, persons with disabilities or migrants are fundamental. We suggest that these references serve to orient the definition of indicators which should be based on disaggregated data. In order to ensure that this is taken forward, we propose to highlight this in the title of the goal: “Provide equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all”.
Focus area 4. Education and life-long learning
Mr Co-Chair,
Education is a human right, a global public good and a major driver for reducing inequalities and poverty as well as being a prerequisite for sustainable development. We propose that the choice and definition of targets under this goal be framed around the four principles of:: accessibility, acceptability, adaptability and availability.
We must ensure the coherence of the total package of targets under this goal which should be geared toward sustainable development and be closely aligned with those currently being defined in the context of the Education for All Framework for Action. We particularly support targets, already contained in the document, on ensuring that every child completes a basic education, ensuring the educational continuum and strong emphasis on quality of learning.
We welcome the proposal for a target on integrating sustainable development into education curricular, training programs and awareness-raising campaigns. This should include climate change, wise use of natural resources, biodiversity, health and nutrition related issues, human rights as well as culture’s contribution to sustainable development.
Furthermore we suggest including the elimination of gender stereotypes in the curriculum and ensuring girls’ safety and an environment free from sexual harassment in school.
Finally, we recommend to also include targets on ensuring adequate resources, including both financial (i.e. public expenditure) and human (i.e. teachers supply) to ensure quality education and lifelong learning.
The references to gender, the poorest and most marginalized, persons with disabilities or migrants are fundamental. We suggest that these references serve to orient the definition of indicators which should be based on disaggregated data. In order to ensure that this is taken forward, we propose to highlight this in the title of the goal: “Provide equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all”.