Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
ECOSOC Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science,
Technology and Innovation for the SDGs
“Session 6: National STI roadmaps for the SDGs and capacity building”.
Statement by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
6 June 2018, United Nations
Dear Chair, dear Colleagues from the UN System
Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,
For the transformation of the agricultural sector towards more sustainable and resilient food systems, and achieving the SDGs, science, technology, and innovation are key as new product, process and forms of organization are brought into social and economic use. But agricultural innovation in many countries is held back by weak capacities at individual, organizational and institutional levels, within a fragmented agricultural innovation system (AIS).
The Tropical Agriculture Platform, a G20 initiative, is addressing this issue via a partnership comprising 46 international, regional and national organizations and a Secretariat hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO). At the recent G20 7th Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists, in going forward, FAO shared its full commitment to support TAP’s second Action Plan 2018-2021, in close collaboration with TAP partners and national stakeholders.
TAP addresses major constraints identified in regional capacity needs assessment for agricultural innovation system by:
i. Facilitating advocacy and policy dialogue;
ii. Supporting countries to include strengthening agricultural innovation systems in national strategies and budgets;
iii. Applying the Common Framework on capacity development for AIS in programmes and projects;
iv. Strengthening TAPipedia, the information sharing platform; and
v. Mobilization of resources for strengthening Agriculture innovation systems
These activity areas support and contribute to countries’ SDG achievements and TAP is an effective vehicle contributing to Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Thank you for your attention
Technology and Innovation for the SDGs
“Session 6: National STI roadmaps for the SDGs and capacity building”.
Statement by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
6 June 2018, United Nations
Dear Chair, dear Colleagues from the UN System
Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,
For the transformation of the agricultural sector towards more sustainable and resilient food systems, and achieving the SDGs, science, technology, and innovation are key as new product, process and forms of organization are brought into social and economic use. But agricultural innovation in many countries is held back by weak capacities at individual, organizational and institutional levels, within a fragmented agricultural innovation system (AIS).
The Tropical Agriculture Platform, a G20 initiative, is addressing this issue via a partnership comprising 46 international, regional and national organizations and a Secretariat hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO). At the recent G20 7th Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists, in going forward, FAO shared its full commitment to support TAP’s second Action Plan 2018-2021, in close collaboration with TAP partners and national stakeholders.
TAP addresses major constraints identified in regional capacity needs assessment for agricultural innovation system by:
i. Facilitating advocacy and policy dialogue;
ii. Supporting countries to include strengthening agricultural innovation systems in national strategies and budgets;
iii. Applying the Common Framework on capacity development for AIS in programmes and projects;
iv. Strengthening TAPipedia, the information sharing platform; and
v. Mobilization of resources for strengthening Agriculture innovation systems
These activity areas support and contribute to countries’ SDG achievements and TAP is an effective vehicle contributing to Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Thank you for your attention