Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen,
At this CSD-19 session we have an excellent opportunity to make things happen. The
Johannesburg Summit in 2002 recognized the need to launch the 10-year framework of
programmes on sustainable consumption and production and the preparatory work has
been going on for several years. We should now finalize the work.
While supporting the statement made on behalf of the European Union, let me hereby
convey some of the Finnish views and reflect the questions presented by the secretariat.
The 10-year framework of programmes should underpin a common vision on sustainable
consumption and production shared by all countries. It should provide valuable input to the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the implementation of the relevant
Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
Fulfillment of basic needs is a necessary condition for poverty eradication and decent
quality of life. However, these needs should be met in the carrying capacity of our
The developed and developing countries paths to sustainable consumption and production
are highly interlinked. In industrialized countries, we should focus on moderating our
material consumption and improving our resource-efficiency. In developing countries, the
biggest challenge is lifting people from poverty and improving human wellbeing. It requires
increasing energy and raw material consumption. In the long run the challenge is ,
however, how the developing countries can maximize the lessons learnt and move to low
carbon and clean technology solutions .
A shift to sustainable consumption and production requires a mix of policies, economic
instruments, regulations, regional and international cooperation and long-term vision and
planning. All actors have a role to play but the Governments should sit in the driver´s seat.
They should provide with clear signals to producers and consumers, and create effective
and transparent legal and administrative measures . Moreover, by using the life-cycle
approach, our efforts on sustainable consumption and production can turn social and
environmental challenges to business and employment opportunities.
Finland has been closely involved in building the process on the 10-year framework of
programmes. We have prepared a national strategy on Sustainable Consumption and
Production in 2006 which is currently under review. We have also taken actively part in the
Marrakech process by leading the task force on sustainable buildings and constructions .
Without undermining the multiple on-going national initiatives around the world, it has
become clear to us that we need stronger and more focused action at international level.
As a concerted UN-effort, the 10-year framework of programmes could provide an
important set of tools to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
worldwide. In order to be effective, it should be supported by an efficient institutional
structure. We consider that UNEP has the comparative advantage to coordinate and
facilitate the implementation of the framework, and we are pleased with the progress in
this regard. The actual programmes should be set up on a voluntary basis while meeting
the commonly agreed criteria. It is also important that the 10-year framework will be
monitored and reviewed periodically.
The 10-year framework of programmes should deepen and make use of the globally
recognized scientific and policy knowledge base. We see the role of the International
Panel for Sustainable Resource Management central in this work.
I hope that this CSD-session will become a milestone in the history of promoting
sustainable consumption and production patterns.
At this CSD-19 session we have an excellent opportunity to make things happen. The
Johannesburg Summit in 2002 recognized the need to launch the 10-year framework of
programmes on sustainable consumption and production and the preparatory work has
been going on for several years. We should now finalize the work.
While supporting the statement made on behalf of the European Union, let me hereby
convey some of the Finnish views and reflect the questions presented by the secretariat.
The 10-year framework of programmes should underpin a common vision on sustainable
consumption and production shared by all countries. It should provide valuable input to the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the implementation of the relevant
Multilateral Environmental Agreements.
Fulfillment of basic needs is a necessary condition for poverty eradication and decent
quality of life. However, these needs should be met in the carrying capacity of our
The developed and developing countries paths to sustainable consumption and production
are highly interlinked. In industrialized countries, we should focus on moderating our
material consumption and improving our resource-efficiency. In developing countries, the
biggest challenge is lifting people from poverty and improving human wellbeing. It requires
increasing energy and raw material consumption. In the long run the challenge is ,
however, how the developing countries can maximize the lessons learnt and move to low
carbon and clean technology solutions .
A shift to sustainable consumption and production requires a mix of policies, economic
instruments, regulations, regional and international cooperation and long-term vision and
planning. All actors have a role to play but the Governments should sit in the driver´s seat.
They should provide with clear signals to producers and consumers, and create effective
and transparent legal and administrative measures . Moreover, by using the life-cycle
approach, our efforts on sustainable consumption and production can turn social and
environmental challenges to business and employment opportunities.
Finland has been closely involved in building the process on the 10-year framework of
programmes. We have prepared a national strategy on Sustainable Consumption and
Production in 2006 which is currently under review. We have also taken actively part in the
Marrakech process by leading the task force on sustainable buildings and constructions .
Without undermining the multiple on-going national initiatives around the world, it has
become clear to us that we need stronger and more focused action at international level.
As a concerted UN-effort, the 10-year framework of programmes could provide an
important set of tools to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
worldwide. In order to be effective, it should be supported by an efficient institutional
structure. We consider that UNEP has the comparative advantage to coordinate and
facilitate the implementation of the framework, and we are pleased with the progress in
this regard. The actual programmes should be set up on a voluntary basis while meeting
the commonly agreed criteria. It is also important that the 10-year framework will be
monitored and reviewed periodically.
The 10-year framework of programmes should deepen and make use of the globally
recognized scientific and policy knowledge base. We see the role of the International
Panel for Sustainable Resource Management central in this work.
I hope that this CSD-session will become a milestone in the history of promoting
sustainable consumption and production patterns.