European Union
Mr Chairman,
I speak on behalf of EU and its 27 Member States.
CSD19 has to face the challenge to respond to the request formulated in the outcome of the
Johannesburg Summit of 2002 to establish, a 10 Year Framework of Programmes on
sustainable consumption and production.
The EU sees the establishment and adoption of the 10YFP for the period 2011-21 as a
significant response to the global challenge of sustainable production and consumption
patterns and the way to move quickly towards the identification and implementation of
concrete SCP programs providing a milestone contribution towards the objectives of Rio2012.
The constructive discussio ns we have on this subject show that we share a common vision of
prosperity and human development within the carrying capacity of the planet. The EU is
committed to strengthen its efforts on SCP in order to make a concrete step towards making
this vision a reality. We should all cooperate to make use of this platform for the
development of and implementation of initiatives on SCP at all levels. We hope that many
countries around the world will join the efforts to implement the 10YFP as a concrete tool to
help responding to various challenges on the way to more sustainable societies worldwide.
Implementing activities within the 10YFP will represents a global cross-cutting effort on the
way towards the objectives of decoupling consumption and production from their negative
impacts on human and environmental resources. The implementation of the 10YFP will also
contribute to the implementation of a resource-efficient economy and ot her important global
commitments (such as Cancun and Nagoya) and will provide valuable input to the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the implementation of relevant
Multilateral Environmental Agreements. The implementation of such activities will also
create new economic and market opportunities for all countries.
The added value of an SCP framework will also be to foster cooperation and networking
among all stakeholders, in particular the private sector and will also promote activities in the
context of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility. The private sector should
therefore be closely involved in the further development and implementation of the
framework over the next decade.
It will also be of importance that the 10YFP uses the potential and the results of those entities,
which represent the globally recognized scientific and policy knowledge base, such as the
International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management and International Panel on Climate
Change as well as .the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform for Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Service s.
The scope of the 10YFP will contain two main types of programs, cross-sectoral and sectoral,
and the life cycle perspective is an essential component of both of these. A key function of
the 10 Year Framework of Programmes will also be to regularly revie w progress and
reporting to relevant fora for sustainable development at the international level.
We feel that the 10YFP will need an efficient institutional structure that can give guidance
and allows for the coming together of all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the
framework and individual programs. Effective implementation will also require enhanced
inter-agency collaboration and a governing body that includes representatives of the various
regions and of relevant stakeholders, in partic ular from the private sector. A dedicated
secretariat needs to service the structure; taking advantage of the experiences gained through
the Marrakech Process, it should provide a coordinating function and facilitate regional
networks and meetings on the monitoring of progress. The EU feels that UNEP would be best
placed to serve as such a secretariat.
The implementation programmes on SCP cannot proceed in isolation of the general
development of our economies; rather they need to take their place in the mainstreaming of
our societies. We need to work on identifying and effectively accessing all relevant funding
sources. Financial resources for the implementation of activities under the 10FYP will come
from a. a number of sources. First and foremost SCP related programmes and initiatives
should be mainstreamed into government programmes and existing cooperation activities
and so benefit from related funding. We also need to make use of existing sources of relevant
global public multilateral and bilateral funding to provide catalytic funding for the
establishment and coordination of SCP programmes. If we are to be successful we also need
to succeed in attracting the private sector (companies, banks etc.) to the 10YFP to be
involved in developing, designing and implementing as well as giving support to programs
inter alia through sustainable and responsible investments. We have examples for how all of
this can be done and are looking in particular to the experiences of the Marrakech Process
and SAICM.
Mr Chairman,
In conclusion I would like to express our determination to contribute to a successful work of
CSD19 in this regard as we have to live up the challenge, for all countries, to establish,
endorse and express high political support for a 10 Year Framework of Programmes.
We must now ensure and build on the achievements made till today. Finishing this by the end
of the week will make us contribute not only to enhancing sustainable production and
consumption at global level, but we will also lay down an important milestone on the road to
Rio+20 and beyond.
I speak on behalf of EU and its 27 Member States.
CSD19 has to face the challenge to respond to the request formulated in the outcome of the
Johannesburg Summit of 2002 to establish, a 10 Year Framework of Programmes on
sustainable consumption and production.
The EU sees the establishment and adoption of the 10YFP for the period 2011-21 as a
significant response to the global challenge of sustainable production and consumption
patterns and the way to move quickly towards the identification and implementation of
concrete SCP programs providing a milestone contribution towards the objectives of Rio2012.
The constructive discussio ns we have on this subject show that we share a common vision of
prosperity and human development within the carrying capacity of the planet. The EU is
committed to strengthen its efforts on SCP in order to make a concrete step towards making
this vision a reality. We should all cooperate to make use of this platform for the
development of and implementation of initiatives on SCP at all levels. We hope that many
countries around the world will join the efforts to implement the 10YFP as a concrete tool to
help responding to various challenges on the way to more sustainable societies worldwide.
Implementing activities within the 10YFP will represents a global cross-cutting effort on the
way towards the objectives of decoupling consumption and production from their negative
impacts on human and environmental resources. The implementation of the 10YFP will also
contribute to the implementation of a resource-efficient economy and ot her important global
commitments (such as Cancun and Nagoya) and will provide valuable input to the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the implementation of relevant
Multilateral Environmental Agreements. The implementation of such activities will also
create new economic and market opportunities for all countries.
The added value of an SCP framework will also be to foster cooperation and networking
among all stakeholders, in particular the private sector and will also promote activities in the
context of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility. The private sector should
therefore be closely involved in the further development and implementation of the
framework over the next decade.
It will also be of importance that the 10YFP uses the potential and the results of those entities,
which represent the globally recognized scientific and policy knowledge base, such as the
International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management and International Panel on Climate
Change as well as .the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform for Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Service s.
The scope of the 10YFP will contain two main types of programs, cross-sectoral and sectoral,
and the life cycle perspective is an essential component of both of these. A key function of
the 10 Year Framework of Programmes will also be to regularly revie w progress and
reporting to relevant fora for sustainable development at the international level.
We feel that the 10YFP will need an efficient institutional structure that can give guidance
and allows for the coming together of all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the
framework and individual programs. Effective implementation will also require enhanced
inter-agency collaboration and a governing body that includes representatives of the various
regions and of relevant stakeholders, in partic ular from the private sector. A dedicated
secretariat needs to service the structure; taking advantage of the experiences gained through
the Marrakech Process, it should provide a coordinating function and facilitate regional
networks and meetings on the monitoring of progress. The EU feels that UNEP would be best
placed to serve as such a secretariat.
The implementation programmes on SCP cannot proceed in isolation of the general
development of our economies; rather they need to take their place in the mainstreaming of
our societies. We need to work on identifying and effectively accessing all relevant funding
sources. Financial resources for the implementation of activities under the 10FYP will come
from a. a number of sources. First and foremost SCP related programmes and initiatives
should be mainstreamed into government programmes and existing cooperation activities
and so benefit from related funding. We also need to make use of existing sources of relevant
global public multilateral and bilateral funding to provide catalytic funding for the
establishment and coordination of SCP programmes. If we are to be successful we also need
to succeed in attracting the private sector (companies, banks etc.) to the 10YFP to be
involved in developing, designing and implementing as well as giving support to programs
inter alia through sustainable and responsible investments. We have examples for how all of
this can be done and are looking in particular to the experiences of the Marrakech Process
and SAICM.
Mr Chairman,
In conclusion I would like to express our determination to contribute to a successful work of
CSD19 in this regard as we have to live up the challenge, for all countries, to establish,
endorse and express high political support for a 10 Year Framework of Programmes.
We must now ensure and build on the achievements made till today. Finishing this by the end
of the week will make us contribute not only to enhancing sustainable production and
consumption at global level, but we will also lay down an important milestone on the road to
Rio+20 and beyond.