European Union
Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations
Statement on Means of Implementation
28 July, New York
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the EU and its Member States.
We are grateful to you for the revised draft and for your efforts to address some of our
concerns. There are a few improvements, but some key areas still need to be substantially
strengthened. We all agree that this is a critical area for the success of the agenda.
Co-facilitators, before we turn to the zero draft, let me reiterate the point that we made
consistently. The EU and its member states strongly believe that the means of
implementation for the post-2015 development agenda comprises goal 17 and the goalspecific
means of implementation as well as the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. There should
be no hierarchy in importance in our document.
The Addis Ababa Action Agenda is not perfect but remains a balanced compromise of all
delegations. It lives up to the transformative nature of the SDGs and will help all countries
fulfil the ambitions which these goals embody. It is not possible to de-link Addis from goal 17
and the goal-specific MOI.
We think that we have a number of issues to address coherently both in the declaration and
in chapter 3.
Our main comments are the following:
General comments
As already stated, we believe that the AAAA and the MOIs contained in SDG 17 and targets
together comprise the full set of MOIs necessary for the effective implementation of this
agenda. This must be explicitly reflected in the draft. A full and clear recognition of this
requires that we attach the full Addis text to our document.
The relationship with the AAAA must be clearly and explicitly defined. The current draft
does not recognise this strong relationship and the fact that the AAAA supports the
implementation of our new agenda, as mentioned in para 2 of the Addis outcome.
We note that you have decided not to include the MoI goal and target within the MoI
section as we suggested as we would have preferred. Including goal 17 and the goal specific
means of implementation targets in the means of implementation section would give more
visibility, would avoid conflating means with ends and would ensure that they are prominent
in this new agenda. We would encourage the co-facilitators to bring the means of
implementation targets into section three in the revised draft.
As the Ambassador for Benin stated, speaking on behalf of the LDCs, we should not accept
anything in our text that lowers the ambition, or falls below the agreement reached in Addis.
We will propose a number of text suggestions to ensure that there is a better reflection and
balance of Addis, to include missing critical elements (e.g. the domestic enabling
environment, domestic policy/regulatory actions, institutional reform, DRM, private sector)
and avoid giving the impression that ODA and capacity building are more important than
issues than domestic resource mobilisation, the private sector and trade.
Co-facilitators, the EU and its Member States remain committed to its ODA targets and to
supporting developing countries through capacity building. However, as Addis has
confirmed, ODA and capacity building are not the only necessary means of implementation.
Selective picking and choosing in this regard could largely be avoided if the Addis text were
The ODA language in the declaration is particularly problematic as it represents a significant
departure from the agreement reached in Addis
If we incorporate Addis fully and we have a clear recognition in the text of the fact that both
Addis and the goal 17 and the goal-specific MoI targets constitutes the full set of MoI
necessary for our agenda we will not need to have very detailed language in the draft
outcome and we could considerably streamline both the MoI paragraphs of the declaration
and the separate MoI section.
There is a clear need to reconsider the balance between the MoI paragraphs in the
declaration and section 3. In our view, the declaration should cover the broad principles of
MoI (the nature of the global partnership, the universality of the agenda and the centrality
of the AAAA), while the substance (specifically paras 41- 46 as amended below) could be
moved to the specific MoI section.
Proposed structure
· As mentioned by several other delegations yesterday this section of the declaration is
long and duplicates chapter 3. The section on MoI section in the declaration should be
four paragraphs: one on the link with Addis, a second one on the nature and principle of
the Global Partnership, a third one on the role of other stakeholders (paragraph 47) and
a last one on the role of the UN (paragraph 48).
· The rest of the paragraphs should be moved to chapter 3. This could be streamlined
considerably if we have annexed the AAAA. We could keep a limited number of key
concepts currently addressed in paragraphs 41-46 which would be moved after
paragraph 63 and reworded so that we follow an approach similar to the AAAA:
o domestic public resources (expanding on references currently contained in
paragraphs 38 and 63)
o domestic and international private business and other stakeholders (65)
o international development cooperation (current paragraph 41)
o international trade as an engine for development (43)
o debt and debt sustainability (46)
o systemic issues (45)
o science, technology, innovation, capacity building and technology facilitation
mechanism. (paragraphs 42, 64)
We are ready to come with more details and textual suggestions but would like to hear views from
other Delegations before doing so.
Detailed comments
Let me now set out more specific comments on the various paragraphs following the
approach outlined before. We will make available our amendments in writing.
(a) MoI paragraphs in the declaration
· This section would start with the current paragraph 39 setting out the nature and
principle of the global partnership. One of those principles is shared responsibility and
we would like to add it in the second sentence before global solidarity. We would also
like to add at the end of the paragraph the sentence:" All countries can contribute
meaningfully to achieving this universal agenda".
· In order to address the address properly the link with Addis in para 40, we propose to
replace "welcome" with "endorse" " as agreed by the General Assembly yesterday and at
the end of the first sentence add: "as an integral and fundamental part of the
Agenda".The second sentence should be replaced by: "We recognize that the AAAA
alongside the MOIs contained in SDG 17 and targets together comprise the full MOIs
necessary for the achievement of this agenda".
· In para 47, add at the end of the first sentence, "including the AAAA, as an integral and
fundamental part of the Agenda". Reinsert also “civil society and private sector”.
· Para 48, in the last sentence add before sustainable development "poverty eradication
(b) Separate MoI/GP section
· As said paragraphs 41 to 46 should be moved after paragraph 63.
· We support referring to the agenda's goals and targets dealing with MoI in para 60, but
we propose to make clear that these - together with the Addis outcome - constitute the
means of implementation of the agenda. Therefore we propose inserting a new third
sentence: "They, together with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, constitute the means of
implementation of the Agenda". In the first sentence of para 60, we propose replacing
"deal with the means required" which implies that they deal only with means, with "also
cover means of implementation".
· Paragraph 61 which duplicates para 40 could be deleted or at least made consistent with
our proposals on para 40.
· We think we still need a reference to the Global Partnership in paragraph 62 consistent
with para 10 of the AAAA, although we could streamline this paragraph in light of the
fact that the GP is described in the Declaration.
· In para 63 on the primary responsibility of each country, we propose to add some
language on the enabling environment as well as on the role of private sector. I have
read out yesterday our proposals when we discussed paragraph 38 that we now propose
to merge with this one: For all countries, public policies and the mobilization and
effective use of domestic resources, underscored by the principle of national ownership,
are central to our common pursuit of poverty eradication and sustainable development.
Sound social, environmental and economic policies, including the promotion of human
rights and gender equality, good governance and the rule of law are essential. We also
acknowledge the critical role of the national and international private sector and
innovative financing in mobilizing and implementing this agenda, including working in
partnership with the public sector."
· Para 41 (which in the proposed new structure would become paragraph 63bis) should
address international public finance and not only ODA. The first sentence should be
replaced with "International finance including Official Development Assistance remains
important in supporting poverty eradication and sustainable development in particular
for the poorest and most vulnerable countries with limited resources".
· International finance and ODA commitments stem from our fundamental values that
include solidarity. However, South South cooperation has a real value added and
providers of South-south cooperation should be recognized and applauded. Thus, the
following sentences, taken from the AAAA text, should be added in paragraph 41: "We
welcome the increased contributions of south-south cooperation to poverty eradication
and sustainable development and encourage developing countries to voluntarily step up
their efforts to strengthen south-south cooperation. We welcome continued efforts to
improve the quality, impact and effectiveness of development cooperation and other
international efforts in public finance, including adherence to agreed development
cooperation effectiveness principles" The sentences on the commitments of developed
countries, and on existing international processes should be deleted, since they duplicate
para 66.
· In para 43 (trade), in line with para 79 of the AAAA, only LDCs should be specifically
referenced with respect to trade-related capacity building.
· Para 44: as we argued yesterday, we should delete this paragraph. Alternatively, as a
minimum, we should replace "the role of family" with "the role of families in their various
· Para 45 should better match para 106 of the AAAA on systemic issues. We should add
new sentences: "We will continue to strengthen international coordination and policy
coherence to enhance global financial and macroeconomic stability. We underline the
importance of continuing to improve global economic governance." The current first
sentence should be deleted and replaced with the following language, based on the
AAAA: "We urge international financial institutions to continue their efforts to provide
more comprehensive and flexible financial responses to the needs of developing
countries. We also request them to continue to support developing countries in
developing new instruments for financial risk-management and capacity building." In the
final sentence, the list of country categories was not in the AAAA text and should be
· As a more general comment, in paragraphs 41, 43 and 45, the repetitive lists of country
categories are unhelpful and obscure what should be our primary focus, LDCs. We would
propose replacing the lists with the phrase "poorest and most vulnerable countries".
· Para 46 should reflect the balanced views set out in para 94 to 98 of the AAAA. Using the
AAAA text, we should add as a first sentence: "Borrowing is an important tool for
financing investment critical to achieving sustainable development." At the end of this
para, we should also add from the AAAA: "The monitoring and prudent management of
liabilities is an important element of comprehensive national financing strategies and is
critical to reducing vulnerabilities. Maintaining sustainable debt levels is the responsibility
of the borrowing countries; however we acknowledge that lenders also have a
responsibility to lend in a way that does not undermine a country's debt sustainability."
· Para 42 could be merged with para 64 addressing the broader role of STI in the
implementation of the agenda as well as the Technology Facilitation Mechanism, for
which we propose to say that it should be "centred on science, technology and
innovation". We also proposed to add at the end of the paragraph the following
sentence: "We task the UN to launch an operational process to define the working
modalities of the three elements of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism, ensuring the
participation of the relevant stakeholders".
· Para 66 should begin as per the AAAA (para 8), "We support the implementation of
relevant strategies and programmes of action, including the Istanbul Declaration and
Programme of Action…" and include the AAAA's reference to fragile and conflict
affected-states, "… Countries in conflict and post-conflict situations also need special
attention." The paragraph should end after middle-income countries.
· Para 67 should read, "We reiterate that this Agenda and the Sustainable Development
Goals and targets, including the means of implementation and the AAAA are universal,
indivisible and interlinked."
Statement on Means of Implementation
28 July, New York
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the EU and its Member States.
We are grateful to you for the revised draft and for your efforts to address some of our
concerns. There are a few improvements, but some key areas still need to be substantially
strengthened. We all agree that this is a critical area for the success of the agenda.
Co-facilitators, before we turn to the zero draft, let me reiterate the point that we made
consistently. The EU and its member states strongly believe that the means of
implementation for the post-2015 development agenda comprises goal 17 and the goalspecific
means of implementation as well as the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. There should
be no hierarchy in importance in our document.
The Addis Ababa Action Agenda is not perfect but remains a balanced compromise of all
delegations. It lives up to the transformative nature of the SDGs and will help all countries
fulfil the ambitions which these goals embody. It is not possible to de-link Addis from goal 17
and the goal-specific MOI.
We think that we have a number of issues to address coherently both in the declaration and
in chapter 3.
Our main comments are the following:
General comments
As already stated, we believe that the AAAA and the MOIs contained in SDG 17 and targets
together comprise the full set of MOIs necessary for the effective implementation of this
agenda. This must be explicitly reflected in the draft. A full and clear recognition of this
requires that we attach the full Addis text to our document.
The relationship with the AAAA must be clearly and explicitly defined. The current draft
does not recognise this strong relationship and the fact that the AAAA supports the
implementation of our new agenda, as mentioned in para 2 of the Addis outcome.
We note that you have decided not to include the MoI goal and target within the MoI
section as we suggested as we would have preferred. Including goal 17 and the goal specific
means of implementation targets in the means of implementation section would give more
visibility, would avoid conflating means with ends and would ensure that they are prominent
in this new agenda. We would encourage the co-facilitators to bring the means of
implementation targets into section three in the revised draft.
As the Ambassador for Benin stated, speaking on behalf of the LDCs, we should not accept
anything in our text that lowers the ambition, or falls below the agreement reached in Addis.
We will propose a number of text suggestions to ensure that there is a better reflection and
balance of Addis, to include missing critical elements (e.g. the domestic enabling
environment, domestic policy/regulatory actions, institutional reform, DRM, private sector)
and avoid giving the impression that ODA and capacity building are more important than
issues than domestic resource mobilisation, the private sector and trade.
Co-facilitators, the EU and its Member States remain committed to its ODA targets and to
supporting developing countries through capacity building. However, as Addis has
confirmed, ODA and capacity building are not the only necessary means of implementation.
Selective picking and choosing in this regard could largely be avoided if the Addis text were
The ODA language in the declaration is particularly problematic as it represents a significant
departure from the agreement reached in Addis
If we incorporate Addis fully and we have a clear recognition in the text of the fact that both
Addis and the goal 17 and the goal-specific MoI targets constitutes the full set of MoI
necessary for our agenda we will not need to have very detailed language in the draft
outcome and we could considerably streamline both the MoI paragraphs of the declaration
and the separate MoI section.
There is a clear need to reconsider the balance between the MoI paragraphs in the
declaration and section 3. In our view, the declaration should cover the broad principles of
MoI (the nature of the global partnership, the universality of the agenda and the centrality
of the AAAA), while the substance (specifically paras 41- 46 as amended below) could be
moved to the specific MoI section.
Proposed structure
· As mentioned by several other delegations yesterday this section of the declaration is
long and duplicates chapter 3. The section on MoI section in the declaration should be
four paragraphs: one on the link with Addis, a second one on the nature and principle of
the Global Partnership, a third one on the role of other stakeholders (paragraph 47) and
a last one on the role of the UN (paragraph 48).
· The rest of the paragraphs should be moved to chapter 3. This could be streamlined
considerably if we have annexed the AAAA. We could keep a limited number of key
concepts currently addressed in paragraphs 41-46 which would be moved after
paragraph 63 and reworded so that we follow an approach similar to the AAAA:
o domestic public resources (expanding on references currently contained in
paragraphs 38 and 63)
o domestic and international private business and other stakeholders (65)
o international development cooperation (current paragraph 41)
o international trade as an engine for development (43)
o debt and debt sustainability (46)
o systemic issues (45)
o science, technology, innovation, capacity building and technology facilitation
mechanism. (paragraphs 42, 64)
We are ready to come with more details and textual suggestions but would like to hear views from
other Delegations before doing so.
Detailed comments
Let me now set out more specific comments on the various paragraphs following the
approach outlined before. We will make available our amendments in writing.
(a) MoI paragraphs in the declaration
· This section would start with the current paragraph 39 setting out the nature and
principle of the global partnership. One of those principles is shared responsibility and
we would like to add it in the second sentence before global solidarity. We would also
like to add at the end of the paragraph the sentence:" All countries can contribute
meaningfully to achieving this universal agenda".
· In order to address the address properly the link with Addis in para 40, we propose to
replace "welcome" with "endorse" " as agreed by the General Assembly yesterday and at
the end of the first sentence add: "as an integral and fundamental part of the
Agenda".The second sentence should be replaced by: "We recognize that the AAAA
alongside the MOIs contained in SDG 17 and targets together comprise the full MOIs
necessary for the achievement of this agenda".
· In para 47, add at the end of the first sentence, "including the AAAA, as an integral and
fundamental part of the Agenda". Reinsert also “civil society and private sector”.
· Para 48, in the last sentence add before sustainable development "poverty eradication
(b) Separate MoI/GP section
· As said paragraphs 41 to 46 should be moved after paragraph 63.
· We support referring to the agenda's goals and targets dealing with MoI in para 60, but
we propose to make clear that these - together with the Addis outcome - constitute the
means of implementation of the agenda. Therefore we propose inserting a new third
sentence: "They, together with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, constitute the means of
implementation of the Agenda". In the first sentence of para 60, we propose replacing
"deal with the means required" which implies that they deal only with means, with "also
cover means of implementation".
· Paragraph 61 which duplicates para 40 could be deleted or at least made consistent with
our proposals on para 40.
· We think we still need a reference to the Global Partnership in paragraph 62 consistent
with para 10 of the AAAA, although we could streamline this paragraph in light of the
fact that the GP is described in the Declaration.
· In para 63 on the primary responsibility of each country, we propose to add some
language on the enabling environment as well as on the role of private sector. I have
read out yesterday our proposals when we discussed paragraph 38 that we now propose
to merge with this one: For all countries, public policies and the mobilization and
effective use of domestic resources, underscored by the principle of national ownership,
are central to our common pursuit of poverty eradication and sustainable development.
Sound social, environmental and economic policies, including the promotion of human
rights and gender equality, good governance and the rule of law are essential. We also
acknowledge the critical role of the national and international private sector and
innovative financing in mobilizing and implementing this agenda, including working in
partnership with the public sector."
· Para 41 (which in the proposed new structure would become paragraph 63bis) should
address international public finance and not only ODA. The first sentence should be
replaced with "International finance including Official Development Assistance remains
important in supporting poverty eradication and sustainable development in particular
for the poorest and most vulnerable countries with limited resources".
· International finance and ODA commitments stem from our fundamental values that
include solidarity. However, South South cooperation has a real value added and
providers of South-south cooperation should be recognized and applauded. Thus, the
following sentences, taken from the AAAA text, should be added in paragraph 41: "We
welcome the increased contributions of south-south cooperation to poverty eradication
and sustainable development and encourage developing countries to voluntarily step up
their efforts to strengthen south-south cooperation. We welcome continued efforts to
improve the quality, impact and effectiveness of development cooperation and other
international efforts in public finance, including adherence to agreed development
cooperation effectiveness principles" The sentences on the commitments of developed
countries, and on existing international processes should be deleted, since they duplicate
para 66.
· In para 43 (trade), in line with para 79 of the AAAA, only LDCs should be specifically
referenced with respect to trade-related capacity building.
· Para 44: as we argued yesterday, we should delete this paragraph. Alternatively, as a
minimum, we should replace "the role of family" with "the role of families in their various
· Para 45 should better match para 106 of the AAAA on systemic issues. We should add
new sentences: "We will continue to strengthen international coordination and policy
coherence to enhance global financial and macroeconomic stability. We underline the
importance of continuing to improve global economic governance." The current first
sentence should be deleted and replaced with the following language, based on the
AAAA: "We urge international financial institutions to continue their efforts to provide
more comprehensive and flexible financial responses to the needs of developing
countries. We also request them to continue to support developing countries in
developing new instruments for financial risk-management and capacity building." In the
final sentence, the list of country categories was not in the AAAA text and should be
· As a more general comment, in paragraphs 41, 43 and 45, the repetitive lists of country
categories are unhelpful and obscure what should be our primary focus, LDCs. We would
propose replacing the lists with the phrase "poorest and most vulnerable countries".
· Para 46 should reflect the balanced views set out in para 94 to 98 of the AAAA. Using the
AAAA text, we should add as a first sentence: "Borrowing is an important tool for
financing investment critical to achieving sustainable development." At the end of this
para, we should also add from the AAAA: "The monitoring and prudent management of
liabilities is an important element of comprehensive national financing strategies and is
critical to reducing vulnerabilities. Maintaining sustainable debt levels is the responsibility
of the borrowing countries; however we acknowledge that lenders also have a
responsibility to lend in a way that does not undermine a country's debt sustainability."
· Para 42 could be merged with para 64 addressing the broader role of STI in the
implementation of the agenda as well as the Technology Facilitation Mechanism, for
which we propose to say that it should be "centred on science, technology and
innovation". We also proposed to add at the end of the paragraph the following
sentence: "We task the UN to launch an operational process to define the working
modalities of the three elements of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism, ensuring the
participation of the relevant stakeholders".
· Para 66 should begin as per the AAAA (para 8), "We support the implementation of
relevant strategies and programmes of action, including the Istanbul Declaration and
Programme of Action…" and include the AAAA's reference to fragile and conflict
affected-states, "… Countries in conflict and post-conflict situations also need special
attention." The paragraph should end after middle-income countries.
· Para 67 should read, "We reiterate that this Agenda and the Sustainable Development
Goals and targets, including the means of implementation and the AAAA are universal,
indivisible and interlinked."