European Union
Post-2015 intergovernmental negotiations
- Joint session between FfD and Post-2015 processes -
21-24 April, New York
EU speaking points
The relationship between the FfD and post-2015 processes (global partnership and possible key deliverables and transformative ideas such as in relation to capacity building, infrastructure energy, social floors and agriculture, etc.)
Thursday, 23 April
delivered by
Mr. Gaspar Frontini,
Head of Unit – Policy and Coherence
DG DEVCO, European Commission
1. Implementing the ambitious post-2015 agenda presents a complex challenge but also a unique opportunity to make a difference together. We need strong political engagement and coordinated and coherent action by all countries and actors, at every level and across policy areas. If we want to make transformation happen we must change the way we work together – taking into account the new and evolving reality of the global economy.
In order to deliver such a far-reaching agenda, a new global partnership for poverty-eradication and sustainable development is needed. In our view, this global partnership should be based on the guiding principles of universality, comprehensiveness, integration, policy coherence at all levels, shared responsibility, mutual accountability, consideration of respective capabilities, and the adoption of a multi-stakeholder approach. The Addis outcome should be framed as the comprehensive MoI pillar of the post-2015 agenda, addressing in a balanced and integrated way the three dimensions of sustainable development and supporting the achievement of all SDGs. This is necessary for credibility, consistency and impact.
Different international events this year will lead to a global framework defining our collective priorities for years to come. The Addis outcome has a key contribution to make to the success of this global framework. Therefore, the Addis outcome needs to cover all MoI issues in a balanced and universal manner. Financial means of implementation, effective use of resources, good policies, enabling environment and other non-financial means of implementation need to be given equal weighting.
2. We thank the co-facilitators for sharing the four background notes. As mentioned earlier this week, we take note and are open to discuss the co-facilitators' view that the Addis Outcome should include specific actions in cross-cutting areas (such as infrastructure, energy, social floors, agriculture). which are critical to successfully achieving poverty eradication and sustainable development.
The four areas highlighted are examples of the many cross cutting issues that are key for poverty eradication and sustainable development. We also wish to underline the importance of the FfD framework for implementing the whole post-2015 agenda in a balanced way, identifying actions relevant to all SDGs and targets. Such an overarching approach should guide our work. We remain committed to integrated and coherent policy-making and action across all three dimensions of sustainable development so as to avoid working in siloes and making trade-offs between different objectives. That is why we need to effectively tackle the range of inter-related challenges identified in the SDGs