European Union
Meeting of the General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations - New York – 9-13 December 2013
European Union and its Member States - Speaking Points on “Means of implementa-tion/global partnership for achieving sustainable development"
9 December 2013
delivered by
Mr. Gustavo Martin Prada
Director, EU Development policy, European Commission
A shared universal vision will require a global partnership to achieve it. The EU and its Member States remain actively engaged in the discussions on how to build this partner-ship. We need to define what we want the world to achieve by 2030 and then further de-velop a global partnership that outlines how to support the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. In that regard, the Monterrey Financing for Development pro-cess is an essential reference. In doing so, we believe we should bear in mind three main elements:
First, a true partnership is one where all partners should assist in reaching shared goals. To be truly global, all parties, from the richest to the poorest countries, should take ownership of the universal agenda and commit to the necessary actions, also through en-couraging private entities to commit themselves and share goals. This would mirror the spirit of a universal development agenda, applicable to all.
Responsibilities should reflect the situation of each country. The EU and its Member States will continue to do their part, notably to support countries most in need, both by implementing policies that promote sustainable development both inside and outside the EU, policies that encourage private sector financial flows and prevent illicit flows and by providing official development assistance. But success will depend on each and every ac-tor putting all policy tools and available resources to work towards this shared vision.
Second, a global partnership should be comprehensive in its coverage, i.e. recogniz-ing the contribution of all types of instruments, from domestic and international pol-icies to public and private finance, science, technology and innovation, capacity–building and trade. It should integrate the three dimensions of sustainable development to foster synergies and achieve multiple objectives at the same time. It should also im-prove the effectiveness of all types of cooperation, including by ensuring implementation of the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation, which is taking action to put country ownership, results, transparency and inclusivity at the heart of our work to-gether. It should also recognize that, as one element of a comprehensive approach, innova-tive financing can complement other resources and has been widely recognized for its contribution to development. We are committed to working on innovative mechanisms for raising and utilizing resources to ensure predictable financing for sustainable development and to achieve the MDGs and other internationally agreed development objectives.
A domestic and international enabling environment is the foundation for successful im-plementation, and this can be ensured through coherent policies that set incentives also for the private sector (enabling business environment, good investment climate, robust eco-nomic institutions, etc.). Putting all financing to good and results oriented use is also es-sential. The intergovernmental Expert Committee on Sustainable Development Financing should provide the basis for further discussion. An effective global partnership should en-sure that all implementing tools work together in a way that fits national contexts.
Science, technology and innovation are essential enablers and drivers of sustainable de-velopment in all its three dimensions. They are vital to empower developing countries' economies and societies to lift themselves out of poverty, playing a key role in contrib-uting to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Research and innovation, together with other means of implementation, such as capacity building, will have to be integrated as important elements of the post 2015 development agenda. In this perspective, science and technology-related discussions will have to be framed in a broader innovation agenda in which global challenges are addressed in a sys-temic fashion.
Third, a true partnership should ensure mutual accountability through transparen-cy, both at national level and at international level. A strong monitoring framework that covers both domestic and international actions is vital for a strong partnership. In-creasing data availability at country level is of primary importance in this regard.
As we move towards the post-2015 era, we consider a global partnership crucial. This partnership must be fit for purpose and be able to reflect what will be set in the post-2015 development agenda.
United Nations - New York – 9-13 December 2013
European Union and its Member States - Speaking Points on “Means of implementa-tion/global partnership for achieving sustainable development"
9 December 2013
delivered by
Mr. Gustavo Martin Prada
Director, EU Development policy, European Commission
A shared universal vision will require a global partnership to achieve it. The EU and its Member States remain actively engaged in the discussions on how to build this partner-ship. We need to define what we want the world to achieve by 2030 and then further de-velop a global partnership that outlines how to support the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda. In that regard, the Monterrey Financing for Development pro-cess is an essential reference. In doing so, we believe we should bear in mind three main elements:
First, a true partnership is one where all partners should assist in reaching shared goals. To be truly global, all parties, from the richest to the poorest countries, should take ownership of the universal agenda and commit to the necessary actions, also through en-couraging private entities to commit themselves and share goals. This would mirror the spirit of a universal development agenda, applicable to all.
Responsibilities should reflect the situation of each country. The EU and its Member States will continue to do their part, notably to support countries most in need, both by implementing policies that promote sustainable development both inside and outside the EU, policies that encourage private sector financial flows and prevent illicit flows and by providing official development assistance. But success will depend on each and every ac-tor putting all policy tools and available resources to work towards this shared vision.
Second, a global partnership should be comprehensive in its coverage, i.e. recogniz-ing the contribution of all types of instruments, from domestic and international pol-icies to public and private finance, science, technology and innovation, capacity–building and trade. It should integrate the three dimensions of sustainable development to foster synergies and achieve multiple objectives at the same time. It should also im-prove the effectiveness of all types of cooperation, including by ensuring implementation of the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation, which is taking action to put country ownership, results, transparency and inclusivity at the heart of our work to-gether. It should also recognize that, as one element of a comprehensive approach, innova-tive financing can complement other resources and has been widely recognized for its contribution to development. We are committed to working on innovative mechanisms for raising and utilizing resources to ensure predictable financing for sustainable development and to achieve the MDGs and other internationally agreed development objectives.
A domestic and international enabling environment is the foundation for successful im-plementation, and this can be ensured through coherent policies that set incentives also for the private sector (enabling business environment, good investment climate, robust eco-nomic institutions, etc.). Putting all financing to good and results oriented use is also es-sential. The intergovernmental Expert Committee on Sustainable Development Financing should provide the basis for further discussion. An effective global partnership should en-sure that all implementing tools work together in a way that fits national contexts.
Science, technology and innovation are essential enablers and drivers of sustainable de-velopment in all its three dimensions. They are vital to empower developing countries' economies and societies to lift themselves out of poverty, playing a key role in contrib-uting to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Research and innovation, together with other means of implementation, such as capacity building, will have to be integrated as important elements of the post 2015 development agenda. In this perspective, science and technology-related discussions will have to be framed in a broader innovation agenda in which global challenges are addressed in a sys-temic fashion.
Third, a true partnership should ensure mutual accountability through transparen-cy, both at national level and at international level. A strong monitoring framework that covers both domestic and international actions is vital for a strong partnership. In-creasing data availability at country level is of primary importance in this regard.
As we move towards the post-2015 era, we consider a global partnership crucial. This partnership must be fit for purpose and be able to reflect what will be set in the post-2015 development agenda.