European Union
Water, 02/03/2005 4iv1 conference room 3
1. Strengthening monitoring and evaluation programmes
? A proper follow up of CSD 13 should ensure implementation and monitoring of the CSD
13 themes of water, sanitation and human settlements between CSD 13 and the overall
review in 2016. The EU believes that monitoring, reporting and assessment mechanisms
at the national, regional and global level should be strengthened, in order to keep track of
progress in meeting the targets and the delivery on JpoI commitments.
? As such, CSD 13 should adopt necessary mechanisms to ensure the follow-up and
monitoring, based, as far as possible, on existing processes and initiatives. Also, a better
understanding of the respective scopes of intervention of global water fora, organisations,
and coordination bodies is needed.
? At the national and regional level, countries should be supported to develop their
monitoring capacity and reporting processes in order to improve reliable data collection,
crucial for implementation. Capacity building focussing on local authorities in this
respect is essential.
? The CSD secretariat will have to continue its role in providing a comprehensive overview
and stocktaking of implementation of all CSD13 issues, their interlinkages as well as
cross-sectoral issues as part of the Secretary General's report to the review year of
respective implementation cycles. These efforts should be aligned with the monitoring of
the MDGs.
? At global level, the roles of UN WATER, including the Joint Monitoring Programme
(JMP) and the World Water Assessment Programme, should be strengthened with a view
to enabling them to carry out comprehensive reporting and monitoring, also bearing in
mind the mandate of the UN Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation. The reports from
UN WATER should provide the basis for intergovernmental consultations and
stocktaking. For Human Settlements, the leading role of UN HABITAT needs to be
2. Securing finances for water-related investments
Countries should prioritize and include water as an integral part of their National
Strategies for Sustainable Development and of PRSPs.
Strengthening sector efficiency is similarly important. Sector Investment
Programmes and financing strategies for water need to be developed as part of
national action plans, with a view to meeting the MDGs and JPoI objectives. To
be able to deliver, such programmes need to be reflected in PRS's and national
? The economic, social and environmental impacts of inadequate provision of
clean drinking water, sanitation and affordable housing are highly significant but
remain to be quantified. Consequently, these costs of inaction in terms of loss of
lives, bad health, reduced productivity or clean up costs of water pollution are
rarely properly internalised. The cost for providing adequate services may
actually be low in comparison with the poor already pay directly for health
services or indirectly in terms of missed working hours or lost education
opportunities resulting from inadequate services. The economic impacts of
inaction need to be quantified and highlighted and explicitly expressed in
national development policies, in order to ensure a higher priority of these basics,
in particular sanitation in national and local development planning.
Domestic funding should be stimulated i.a. by basing funding upon Sector
Investment Programmes and financing strategies for water, by ensuring
`sustainable cost recovery' through e.g. appropriate tariff structures, by fostering
the development of local private operators and entrepreneurs as well as by setting
up revolving funds, local capital markets or micro-credit mechanisms for
domestic investments. Cost recovery systems and user charges should not,
however, be a barrier to poor peoples' access to safe drinking water and basic
Implementation of the Monterrey consensus, taking due account of HIPC issue,
remains crucial both for increasing and improving efficiency of donor funding.
Improving donor co-ordination through a lead country approach should be
promoted where appropriate. Increasing catalytic and leverage effect of ODA
through existing and innovative funding mechanisms and simplifying ODA
allocation should be considered.
Public and private investments and access to local capital markets should be
encouraged by developing enabling environment for investments. Developing
and making accessible credit guarantees and risk mitigation mechanisms and
developing mechanisms such as blended finance options, investment planning,
transparent procurement processes and best practice networks, to encourage
private sector engagement and investment are also needed. The stimulation of
investment should also be focused on the areas of greater need and in particular
Africa. Partnerships combining public and private funding with a view to
achieving the MDGs and JPoI objectives should be encouraged.
1. Strengthening monitoring and evaluation programmes
? A proper follow up of CSD 13 should ensure implementation and monitoring of the CSD
13 themes of water, sanitation and human settlements between CSD 13 and the overall
review in 2016. The EU believes that monitoring, reporting and assessment mechanisms
at the national, regional and global level should be strengthened, in order to keep track of
progress in meeting the targets and the delivery on JpoI commitments.
? As such, CSD 13 should adopt necessary mechanisms to ensure the follow-up and
monitoring, based, as far as possible, on existing processes and initiatives. Also, a better
understanding of the respective scopes of intervention of global water fora, organisations,
and coordination bodies is needed.
? At the national and regional level, countries should be supported to develop their
monitoring capacity and reporting processes in order to improve reliable data collection,
crucial for implementation. Capacity building focussing on local authorities in this
respect is essential.
? The CSD secretariat will have to continue its role in providing a comprehensive overview
and stocktaking of implementation of all CSD13 issues, their interlinkages as well as
cross-sectoral issues as part of the Secretary General's report to the review year of
respective implementation cycles. These efforts should be aligned with the monitoring of
the MDGs.
? At global level, the roles of UN WATER, including the Joint Monitoring Programme
(JMP) and the World Water Assessment Programme, should be strengthened with a view
to enabling them to carry out comprehensive reporting and monitoring, also bearing in
mind the mandate of the UN Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation. The reports from
UN WATER should provide the basis for intergovernmental consultations and
stocktaking. For Human Settlements, the leading role of UN HABITAT needs to be
2. Securing finances for water-related investments
Countries should prioritize and include water as an integral part of their National
Strategies for Sustainable Development and of PRSPs.
Strengthening sector efficiency is similarly important. Sector Investment
Programmes and financing strategies for water need to be developed as part of
national action plans, with a view to meeting the MDGs and JPoI objectives. To
be able to deliver, such programmes need to be reflected in PRS's and national
? The economic, social and environmental impacts of inadequate provision of
clean drinking water, sanitation and affordable housing are highly significant but
remain to be quantified. Consequently, these costs of inaction in terms of loss of
lives, bad health, reduced productivity or clean up costs of water pollution are
rarely properly internalised. The cost for providing adequate services may
actually be low in comparison with the poor already pay directly for health
services or indirectly in terms of missed working hours or lost education
opportunities resulting from inadequate services. The economic impacts of
inaction need to be quantified and highlighted and explicitly expressed in
national development policies, in order to ensure a higher priority of these basics,
in particular sanitation in national and local development planning.
Domestic funding should be stimulated i.a. by basing funding upon Sector
Investment Programmes and financing strategies for water, by ensuring
`sustainable cost recovery' through e.g. appropriate tariff structures, by fostering
the development of local private operators and entrepreneurs as well as by setting
up revolving funds, local capital markets or micro-credit mechanisms for
domestic investments. Cost recovery systems and user charges should not,
however, be a barrier to poor peoples' access to safe drinking water and basic
Implementation of the Monterrey consensus, taking due account of HIPC issue,
remains crucial both for increasing and improving efficiency of donor funding.
Improving donor co-ordination through a lead country approach should be
promoted where appropriate. Increasing catalytic and leverage effect of ODA
through existing and innovative funding mechanisms and simplifying ODA
allocation should be considered.
Public and private investments and access to local capital markets should be
encouraged by developing enabling environment for investments. Developing
and making accessible credit guarantees and risk mitigation mechanisms and
developing mechanisms such as blended finance options, investment planning,
transparent procurement processes and best practice networks, to encourage
private sector engagement and investment are also needed. The stimulation of
investment should also be focused on the areas of greater need and in particular
Africa. Partnerships combining public and private funding with a view to
achieving the MDGs and JPoI objectives should be encouraged.