Intervention by Mrs. Fortuna Dibaco, representative of Ethiopia at 11th Session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG-SDG 11): May 5 – 9, 2014
Focus Area 7 and 8: Economic Growth, infrastructure, and Energy
Mr. Co-chair, I wish to make this intervention on the Focus areas 7, 8. On Focus Area 7: We believe that energy is a key enabler of sustainable development for all countries. It is vital for alleviating poverty and a precondition for investments that bring economic growth and social development.
We reiterate our support for a goal focusing access to affordable, sustainable, and reliable modern energy for all. We also believe that the five targets in the working document are relevant to both developed and developing countries.
In addition, to those targets for this focus area we propose the following target:-
• Enhance expansion of infrastructure for supply, transmission and distribution of modern and renewable energy services.
On focus area 8, we support targets (a, b, c, e, f, g, h, j) and in addition to those3 we propose the inclusion of the following:
• Attain economic growth of at least 10% per annum in low income countries.
We would like to propose the following means of implementation under this focus area
• promote the use of TRIPS flexibilities in relation to encouraging the use of environmentally sound energy technologies
• enhance international cooperation, including the provision of financial resources, building and technology transfer to developing countries to support their efforts towards universal energy access
• allow greater access by developing countries to affordable access to clean energy technology,
I thank you.
Focus Area 7 and 8: Economic Growth, infrastructure, and Energy
Mr. Co-chair, I wish to make this intervention on the Focus areas 7, 8. On Focus Area 7: We believe that energy is a key enabler of sustainable development for all countries. It is vital for alleviating poverty and a precondition for investments that bring economic growth and social development.
We reiterate our support for a goal focusing access to affordable, sustainable, and reliable modern energy for all. We also believe that the five targets in the working document are relevant to both developed and developing countries.
In addition, to those targets for this focus area we propose the following target:-
• Enhance expansion of infrastructure for supply, transmission and distribution of modern and renewable energy services.
On focus area 8, we support targets (a, b, c, e, f, g, h, j) and in addition to those3 we propose the inclusion of the following:
• Attain economic growth of at least 10% per annum in low income countries.
We would like to propose the following means of implementation under this focus area
• promote the use of TRIPS flexibilities in relation to encouraging the use of environmentally sound energy technologies
• enhance international cooperation, including the provision of financial resources, building and technology transfer to developing countries to support their efforts towards universal energy access
• allow greater access by developing countries to affordable access to clean energy technology,
I thank you.