Mr. Co-Chair,
Ethiopia would like to appreciate the co-chairs effort for incorporating the comments raised during the ninth session in the revised non-paper on 19 Focus Areas. We also believe that the identification of the interlinkages and clustering focus areas will be helpful to facilitate the discussion on crafting possible Sustainable Development Goals and targets. We welcome the Co-Chairs’ inclusion of major priority areas that must be part of the SDGs, including those unfinished agenda of the MDGs. We would like to associate our self with the statements delivered by the Permanent Representatives of Bolivia, Benin, Zambia and Guinea Bissau on behalf of the G77 and China, LDCs, LLDCs and the African Group respectively.
We have strong conviction that eradicating poverty should be a standalone goal in the formulation of SDGs. It should be addressed also as a cross cutting objective in other related goals. Eradicating extreme poverty in a generation is an ambitious but achievable goal. To ensure progress is measurable and monitored, it will be important to have quantified targets .In this regard we propose goal and targets as follows:-
Goal 1: 1. Eradicate poverty in all its forms
Eliminate absolute poverty by 2030;
Provide social protection to reduce vulnerabilities of the poor, including children, youth, unemployed and persons with disabilities;
Build resilience and reduce deaths from natural disasters by some amount of percentage;
Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people;
Increase Investments in rural infrastructure, including roads, storage, and processing facilities;
Achieve rapid, sustained and inclusive economic growth at least at 10 per cent per annum for least developed countries;
creating resilient economies and minimizing income and wealth disparities at all level; Ensure access of all, women and men, to financial services and markets; Ensure adequate and predictable financing and technical assistance ; In conclusion, Mr. Co-chair, as we develop universal SDGs, Ethiopia reiterates the importance of taking into consideration the needs of countries in special situations (such as African countries, Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Islands Developing States (SIDS)), the principle of national ownership, as well as different national realities, capacities, and levels of development.
I thank you!
Mr. Co-Chair,
Ethiopia would like to appreciate the co-chairs effort for incorporating the comments raised during the ninth session in the revised non-paper on 19 Focus Areas. We also believe that the identification of the interlinkages and clustering focus areas will be helpful to facilitate the discussion on crafting possible Sustainable Development Goals and targets. We welcome the Co-Chairs’ inclusion of major priority areas that must be part of the SDGs, including those unfinished agenda of the MDGs. We would like to associate our self with the statements delivered by the Permanent Representatives of Bolivia, Benin, Zambia and Guinea Bissau on behalf of the G77 and China, LDCs, LLDCs and the African Group respectively.
We have strong conviction that eradicating poverty should be a standalone goal in the formulation of SDGs. It should be addressed also as a cross cutting objective in other related goals. Eradicating extreme poverty in a generation is an ambitious but achievable goal. To ensure progress is measurable and monitored, it will be important to have quantified targets .In this regard we propose goal and targets as follows:-
Goal 1: 1. Eradicate poverty in all its forms
Eliminate absolute poverty by 2030;
Provide social protection to reduce vulnerabilities of the poor, including children, youth, unemployed and persons with disabilities;
Build resilience and reduce deaths from natural disasters by some amount of percentage;
Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people;
Increase Investments in rural infrastructure, including roads, storage, and processing facilities;
Achieve rapid, sustained and inclusive economic growth at least at 10 per cent per annum for least developed countries;
creating resilient economies and minimizing income and wealth disparities at all level; Ensure access of all, women and men, to financial services and markets; Ensure adequate and predictable financing and technical assistance ; In conclusion, Mr. Co-chair, as we develop universal SDGs, Ethiopia reiterates the importance of taking into consideration the needs of countries in special situations (such as African countries, Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and Small Islands Developing States (SIDS)), the principle of national ownership, as well as different national realities, capacities, and levels of development.
I thank you!