Working Document for 5 – 9 May Session of Open Working Group
Focus area 1. Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
a) eradicate extreme poverty by 2030
b) reduce the proportion of people living below national poverty lines by 2030
c) Pursue sustained and inclusive economic growth as a key enabler for achieving poverty eradication
d) by 2030 implement nationally appropriate social protection measures including floors , with focus on coverage of the most marginalizedpoor and those in vulnerable situations
e) build resilience of the poor and reduce by x% deaths and economic losses related to disasters
f) achieve full and productive employment for all, including women and young people
g) ensure equality of economic opportunity for all women and men , including secure rights to own land, property and other productive assets and access to productive resources and financial services for all women and men
Related Means of Implementation:
- Ensure predictable and adequate international financing for developing countries requiring assistance to implement poverty reduction policies and programmes, including the fulfillment of the commitments by developed countries to provide 0.7 per cent of gross national income (GNI) for official development assistance (ODA) for developing countries, as well as a target of 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance to the least developed countries
- The UN, its agencies and other international organisations to establish mechanisms to “address the root causes and challenges of poverty through integrated, coordinated and coherent strategies at all levels” (Rio20, P106);
- The UN and other international organisations as well as developed countries in their national policies to establish policies and strategies that create or enhance “an enabling environment aimed at expanding the development opportunities of developing countries” (in line with Rio20, P106).
- To ensure that adequate policy space is given to developing countries by International organisations and rules to enable developing countries to establish and implement their policies in favour of poverty eradication and interests of the poor.
- Ensure that global trade and investment rules are designed and implemented with the objective of addressing pro-actively the specific constraints faced by developing countries, including the effective operationalisation of the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, especially those facing increasing marginalization in the globalising world economy.”
- Ensure debt sustainability
Focus area 2. Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
End hunger and improve nutrition for all through sustainable agriculture and improved food systems
a) all people have access to adequate (safe, affordable, diverse and nutritious) food all year round in accordance with the right to food
b) end malnutrition in all its forms, notably stunting and wasting in children under five years of age
c) by 2030 ensure sustainable food production systems with high yields, and reduce intensity of use of water by at least x%, chemicals by at least y%, and energy by at least z%, with international financial and technological support to developing countries
d) by 2030 achieve access to adequate inputs, knowledge, productive resources, financial services and markets for small farmers and fishers, with a particular focus on women, youth and indigenous peoples
e) reduce the global rate of food loss and waste along the food supply chain by 50 percent by 2030
e)f) reduce the global rate of food waste due to unsustainable life styles by 50% by 2030
f)g) all countries have in place sustainable land-use policies by 2020, and all drought-prone countries develop and implement drought preparedness policies by 2020
g)h) achieve climate-smart agricultureimplement sustainable agricultural practices that is resilient and adaptable to extreme weather including drought, climate change and natural disasters
i) achieve by 2030 protection of agricultural biodiversity, including through use of the practices and local knowledge related to agro-biodiversity and diversity of food
j) Ensure the Agricultural research, with emphasis placed on research development, knowledge sharing and management and technology dissemination and adoption;
k) Increase market access for agricultural products from developing countries by 2030
l) Ensure an equitable multilateral trade system that promote rural development and food security;
Appropriate means of implementation
- Ensure public financing and transfer of appropriate technology by developed countries which is needed for the adoption of sustainable agriculture and to put in place the required infrastructure, communications and other enabling conditions. (G77 statement at OWG agriculture session, Para 18)
- Ensure developing countries obtain adequate international support through finance and technology as well as institution building and capacity building, in implementing national level SDGs on rural development and agriculture
- Increase the scale of the work to promote sustainable agriculture practices by the Rome-based UN agencies (FAO, WFP, IFAD); this should include technical support to enable countries to transition to and prioritize sustainable agriculture, and appropriate policy advice that supports its implementation
- Regulate commodity markets to curb speculation and address food price volatility
- Introduce effective international and national regulation over the operation of commodity markets to address food price volatility and speculative activities (Such regulation should address the root causes of excessive food price volatility, including its structural causes, as emphasized in Para 116 of The Future We Want)
- Manage the risks linked to high and excessively volatile prices and their consequences for global food security and nutrition, as well as for smallholder farmers and poor urban dwellers (Rio20, P116)
- Phasing out of agricultural subsidies in developed countries
- Eliminate by 20xx all export subsidies in developed countries (in line with WTO Hong Kong Declaration 2005, which agreed on an elimination target year of 2013)
- Substantially and effectively phase out trade distorting subsidies in developed countries by x% by 20xx (in line with WTO Doha Declaration 2001) (Reference: Para 118 of The Future We Want)
- Establish concrete measures and rules to put into effect the principle that developing countries be enabled to promote food security, farmers livelihoods and rural development in the multilateral trade rules, as well as in other trade agreements
- Reaffirm the prime importance of food security in developing countries (Rio+20 para 108) and that trade rules and negotiations have to recognise and respect this priority, as well as to promote the livelihoods and incomes of small farmers in developing countries
- Increase in international funding including aid to agriculture, particularly sustainable agriculture, in developing countries
- Increase international funding for developing countries to develop their agriculture production in a sustainable way and to improve their food security situation (Para 110-113 of The Future We Want)
- Provide developing countries adequate policy space, including in conditions for loans and aid, to support their agriculture sector and their farmers through various measures such as credit, marketing, storage, processing, provision of agricultural inputs, land reform and land improvement measures, and measures to make agriculture more sustainable through improved sustainable agriculture methods
- Avoid rules that create barriers to small farmers’ access and use of seeds and other agricultural inputs, for example the patenting by international companies of seeds or genetic resources that originate in developing countries.
Focus area 1. Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
a) eradicate extreme poverty by 2030
b) reduce the proportion of people living below national poverty lines by 2030
c) Pursue sustained and inclusive economic growth as a key enabler for achieving poverty eradication
d) by 2030 implement nationally appropriate social protection measures including floors , with focus on coverage of the most marginalizedpoor and those in vulnerable situations
e) build resilience of the poor and reduce by x% deaths and economic losses related to disasters
f) achieve full and productive employment for all, including women and young people
g) ensure equality of economic opportunity for all women and men , including secure rights to own land, property and other productive assets and access to productive resources and financial services for all women and men
Related Means of Implementation:
- Ensure predictable and adequate international financing for developing countries requiring assistance to implement poverty reduction policies and programmes, including the fulfillment of the commitments by developed countries to provide 0.7 per cent of gross national income (GNI) for official development assistance (ODA) for developing countries, as well as a target of 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance to the least developed countries
- The UN, its agencies and other international organisations to establish mechanisms to “address the root causes and challenges of poverty through integrated, coordinated and coherent strategies at all levels” (Rio20, P106);
- The UN and other international organisations as well as developed countries in their national policies to establish policies and strategies that create or enhance “an enabling environment aimed at expanding the development opportunities of developing countries” (in line with Rio20, P106).
- To ensure that adequate policy space is given to developing countries by International organisations and rules to enable developing countries to establish and implement their policies in favour of poverty eradication and interests of the poor.
- Ensure that global trade and investment rules are designed and implemented with the objective of addressing pro-actively the specific constraints faced by developing countries, including the effective operationalisation of the principle of special and differential treatment for developing countries, especially those facing increasing marginalization in the globalising world economy.”
- Ensure debt sustainability
Focus area 2. Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
End hunger and improve nutrition for all through sustainable agriculture and improved food systems
a) all people have access to adequate (safe, affordable, diverse and nutritious) food all year round in accordance with the right to food
b) end malnutrition in all its forms, notably stunting and wasting in children under five years of age
c) by 2030 ensure sustainable food production systems with high yields, and reduce intensity of use of water by at least x%, chemicals by at least y%, and energy by at least z%, with international financial and technological support to developing countries
d) by 2030 achieve access to adequate inputs, knowledge, productive resources, financial services and markets for small farmers and fishers, with a particular focus on women, youth and indigenous peoples
e) reduce the global rate of food loss and waste along the food supply chain by 50 percent by 2030
e)f) reduce the global rate of food waste due to unsustainable life styles by 50% by 2030
f)g) all countries have in place sustainable land-use policies by 2020, and all drought-prone countries develop and implement drought preparedness policies by 2020
g)h) achieve climate-smart agricultureimplement sustainable agricultural practices that is resilient and adaptable to extreme weather including drought, climate change and natural disasters
i) achieve by 2030 protection of agricultural biodiversity, including through use of the practices and local knowledge related to agro-biodiversity and diversity of food
j) Ensure the Agricultural research, with emphasis placed on research development, knowledge sharing and management and technology dissemination and adoption;
k) Increase market access for agricultural products from developing countries by 2030
l) Ensure an equitable multilateral trade system that promote rural development and food security;
Appropriate means of implementation
- Ensure public financing and transfer of appropriate technology by developed countries which is needed for the adoption of sustainable agriculture and to put in place the required infrastructure, communications and other enabling conditions. (G77 statement at OWG agriculture session, Para 18)
- Ensure developing countries obtain adequate international support through finance and technology as well as institution building and capacity building, in implementing national level SDGs on rural development and agriculture
- Increase the scale of the work to promote sustainable agriculture practices by the Rome-based UN agencies (FAO, WFP, IFAD); this should include technical support to enable countries to transition to and prioritize sustainable agriculture, and appropriate policy advice that supports its implementation
- Regulate commodity markets to curb speculation and address food price volatility
- Introduce effective international and national regulation over the operation of commodity markets to address food price volatility and speculative activities (Such regulation should address the root causes of excessive food price volatility, including its structural causes, as emphasized in Para 116 of The Future We Want)
- Manage the risks linked to high and excessively volatile prices and their consequences for global food security and nutrition, as well as for smallholder farmers and poor urban dwellers (Rio20, P116)
- Phasing out of agricultural subsidies in developed countries
- Eliminate by 20xx all export subsidies in developed countries (in line with WTO Hong Kong Declaration 2005, which agreed on an elimination target year of 2013)
- Substantially and effectively phase out trade distorting subsidies in developed countries by x% by 20xx (in line with WTO Doha Declaration 2001) (Reference: Para 118 of The Future We Want)
- Establish concrete measures and rules to put into effect the principle that developing countries be enabled to promote food security, farmers livelihoods and rural development in the multilateral trade rules, as well as in other trade agreements
- Reaffirm the prime importance of food security in developing countries (Rio+20 para 108) and that trade rules and negotiations have to recognise and respect this priority, as well as to promote the livelihoods and incomes of small farmers in developing countries
- Increase in international funding including aid to agriculture, particularly sustainable agriculture, in developing countries
- Increase international funding for developing countries to develop their agriculture production in a sustainable way and to improve their food security situation (Para 110-113 of The Future We Want)
- Provide developing countries adequate policy space, including in conditions for loans and aid, to support their agriculture sector and their farmers through various measures such as credit, marketing, storage, processing, provision of agricultural inputs, land reform and land improvement measures, and measures to make agriculture more sustainable through improved sustainable agriculture methods
- Avoid rules that create barriers to small farmers’ access and use of seeds and other agricultural inputs, for example the patenting by international companies of seeds or genetic resources that originate in developing countries.