Denmark, Ireland and Norway
OWG 11 comments from Ireland, Denmark and Norway on Focus area 2, Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
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• Under Focus Area 2, we call for a goal to End hunger, ensure food and nutrition security for all and build sustainable agriculture systems.
• The current wording suggests that ending hunger and improving nutrition for all can be achieved through sustainable agriculture only. This is not the case and we must include other determinants of food and nutrition security outside of agriculture.
• We recognise that sustainable agriculture is vital for other development outcomes outside of food and nutrition security, including sustainable natural resource and ecosystem management, climate change mitigation and adaption and reducing income poverty.
• We also feel that the text needs to better reflect the significant role that sea-food plays in global food and nutrition security, as a source of food and nutrients, and the importance of Biodiversity.
• We support each of the targets listed under this focus area. However, there is scope for some improvement in terms of clarity and focus.
• Targets which should be prioritised to secure food and nutrition security are (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) whilst (f), (g) and (h) are particularly important for sustainable and climate-smart food systems.
• On target (a), we would like to emphasise the importance of the right to adequate food.
• In addition to the forms of under-nutrition already mentioned under Target (B) and underscoring the universal nature of the post 2015 framework, we feel it is important that this framework also addresses under-nutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and over-nutrition. This will further incorporate and build on the global nutrition targets agreed by the World Health Assembly.
• With regard to Target (c) on sustainable food production systems, it is important that the approach is not only yield focused; it is important that these systems become more productive, sustainable, and efficient and that they avoid adverse environmental impacts while producing more nutritious and more diverse foods.
• We suggest that reducing water, chemical and energy use in food production may be better reflected at indicator level under this target, or as indicators under targets on water use or energy efficiency under focus areas 6 and 7. We draw attention also to the close links between Target (c) and Target (g).
• Target (d) should emphasise that all small farmers and fishers, especially women and indigenous peoples, have secure access to adequate inputs, knowledge, productive resources, markets, and financial services, to increase their productivity sustainably and increase their income and resilience.
• Target (e) on food loss and waste should place more emphasis on food waste by consumers and retailers.
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• Under Focus Area 2, we call for a goal to End hunger, ensure food and nutrition security for all and build sustainable agriculture systems.
• The current wording suggests that ending hunger and improving nutrition for all can be achieved through sustainable agriculture only. This is not the case and we must include other determinants of food and nutrition security outside of agriculture.
• We recognise that sustainable agriculture is vital for other development outcomes outside of food and nutrition security, including sustainable natural resource and ecosystem management, climate change mitigation and adaption and reducing income poverty.
• We also feel that the text needs to better reflect the significant role that sea-food plays in global food and nutrition security, as a source of food and nutrients, and the importance of Biodiversity.
• We support each of the targets listed under this focus area. However, there is scope for some improvement in terms of clarity and focus.
• Targets which should be prioritised to secure food and nutrition security are (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) whilst (f), (g) and (h) are particularly important for sustainable and climate-smart food systems.
• On target (a), we would like to emphasise the importance of the right to adequate food.
• In addition to the forms of under-nutrition already mentioned under Target (B) and underscoring the universal nature of the post 2015 framework, we feel it is important that this framework also addresses under-nutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and over-nutrition. This will further incorporate and build on the global nutrition targets agreed by the World Health Assembly.
• With regard to Target (c) on sustainable food production systems, it is important that the approach is not only yield focused; it is important that these systems become more productive, sustainable, and efficient and that they avoid adverse environmental impacts while producing more nutritious and more diverse foods.
• We suggest that reducing water, chemical and energy use in food production may be better reflected at indicator level under this target, or as indicators under targets on water use or energy efficiency under focus areas 6 and 7. We draw attention also to the close links between Target (c) and Target (g).
• Target (d) should emphasise that all small farmers and fishers, especially women and indigenous peoples, have secure access to adequate inputs, knowledge, productive resources, markets, and financial services, to increase their productivity sustainably and increase their income and resilience.
• Target (e) on food loss and waste should place more emphasis on food waste by consumers and retailers.