Denmark, Ireland and Norway
OWG 11 Comments from Ireland, Denmark and Norway on Focus area 1, Poverty eradication, building shared prosperity and promoting equality
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• Under Focus Area 1, we support a headline goal on poverty and equality and support the eradication of extreme poverty by 2030.
• Targets developed under Poverty Eradication and all other focus areas should build upon the standards and principles of human rights
• A poverty goal should address both the multi-dimensional character of poverty and the importance of reducing inequality by the incorporation of the dimension of inequality across all Focus Areas.
• To ensure the completion of the unfinished work of the MDG’s, that no one is left behind and that this Post 2015 Framework achieves extreme poverty eradication, it is vital that the Framework prioritizes actions and measurements to reduce the disparity between the existing performance of the poorest quintile and aggregate performance against all relevant goals.
• Where targets seek progress ‘for all’, we support the equality objective which is captured in this aim, but stress the need for all policies and their implementation and measurement to have poverty eradication as a measured objective.
• We support a focus on universality and reducing inequalities and believe target b) takes us in that direction.
• The measurement of poverty however must go beyond a measurement of income which in itself inadequate. Targets (a) and (b) must therefore be accompanied by effective indicators relevant to the poorest.
• We support having specific targets on both social protection and on employment.
• All people rely on natural resources and their ecosystem services for their livelihoods. To make sure that poverty is eradicated in an irreversible manner, strategies for economic growth must be both inclusive and sustainable.
• Good and Inclusive Governance is essential in all spheres for achieving poverty eradication. We propose a target on including the poor and marginalized in decision making processes to support this aim.
• Target (f) could be improved by referencing equal rights to own and inherit land, property and other productive resources and assets.
Check against delivery
• Under Focus Area 1, we support a headline goal on poverty and equality and support the eradication of extreme poverty by 2030.
• Targets developed under Poverty Eradication and all other focus areas should build upon the standards and principles of human rights
• A poverty goal should address both the multi-dimensional character of poverty and the importance of reducing inequality by the incorporation of the dimension of inequality across all Focus Areas.
• To ensure the completion of the unfinished work of the MDG’s, that no one is left behind and that this Post 2015 Framework achieves extreme poverty eradication, it is vital that the Framework prioritizes actions and measurements to reduce the disparity between the existing performance of the poorest quintile and aggregate performance against all relevant goals.
• Where targets seek progress ‘for all’, we support the equality objective which is captured in this aim, but stress the need for all policies and their implementation and measurement to have poverty eradication as a measured objective.
• We support a focus on universality and reducing inequalities and believe target b) takes us in that direction.
• The measurement of poverty however must go beyond a measurement of income which in itself inadequate. Targets (a) and (b) must therefore be accompanied by effective indicators relevant to the poorest.
• We support having specific targets on both social protection and on employment.
• All people rely on natural resources and their ecosystem services for their livelihoods. To make sure that poverty is eradicated in an irreversible manner, strategies for economic growth must be both inclusive and sustainable.
• Good and Inclusive Governance is essential in all spheres for achieving poverty eradication. We propose a target on including the poor and marginalized in decision making processes to support this aim.
• Target (f) could be improved by referencing equal rights to own and inherit land, property and other productive resources and assets.