Denmark, Ireland and Norway
OWG 11 – Comments by Norway, Denmark and Ireland on FA 13:
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources, Oceans and Seas
Check against delivery
Healthy, productive and resilient oceans are critical for sustainable development, poverty eradication, livelihoods, food and nutrition security and biodiversity. Most of the key issues to achieve this are captured under this focus area, and need to be included in the SDG framework. We are still considering how best to reflect this topic at the goal level, (and that also goes for FA 14), but we have the following specific comments on the targets:
• We support targets a) and b) as well as e), and g).
• We also support a target focussing on restoring fish stocks to ecologically safe levels, as captured in c).
• In addition to the necessity of clear language on sustainable use of marine resources, we would also suggest a reference to the importance of sustainable aquaculture, as the latter is where the main growth in marine food production will come.
• We strongly support target d), but the language needs to be refined. It can now read ...develop full implementation... which makes little sense. What we want is to ensure full implementation.
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources, Oceans and Seas
Check against delivery
Healthy, productive and resilient oceans are critical for sustainable development, poverty eradication, livelihoods, food and nutrition security and biodiversity. Most of the key issues to achieve this are captured under this focus area, and need to be included in the SDG framework. We are still considering how best to reflect this topic at the goal level, (and that also goes for FA 14), but we have the following specific comments on the targets:
• We support targets a) and b) as well as e), and g).
• We also support a target focussing on restoring fish stocks to ecologically safe levels, as captured in c).
• In addition to the necessity of clear language on sustainable use of marine resources, we would also suggest a reference to the importance of sustainable aquaculture, as the latter is where the main growth in marine food production will come.
• We strongly support target d), but the language needs to be refined. It can now read ...develop full implementation... which makes little sense. What we want is to ensure full implementation.